
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Programme d'appui aux actions régionales (PAAR) offers an annual funding of 10.2 million dollars to support projects that enhance community vitality and promote the Capitale-Nationale region through cultural, tourism, and sports events, as well as studies related to regional issues and sustainable development. Eligible activities include feasibility studies, impact assessments, and compliance with best practices in sustainable development.


The Regional Action Support Program provides targeted financial assistance to support various regional development projects. The funding modalities are designed to optimize impact while addressing regional priorities.
  • Maximum funding assistance of up to 30% for eligible non-profit and for-profit organizations, with potential support up to 50% for unique, non-recurring projects with international impacts.
  • For studies, assistance can reach up to 75% in the Quebec agglomeration and up to 80% for municipal regional county projects.
  • Maximum cumulative government assistance is capped at 70% for projects within Quebec City and 80% for MRCP, while indigenous non-profit projects can receive up to 90% funding.
  • For profit-driven projects, assistance is limited to tourism, festivals, and events.
  • Projects generating a surplus greater than 10% may see a reduction in PAAR assistance.


This grant supports a wide range of projects aimed at enhancing regional vitality and addressing specific territorial issues in the Capitale-Nationale region. Eligible projects span across cultural, sporting events, infrastructure improvements, and strategic development studies.
  • Cultural, touristic, and sporting events of national and international significance.
  • Summit meetings and international conferences.
  • Projects improving municipal infrastructure and equipment.
  • Studies on territorial challenges, current or emerging issues in the Capitale-Nationale and Lévis.
  • Sectoral development agreements addressing regional concerns.
  • Provenance and traffic studies for strategic planning.
  • Economic impact studies to evaluate project benefits.
  • Opportunity studies to identify potential projects.
  • Technical and financial feasibility studies.
  • Development of sustainability best practices compliance processes.
  • Creation and implementation of indicators to measure sector activities.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's legal status and project focus.
  • The applicant must be legally constituted under one of the following categories:
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs) legally constituted under Part III of the Companies Act.
  • National museums for hosting international exhibitions.
  • The band council of an Indigenous community.
  • The Communauté métropolitaine de Québec, municipalities, regional county municipalities, and their municipal or intermunicipal organizations.
  • Cooperatives that prohibit the distribution of patronage dividends and the payment of interest on preferred shares to members.
  • For-profit organizations (FPOs) are eligible only if they propose projects related to tourist attractions or festivals and events.


Non-profit organizations legally constituted under the Part III of the Companies Act (RLRQ, chapter C-38); national museums for international exhibitions; band councils of indigenous communities; Quebec Metropolitan Community, municipalities, and municipal or intermunicipal organizations under them; cooperatives that prohibit the allocation of a rebate and payment of interest on preferred shares given to members; for-profit organizations only for projects related to tourist attractions or festivals and events.


The grant does not specifically mention industries or company types that are ineligible, focusing instead on who is eligible and the project types that can be funded. Therefore, without additional details or assumptions, specific restrictions cannot be listed based on available information.


The eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to studies and compliance efforts as well as project development and measurement tools.
  • Studies of origin and traffic.
  • Economic impact studies to evaluate project outcomes.
  • Opportunity studies.
  • Technical and financial feasibility studies.
  • Compliance efforts with best practices in sustainable development.
  • Development or refinement of indicators to measure a sector's activity.


This grant is available to entities operating within specific geographical areas defined by the funding body, focusing on enhancing regional development.
  • Region administrative of the Capitale-Nationale
  • City of Lévis


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Read Guidelines
  • Consult the rules and standards guide to ensure your project meets eligibility criteria.
  • Step 2: Collect Required Documentation
  • Fill out the financial assistance application form.
  • Prepare all necessary supporting documents as specified in the guidelines.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Sign the completed application form.
  • Submit the form and all applicable documents via email to the provided contact ( at least 60 days before the project start date.
  • Step 4: Contact for First-Time Applicants
  • If this is your first application, contact the secretariat by email for guidance and support.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant has a maximum assistance rate for studies and the cumulation of government aid is subject to certain limitations based on project type and location.
  • For unique, non-recurring projects with international impact, the aid percentage can be increased exceptionally to 50% for OBLs.
  • The surplus generated by a project exceeding 10% will result in a reduction of PAAR aid.
  • No specific rule on surplus unless it exceeds 10%, which would then trigger a reduction in aid.
  • Requests for financial assistance must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the project's start date, ensuring all documents are complete.


Apply to this program