
  • grant_single|minCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateJune 1, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Montréal


The grant, known as the Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme (EPRTNT) 2022-2025, aims to support and stimulate the development, renewal, and structuring of the tourism offerings in the Montréal region with a focus on creating responsible and sustainable tourism opportunities. The program offers a maximum of 80% funding, with eligible activities including the consolidation of tourist attractions, infrastructure improvements, digital transformation projects, and studies or consultancy services to enhance business practices.


The EPRTNT Assistance Program provides structured financial support for projects aimed at enhancing the tourism offerings in the Montréal region. The following are the detailed financing modalities associated with this grant:
  • The maximum financial assistance for a project is 80% of its admissible costs.
  • Eligible project costs must meet specified minimums, such as $500,000 for 'Attraits, activities and équipements' and $25,000 for 'Études and services-conseils'.
  • A minimum of 20% project funding must come from non-governmental sources for most categories, with specific requirements for Indigenous communities and organizations.
  • Financial contributions must not exceed set maximums for cumulative governmental support—50% for organisations à but lucratif, 80% for OBNL, cooperatives, and municipalities, and 90% for Indigenous communities.
  • The funding cannot be increased to cover cost overruns.
  • A formal agreement will outline the terms for financial aid allocation and obligations for successful applicants.
  • Financial aid over $100,000 requires compliance with public contract rules and equality access programs for recipients with more than 100 employees.
  • Projects involving eligible construction may need to follow provincial policies on arts integration into architecture.
  • Fund releases are dependent on achieving defined project milestones.
  • Regular monitoring and financial reporting are integral to the support conditions.


This grant supports projects that aim to enhance the tourism sector in Montreal through development, structuring, and digital transformation. Eligible activities focus on building a distinctive and sustainable tourism offering.
  • Consolidation, implementation, expansion, or modernization of tourist attractions, equipment, activities, or services.
  • Construction, enlargement, or enhancement of tourist infrastructure.
  • Structuring of regional tourism offerings, including projects related to the establishment of tourist routes and circuits.
  • Projects that address deficits in lodging, improve the quality of accommodations, or extend the operation periods of tourism businesses.
  • Consultancy projects for studies, diagnostics, or business improvement related to workforce skills, client service, and digital needs.
  • Digital development projects aimed at increasing virtual interactions with clients, including the implementation of digital applications and business solutions.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type of organization and compliance with regulations.
  • The applicant must be a legally constituted organization in Quebec or Canada, including for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, and cooperatives conducting business in Quebec.
  • Municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities, and tourism associations are eligible under specified conditions.
  • Previous commitments to partners must be respected if a prior grant was awarded.
  • Organizations operating tourist accommodations must comply with applicable laws and hold a valid registration number.
  • Nature and adventure tourism companies must comply with or commit to the Quality-Safety standards of Aventure Ecotourisme Quebec.
  • Entities listed on the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts are not eligible.


This grant is specifically designed for a variety of tourism-related entities operating within the tourism region of Montreal that aim to develop and enhance the local tourism offer, aligning with regional priorities and sustainable tourism practices.
  • Tourism businesses that are legally constituted for-profit entities in Quebec or Canada operating within Quebec.
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs) legally constituted in Quebec or Canada and operating within Quebec.
  • Cooperatives legally constituted in Quebec or Canada and operating within Quebec.
  • Municipal entities as defined in the grant context.
  • Indigenous communities and nations recognized by the National Assembly, including indigenous tourism organizations and businesses.
  • Any grouping of the aforementioned entities.
  • Regional tourism associations (ATR) are eligible only for projects related to studies, consulting services, and regional tourism offer structuring, provided they have financial partners other than those from the EPRTNT.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries based on their status or main activity. The limitations ensure the alignment of projects with tourism development initiatives in the Montreal region.
  • State-owned enterprises and government ministries or agencies of Quebec and Canada.
  • Applicants registered in the Register of non-eligible businesses for public contracts.
  • Tourist establishments that do not comply with existing laws and regulations.
  • Companies involved in projects related to gambling or alcohol sales and consumption.
  • Projects in the bed and breakfast, hotel condominiums (condotels), restaurants, and retail sectors.
  • Entities whose primary costs pertain to updates, maintenance, or replacement of existing infrastructure/equipment.
  • Projects already completed or underway at the time of application submission.
  • Recipients of non-repayable financial aid from the Tourism Industry Recovery Aid Program (PARIT) or the Attraction Development Support Program (PADAT).


The grant provides funding for expenses that are directly related to developing and enhancing tourism projects in Montreal, focusing on new offerings and infrastructure improvements.
  • Construction, reconstruction, enlargement, adaptation, or conversion of infrastructure or equipment for new tourism experiences.
  • Professional fees for the design or engineering by recognized professionals, and professional fees for project oversight, management, or reporting.
  • Development, landscaping, and enhancement of land and trails.
  • Purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furniture.
  • Acquisition of boats or rolling stock to enhance the client experience.
  • Acquisition of land, easements, and passage rights when necessary for project realization, except when dealing with related companies or when assets are held by shareholders.
  • Surveying costs of the site.
  • Quality control costs at the site.
  • Non-refundable parts of applicable taxes.
  • Costs related to integrating artwork into a building or site, related to the Quebec government's arts integration policy.
  • Professional fees from specialized firms or consultants for conducting specific studies related to tourism development or improving service and product quality.
  • Professional fees for accompaniment and implementation of proposed digital solutions.
  • Purchases of technological or other equipment required for solution implementation.
  • First-time subscriptions (up to 24 months) to cloud-based services if the solution uses this technology.
  • Purchase of material, software, or mobile applications aimed at enhancing customer interaction.
  • Cost of integrated management software packages and e-commerce software.
  • Travel expenses (comparable to ATR), general expenses, salaries, and benefits for resources specifically dedicated to project delivery.
  • Professional fees for training or upskilling human resources responsible for or associated with the digital development project implementation.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria designed to ensure that projects align with the regional tourism development goals and the broader objectives of sustainability and innovation.
  • The alignment of the project with the program's objectives including economic stimulation, responsible and sustainable tourism development, and enhancement of Montreal's tourist offerings.
  • The structuring effect of the project, assessing its potential to attract and retain visitors, engage multiple partners, create jobs, and extend the tourism season.
  • The innovative nature of the project, introducing new dimensions or following trends unavailable in competing destinations.
  • The quality of the project in terms of concept design, products offered, and service excellence.
  • The financial structure and planning of the project, including the promoter's contribution, proven funding search efforts, and robust financial health.
  • The project's relevance to the intended tourist audience, considering factors such as market size, competition, and potential for significant impact.
  • The practical feasibility of the project, ensuring realistic timelines, marketing strategies, and the promoter's expertise and experience.
  • Incorporation of sustainable development principles, assessing the project's overall approach to social responsibility and environmental stewardship.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Prepare Required Documents
  • Complete the necessary forms and documents specified for the application.
  • Ensure financial statements and business plans are up-to-date and comprehensive.
  • Prepare any evidence of certifications or permits required for the specific project category.
  • Secure resolutions from board of directors or equivalent authorizing the submission.
  • Step 2: Submit Application Form
  • Obtain and fill out the "Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT MONTRÉAL" form.
  • Submit the completed form along with all required documents via email to
  • Step 3: Await Confirmation and Results
  • Wait for a response, likely in September 2024, after the submission deadline of July 5, 2024.
  • Follow up with Tourism Montréal if needed, ensuring your contact details are correct.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The maximum percentage of financial aid provided by the EPRT for a project is 80%, based on eligible project costs.
  • The financial support from EPRT is a non-repayable grant.
  • Projects receiving financial aid must ensure the beneficiary remains the owner or manager of the project infrastructure or equipment for at least five years post-project completion.
  • For projects involving construction, a public call for tenders is required if the contract is valued at $100,000 or more.
  • A project that receives $100,000 or more in aid and has more than 100 employees must implement an access to equality program.
  • All activities under this grant must align with Quebec's Official Language Act, ensuring operations comply with the stipulations of using the French language.
  • Projects must emphasize sustainable development with measures that mitigate environmental impact while providing social and economic benefits.
  • The grant application requires a detailed financial plan and clear project sustainability beyond the grant period.
  • The deadline for application submissions is July 5, 2024, with responses expected by September 2024.

(438) 395-8209

Apply to this program

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