Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT – Studies and consulting services
QC, Canada
Support for sustainable tourism development in Côte-Nord
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Grant and Funding
Expert Advice
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Other services (except public administration)
- Public administration
- Tourisme Côte-Nord
The Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT program offers a maximum funding amount of $15,000 to support tourism businesses in developing innovative and sustainable practices. Eligible activities include studies, diagnostics, individual coaching, and consultancy services aimed at enhancing business practices.
- The financial intervention is a non-repayable contribution.
- The maximum financial intervention is $15,000 and cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
- Minimum promoter contribution varies by type of eligible entity: 50% for for-profit organizations, 20% for non-profit organizations and cooperatives, 10% for Indigenous communities and organizations or projects located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
- Government aid accumulation limits are set at 50% for for-profit organizations and 80% for non-profit organizations and cooperatives.
- For Indigenous communities and organizations, or projects located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine, government aid accumulation can reach 90%.
- The promoter's financial input, including partner support, cannot come from sources considered in the accumulation of government aid, asset transfers, or in-kind contributions.
- Eligible costs include professional fees of specialized firms or consultants for conducting specific studies on tourism offer development or business practice improvement.
- Non-eligible costs include salaries, operating expenses, debt servicing costs, legal fees, and costs covered by other non-repayable aids such as PARIT or PADAT.
- Financial assistance of $100,000 or more to an OBL with over 100 employees must include a commitment to implement an equal access program in compliance with the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
- Contracting a consultant to conduct a study or diagnostic.
- Individual business support services.
- Consulting services for the improvement of business practices.
- Development of workforce skills.
- Enhancement of customer service.
- Addressing digital needs of the business.
- Development of a new project or activity.
- Creation and implementation of policies, practices, or initiatives that are responsible and sustainable.
$ 60,000
Creation of a youth entrepreneurship mentorship program
$ 100,000
Installation of solar panels on rooftops
$ 35,000
Development of a digital literacy program
$ 75,000
Revitalization of local historical monument with cultural events
$ 45,000
Community garden expansion with educational workshops
$ 150,000
Launch of an eco-friendly packaging line
- The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under the laws of the government of Quebec or Canada and conduct business in Quebec.
- Eligible entities include tourism businesses (for-profit and non-profit organizations and cooperatives), municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and organizations, regional tourism associations with financial partner support, and groupings of these clients.
- The applicant must have fulfilled previous commitments to partners if applicable.
- Tourism accommodation businesses must comply with prevailing laws and regulations, including obtaining a registration number.
- Nature and adventure tourism businesses must possess or be in the process of obtaining the "Accrédité Qualité-Sécurité" or "Attesté Qualité-Sécurité" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec, or must commit to starting this process.
- The applicant must not be a State-owned corporation, a government ministry or agency, or an enterprise listed in the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
- The applicant must comply with the francization process by the Office québécois de la langue française.
- For-profit organizations (OBL) in the tourism sector.
- Non-profit organizations (OBNL) involved in tourism.
- Tourism cooperatives.
- Municipal entities such as cities, towns, and villages.
- Recognized Indigenous communities and nations, including their tourism organizations and businesses.
- Regional tourism associations partnered with financial supporters outside of the EPRTNT program.
- Groups formed from the aforementioned eligible entities.
- State-owned enterprises and ministries and organizations of the governments of Quebec and Canada.
- Companies registered in the registry of enterprises not eligible for public contracts.
- Companies not compliant with the French language standardization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
- Projects related to accommodation establishments that fail to adhere to existing legal and regulatory requirements or lack a registration number.
- Projects of tourist lodging such as bed and breakfasts.
- Projects involving hotel condominiums (condotels).
- Projects associated with cycling paths, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and wharf renovations.
- Projects from the sectors of restaurant and retail trade.
- Projects related to tourist reception and signage.
- Project content development for training purposes.
- Projects from the gambling sector and those related to the sale and consumption of alcohol.
- Companies whose projects are not predominantly innovation or future development-focused and are largely centered on upgrading or replacing existing infrastructure or equipment.
- Projects already completed or underway at the time of application submission.
- Projects receiving non-repayable financial assistance from other specified tourism recovery programs.
- Business plans, marketing plans, local and regional development plans, and studies and surveys required for submitting financial aid applications to other programs or meeting the requirements of another ministry.
- Professional fees for consulting firms or specialized consultants for specific studies related to the development of the tourism offer of a territory.
- Professional fees for consulting services aimed at improving the quality of services and products.
- Net taxes related to direct costs (excluding the reimbursed portion).
- Companies operating within the region of Côte-Nord, Quebec, Canada.
- The adequacy with the objectives of the EPRTNT.
- The structuring nature of the project (attraction power, project scope, partnerships, job creation, season extension, etc.).
- The innovative character of the project.
- The quality in terms of concept, products, and services offered.
- The financial structure and planning.
- The relevance to significantly tourist clientele and market diversification (market, competition, offering quality, marketing strategy, collaboration, etc.).
- The feasibility of the project, including schedule, marketing strategy, quality of business plan or study specifications, and promoter expertise.
- Consideration of sustainable development principles.
- Step 1: Prepare Required Documents
- Complete the financial aid application form, focusing on the EPRTNT program for the Côte-Nord region.
- Prepare a detailed project proposal, including the call for tenders specifying the problem, objectives, methodology (if applicable), deadlines, and expected deliverables.
- Obtain two professional service offers from consultants or specialized firms.
- Secure a resolution from the board of directors (or equivalent) authorizing the signatory to apply for financial assistance under this program.
- Gather confirmations from financial partners, if available.
- If applicable, acquire an Indigenous certificate or certification to recognize the Indigenous status of the OBL, OBNL, or cooperative.
- For adventure tourism companies, provide confirmation of obtaining or initiating the process to obtain the "Accredited" or "Attested Quality-Security" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
- Step 2: Submit Application
- Send the completed application form and accompanying documents to: gbouchard@cotenordqc.com.
- Step 3: Contact for Information
- If additional information is required, contact Guy Bouchard at 1-888-463-0808 extension 1325 or via email at gbouchard@cotenordqc.com.
- The financial contribution is non-repayable and can cover up to 90% of eligible costs.
- Applicants should ensure that their matching funds do not come from sources already considered in the accumulation of government aid.
- A program access to equality is required for OBL organizations with more than 100 employees receiving financial aid of $100,000 or more.
- All projects must conform to the obligations outlined in the Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, le français.
- Projects must integrate development sustainability measures to reduce environmental impact alongside fostering socio-economic benefits.