<p>Le ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) est essentiel au développement économique et social de la province, en soutenant divers secteurs tels que la production agricole, la transformation alimentaire et le développement des pêcheries. Grâce à des programmes de subventions et de financements, le MAPAQ encourage l'innovation, la compétitivité et les pratiques durables, tout en offrant un soutien crucial aux entreprises, coopératives et OBNL du secteur agroalimentaire.</p>
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is a crucial governmental body responsible for overseeing and developing policies related to agriculture, fisheries, and food safety. This ministry plays a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainable management of agricultural resources, supporting rural economies, and guaranteeing a safe and secure food supply chain for the populace. Through its policies and initiatives, the ministry strives to enhance productivity, encourage innovation, and promote environmental sustainability within these sectors.
One of the key functions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is the provision of grants and funding to support businesses and non-profits engaged in agriculture and related industries. These financial aids are crucial for the development of innovative agricultural practices, improvement of infrastructure, and bolstering of the economic viability of rural communities. The availability of these grants ensures that both established entities and emerging enterprises can access the resources needed to thrive in a competitive market.
For businesses operating within the agricultural sector, the ministry offers various grants designed to encourage technological advancements and the adoption of sustainable practices. These funds can be allocated for numerous purposes, including research and development, implementation of environmentally friendly techniques, and modernization of machinery and facilities. By making these grants available, the ministry aims to foster a robust agricultural sector capable of meeting both domestic and international demands while mitigating the environmental impact.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food provides funding opportunities specifically aimed at supporting non-profit organizations that work within agricultural and rural development contexts. These non-profits play an essential role in advocating for sustainable agricultural practices, community development, and education. Grants from the ministry enable these organizations to expand their outreach, improve community resources, and implement programs that educate farmers and rural populations about sustainable practices and innovative techniques.
In addition to direct funding initiatives, the ministry often collaborates with other governmental bodies, international organizations, and private sector stakeholders to create comprehensive support programs. These collaborations can lead to the establishment of broader funding schemes or co-funded projects that address specific challenges faced by the agriculture and fisheries sectors. By leveraging these partnerships, the ministry enhances its capacity to support a diverse range of initiatives, from small-scale community projects to large-scale industrial advancements.
The ministry’s financial support is typically accompanied by a rigorous application process, where businesses and non-profits are required to demonstrate the potential impact of their proposed projects. Emphasis is often placed on sustainability, innovation, and economic viability, ensuring that grants are allocated to initiatives that align with national priorities and can deliver tangible benefits.
Through its grants and funding programs, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food plays an instrumental role in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for agriculture and related sectors. By supporting innovation, fostering sustainable practices, and facilitating the growth of rural economies, the ministry contributes to the creation of resilient food systems capable of facing the challenges of the modern world. The continued availability of these financial aids ensures that businesses and non-profits alike can contribute to a thriving agricultural landscape, benefitting not only their immediate communities but also the broader economy and environment.
grants_directory|subCount grants_directory|show
FAQDD — Écoemballage+ Volet 1
Subvention pour les projets d'écoconception d'emballages et de contenants alimentaires recyclables au Québec.
- grant_card|maxCount
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Fabrication
- Services d'hébergement et de restauration
Subvention et financement
Soutien aux exportations bioalimentaires – projets individuels
Programme de financement visant à stimuler l'exportation des produits bioalimentaires québécois vers les marchés extérieurs
- grant_card|maxCount
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
- Fabrication
Subvention et financement
Initiative ministérielle Productivité végétale
Subvention pour augmenter la productivité agricole et apicole au Québec
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement
MAPAQ - Prime-Vert - Volet 1
Financer des initiatives agricoles durables pour améliorer l'environnement et soutenir la transition biologique au Québec
- grant_card|maxCount
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement
Programme Transformation Alimentaire - (MAPAQ) - Volet 2
Ce volet vise à accroître la productivité de la main-d’œuvre des entreprises par l’automatisation et la robotisation des procédés et des systèmes intégrés de gestion d’entreprise.
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- grant_card|allIndustries
Subvention et financement
Programme Transformation Alimentaire - Volet1
Pour réaliser des projets visant à résoudre des problématiques de productivité de la main-d’œuvre, de qualité et de salubrité des aliments ou pour améliorer la compétitivité et l’empreinte environnementale du secteur de la transformation alimentaire
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- grant_card|allIndustries
Subvention et financement
Initiative ministérielle Proximité - Volet 2 - (MAPAQ)
Soutien au développement de la commercialisation de proximité et de l'agrotourisme pour les entreprises québécoises admissibles
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
- Fabrication
Subvention et financement
Programme Transformation Alimentaire Volet 3 – Gestion de la qualité et de la salubrité des aliments
Appuyer les entreprises dans le développement de leurs marchés en soutenant l’implantation et la mise à jour de systèmes de gestion de la qualité et de la salubrité ainsi que les améliorations requises pour se conformer aux exigences gouvernementales d’accès aux marchés qui sont différentes des exigences canadiennes.
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement
Programme d’appui au développement des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants - Volet 1
Favorise le développement des appellations et termes valorisants au Québec pour préserver le patrimoine culturel
- grant_card|maxCount
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement
Initiative ministérielle pour le développement des serres et des grands tunnels
Soutient la modernisation et l'expansion de la production horticole en serre au Québec
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement
Programme Innovation bioalimentaire Volet 2 – Recherche appliquée, développement expérimental et adaptation technologique
Soutien financier pour la recherche appliquée et le développement technologique dans le secteur bioalimentaire du Québec
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
- Fabrication
Subvention et financementPartenariat et collaboration
Initiative ministérielle Proximité - Volet 1 - (MAPAQ)
Soutien aux initiatives collectives de mise en marché de proximité et d’agrotourisme au Québec
- grant_card|fromMinToMax
- grant_card|projectCostPercent
- Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Subvention et financement