
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateDecember 31, 2026
Grant and Funding
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • National Library and Archives of Quebec (BANQ)
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV (IIF IV) provides financial support of up to $800,000 for projects aimed at improving the economic, social, and community development of Indigenous communities in Québec. Eligible activities under this program include economic development, community infrastructure renewal, social initiatives, consultation support, and services for Indigenous people in urban environments.


The Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV provides structured financial support to boost the socio-economic development within Indigenous communities in Quebec. Funding modalities are geared towards maximizing benefits while ensuring accountability and effective use of funds.
  • Funding is typically in the form of non-repayable contributions or guarantees, depending on the component and the project specifics.
  • Projects may receive up to 50% of their total costs from the fund, with remaining funds to be sourced externally, such as from federal programs or private sources.
  • For infrastructure projects, financial assistance may cover up to 100% of eligible costs when combined with other government funding.
  • Loan guarantees can cover up to 50% of project costs to facilitate business financing.
  • The fund provides increased flexibility for young Indigenous entrepreneurs and women, with specific allocations and support mechanisms available for these groups.
  • Financial deliverables and accountability include structured installment payments contingent on meeting predefined milestones or documentation requirements.
  • Periodic financial reporting and project audits are mandatory to ensure consistent fund utilization and project viability.
  • Special provisions and financial caps are set for urban Indigenous support initiatives.
  • Funds are allocated with considerations tailored for Indigenous businesses, with combined support from governmental and possibly non-governmental sources.


The Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV supports various projects that promote economic, social, and community development for Indigenous peoples in Québec. These initiatives range from economic activities to social development and infrastructure improvements.
  • Economic development projects to support Indigenous businesses and market studies.
  • Renewal and enhancement of community infrastructures like youth centres and playgrounds.
  • Loan guarantees to improve access to funding for entrepreneurial projects.
  • Support for community action organizations and their missions.
  • Social development projects focusing on languages, culture, and community relations.
  • Funding to support Indigenous communities in government consultations.
  • Services and infrastructure projects tailored for Indigenous people in urban environments.

$ 800,000

Revitalize community infrastructure with new youth center

$ 600,000

Renewing community centers with eco-friendly infrastructure upgrades

$ 750,000

Develop a cultural center supporting Indigenous arts and crafts

$ 400,000

Developing an Indigenous business hub with training programs


The Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV targets specific groups and criteria for eligibility.
  • The applicant must belong to Indigenous communities or be an Indigenous business, especially those led by female Indigenous entrepreneurs or Indigenous business leaders aged 35 and under.
  • The applicant can be an Indigenous social economy enterprise or an organization with a mandate to represent Indigenous nations and communities.
  • Eligible applicants include Indigenous community action organizations and non-profit organizations.
  • Part of the funding is specifically reserved for communities with a special agreement signed with the Government of Québec.


The Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV (IIF IV) specifically targets a range of Indigenous groups and organizations in Québec. These include Indigenous communities, Indigenous businesses, female Indigenous entrepreneurs, Indigenous business leaders aged 35 and under, Indigenous social economy enterprises, and organizations with a mandate to represent Indigenous nations and communities. Additionally, Indigenous community action organizations, non-profit organizations, and Indigenous people in urban environments are eligible to apply for the various components of the fund.


The types of companies not eligible are :
  • Non-aboriginal companies
  • Companies that do not meet specific component criteria
  • Companies that do not meet the eligibility requirements established for each component


Eligible expenses under the Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV include costs directly required for the execution and success of the projects targeting Indigenous development initiatives.
  • Personnel costs associated with the basic operation of eligible organizations and personnel directly supporting the project.
  • Contracts related to eligible admissible projects and incidentals including temporary financing.
  • Purchase and renewal of necessary community equipment and technology acquisition.
  • Professional fees, including financial documentation preparation and project management when extra personnel are hired.
  • Travel expenses and other costs related to meetings and assemblies.
  • Costs for printing and distribution of necessary documents.
  • Honorarium and administrative costs directly linked to project execution, not exceeding specific stipulated percentages.
  • Expenses related to the acquisition of new information technologies, such as computing equipment and necessary training.
  • Eligible construction-related expenses including renovation, expansion, or the construction of new facilities.
  • Professional services and reports preparation as required under the financing agreements.
  • Costs for preparing reports or documentation pertinent to the funding agreement.


This grant specifically targets Indigenous communities, businesses, and organizations based in Québec, Canada. The eligible locations are focused on supporting Indigenous socio-economic development within the province.
  • Indigenous communities in Québec.
  • Indigenous businesses operating within Québec.
  • Organizations representing Indigenous nations and communities across Québec.


The evaluation and selection of projects for the Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV (IIF IV) are guided by specific criteria designed to ensure the projects align with the fund's objectives and benefit Indigenous communities effectively.
  • The concordance with the objectives and principles of the program.
  • The eligibility in accordance with the terms and conditions of the chosen component.
  • The technical feasibility and timeline realism of the project implementation.
  • The financial feasibility of the project, including the rigor, reliability, coherence, and realism of financial forecasts.
  • The quality of the organization leading the project, including the competencies and experience of promoters relative to the project.
  • The justness of chosen external expertise, if applicable.
  • The thoroughness of the market analysis, including knowledge of the needs of the target clientele.
  • The expected results from the funding, including the number of jobs created or consolidated, investments generated, contribution to local and regional development, economic and social sustainability, and structural effects for Indigenous people.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Preliminary Research
  • Review the Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV guidelines to understand the criteria and components.
  • Identify the specific component under which your project falls.
  • Step 2: Partner Agreements
  • Ensure your community or organization has signed a special agreement with the Government of Québec, if applicable.
  • Step 3: Proposal Development
  • Prepare a detailed project proposal for the selected component, including objectives, activities, and expected outcomes.
  • Gather supporting documents like budgets, timelines, and letters of support from partners.
  • Step 4: Application Submission
  • Contact the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones for submission guidelines and deadlines.
  • Submit the completed application and supporting documents as instructed.
  • Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-up
  • Await confirmation of receipt from the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones.
  • Maintain communication for any required follow-ups or additional documentation.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Some funding under IIF IV is reserved specifically for communities that have signed a special agreement with the Government of Québec to implement economic development and community infrastructure projects.
  • For projects over $25,000, a funding agreement will be signed, which includes a detailed project description and objectives, as well as management and report indicators.
  • Monitoring and accountability measures require that for funding above $25,000, annual reporting must include a comprehensive record of activities undertaken and results achieved relative to objectives.


Indigenous Initiatives Fund IV


Apply to this program

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