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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or


The "Fonds régions et ruralité – Volet 4 – Soutien à la vitalisation" grant offers a maximum funding of up to $100,000 per project, aiming to support areas with lower economic vitality within the MRC de la Vallée-de-l’Or by enhancing community dynamism and improving the quality of life through initiatives in diversified economic development, territorial identity, quality of life, and sustainable development. Eligible activities include entrepreneurial initiatives, infrastructure improvement, sustainable mobility development, and preservation of biodiversity, with a focus on projects that are non-recurrent and have a significant community impact.


This grant provides a structured financial support mechanism designed to aid various project types within selected communities. The financing modalities include different levels of support depending on the organizational type and project impact.
  • A maximum of 50% funding is available for private enterprises or NPOs with significant private sector involvement.
  • A maximum of 90% funding is available for other eligible beneficiaries.
  • The maximum funding for any single project is limited to $100,000, subject to certain conditions.
  • Projects impacting non-Q5 municipalities are eligible for up to $50,000, with potential to reach $100,000 for highly impactful projects.
  • Funding per beneficiary is capped at $150,000 within a 12-month period.
  • A minimum 10% contribution by the organization is required, which can be through financial, human, or material resources.
  • This grant is considered government funding and affects the cumulative support from various governmental bodies.
  • Payments are distributed in percentages: 50% upon financial agreement, 30% after interim reporting, and 20% upon final report approval.


This grant supports various initiatives aimed at enhancing the economic and social vitality of the region. The eligible projects focus on sustainable economic development, community identity, and environmental preservation.
  • Initiatives for diversified and sustainable economic development, such as supporting entrepreneurial ventures and job creation.
  • Projects that enhance or develop community infrastructure and services to improve quality of life.
  • Activities that promote and enhance the unique cultural identity of the community.
  • Projects aimed at preserving the local environment, including flora, fauna, and biodiversity.
  • Initiatives to develop or enhance circular economy practices and sustainable mobility solutions.
  • Creation of environments conducive to skill development and knowledge transfer.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the type of organizations that can apply.
  • Eligible applicants include municipal organizations and indigenous communities.
  • Private enterprises and social economy enterprises (excluding those in the financial sector) can apply.
  • Cooperatives, except those in the financial sector, are eligible.
  • Non-profit organizations can submit applications.
  • Organizations within the educational sector can apply.
  • Legal entities aiming to start a business are eligible to apply.


The grant evaluation and selection criteria prioritize projects that align with the revitalization framework and demonstrate significant impact on the vitality of the targeted municipalities.
  • The project aligns with the revitalization framework and identified axes.
  • The project demonstrates collaboration and mobilization: evidenced by community support and diverse partner involvement.
  • The overall impact of the project or its structuring effect: economic, social, cultural, and environmental.
  • The quality of the financial plan: realistic anticipated costs, contributions from involved partners and applicable government programs, and confirmation of contributions.
  • The quality of the project implementation plan: clear connections between stages, activities, resources, and targets.
  • The technical and financial capability of the promoter to execute the project.
  • The project's viability and sustainability.
  • The significance of the requested contribution in relation to the project's impact.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions ensure compliance with governmental policies and targeted funding.
  • Organizations listed in the Register of Ineligible Enterprises for Public Contracts.
  • Private companies and cooperatives in the financial sector.
  • Companies in the retail or restaurant sectors, unless providing local services without competition.
  • Projects related to health services expansion, like healthcare cooperatives.
  • Projects conflicting with any governmental policy or existing budgetary rules.


The grant covers various expenses directly associated with the execution and success of the project.
  • Treatments and salaries of employees, including social charges, specifically dedicated to project implementation.
  • Professional fees.
  • Costs for acquiring or constructing capital assets (land, building).
  • Costs for acquiring equipment (various materials, machinery, tools, furniture, vehicles).
  • Costs of renovation, development, addition, or improvement of infrastructure.
  • Acquisition of technology, software, or patents necessary for project execution.
  • Working capital needs for the first year of operations.
  • Direct expenses of the MRC/City not related to its regular activities, such as salaries and service contracts, specifically necessary for the coordination, planning, and implementation of the agreement.
  • Financing of projects carried out by eligible organizations in compliance with the revitalization framework, excluding non-eligible expenses.


This grant is available to companies operating within designated municipalities in the MRC de la Vallée-de-l’Or. Eligible areas are selected to support territorially specific development and vitalization efforts.
  • Belcourt
  • Kitcisakik
  • Lac-Simon


The evaluation and selection of projects under the Fonds régions et ruralité-Volet 4 aim to support initiatives that demonstrate an impact on the revitalization of the targeted municipalities.
  • The project must align with the revitalization framework and the established axes of focus.
  • Concertation and mobilization aspect of the project, including obtaining community support and the diversity of partners involved.
  • The overall impact or structuring effect of the project, considering its economic, social, cultural, and environmental impact.
  • The quality of the financing plan, including the realism of anticipated costs and the confirmation of contributions from partners and applicable government programs.
  • The quality of the project's implementation plan, highlighting the relationship between steps, activities, resources, and targets.
  • The technical and financial capacity of the promoter to execute the project.
  • The viability and sustainability of the project.
  • The significance of the requested contribution relative to the impact of the project.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Obtain Application Forms
  • Access and download the application forms from the MRC de la Vallée-de-l’Or website or contact their office to request a copy.
  • Step 2: Project Proposal Preparation
  • Ensure that your project aligns with one or more of the vitalization axes specified.
  • Compile necessary documents including a detailed project plan, budget, and proof of eligibility.
  • Step 3: Verify Eligibility
  • Check the project and organizational eligibility criteria to confirm your application is allowable under the grant’s guidelines.
  • Step 4: Complete Application
  • Fill in all required fields on the application forms accurately.
  • Attach all supporting documentation as specified in the grant instructions.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application and supporting documents to the MRC office. This can typically be done electronically or by mail, depending on their submission guidelines.
  • Step 6: Application Review
  • The application will be evaluated based on adherence to selection criteria and the potential impact of the project.
  • Expect a review process involving evaluation by the local development coordinator and the vitalization committee.
  • Step 7: Notification of Decision
  • Receive official notification of the decision taken by the council of mayors regarding your application.
  • Step 8: Financial Agreement
  • If approved, sign a funding agreement outlining the terms and conditions, including disbursement schedules and reporting requirements.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The total annual budget envelope available for this program from 2021 to 2024 is $230,406.
  • Projects must be completed and justificatory documents submitted by September 30, 2025.
  • There is an annual review and potential modification of the program based on emerging development opportunities.
  • The financial assistance is non-refundable and distributed in installments based on project milestones.
  • A contribution from the organization applying for funding must be at least 10% of the eligible costs.

Apply to this program

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