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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC)
  • Government of Manitoba


Flexible and affordable insurance that protects producers of all eligible crops against production losses and most producers against crop quality losses.


This grant provides several financial assistance options to support Manitoba producers in managing risks associated with uncontrollable natural perils affecting crop yield and quality. The financing modalities are structured to reduce the cost burden on producers while ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • The premium cost is shared, with 40% paid by the producer, 36% by the Government of Canada, and 24% by the Province of Manitoba.
  • Reseeding Benefit offers financial assistance without any additional premium charge.
  • Excess Moisture Insurance includes a basic coverage with a producer premium, and options are available for higher coverage and reduced deductibles.
  • Crop Coverage Plus (CCP) provides up to 90% coverage on a whole farm basis, enhancing compensation in disaster years.
  • Hail insurance requires producers to pay all premiums and administrative costs for coverage against hail or fire losses on a field-by-field basis.
  • Organic Insurance for certified organic growers reflects organic farming specifics, with generally lower coverage but higher insurable values compared to conventional crops.
  • Various insurance options for forage and pasture provide comprehensive coverage for production shortfalls and restoration activities with some options requiring no extra premium.
  • The Contract Price Option allows producers to enhance the dollar value of their crops based on market contracts, subject to contract submission deadlines.


AgriInsurance offers financial assistance to Manitoba producers aiming to mitigate risks related to uncontrollable natural perils affecting crop yield and quality. The eligible activities under this program encompass a wide range of agricultural insurance solutions tailored to different crop types and farming practices.
  • Insurance against crop yield losses due to natural perils like drought, excessive heat, flood, and wind.
  • Quality guarantee insurance for over 80 crop types.
  • Crop production guarantee with quality adjustment provisions.
  • Reseeding Benefit for crops damaged by natural perils without extra premium charges.
  • Excess Moisture Insurance against inability to seed land due to excess moisture.
  • Organic Insurance tailored for certified organic growers.
  • Extended Coverage Seeding Period options for certain crops.
  • Forage Establishment Insurance for tame forage crops in the first year of establishment.
  • Forage Insurance for hay quality and production shortfalls and includes Hay Disaster and Forage Restoration Benefits.
  • Pasture Insurance for shortfalls in summer grazing capacity.
  • Hail Insurance covering hail or fire-related losses on a field-by-field basis.

$ 130,000

Implementing AgriInsurance programs for fruit orchards

$ 150,000

Providing forage insurance for hay producers

$ 170,000

Launching an insurance program for grain farmers

$ 200,000

Developing a claims system for crop damage

$ 140,000

Supporting crop quality insurance for specialty crops

$ 250,000

Extending crop insurance for organic vegetable farmers


Eligibility for AgriInsurance in Manitoba is subject to several criteria concerning the producer's farming operations and crop coverage selections.
  • The applicant must be a producer in Manitoba.
  • Crops to be insured must include the entire acreage of a crop grown by the insured, encompassing both owned and rented land.
  • Crops must be eligible for insurance under the AgriInsurance program, which includes over 80 crop types.
  • Producers must choose from available coverage levels of 50, 70, or 80 per cent of probable yield or opt for the Crop Coverage Plus (CCP) option, which provides coverage up to 90 per cent.
  • To qualify for Crop Coverage Plus, producers must insure all eligible crops at the 80 per cent coverage level and grow more than one eligible crop.
  • Participants must meet deadlines, such as applying for an AgriInsurance contract by March 31 (April 2 for 2024) and submitting a Seeded Acreage Report by June 30 (July 2 for 2024).


Eligible applicants are producers operating in Manitoba who seek to manage risks associated with crop yield and quality losses due to uncontrollable natural perils. The program is specifically tailored for different types of farming operations, including conventional and organic farms. To apply, producers need to insure the entire acreage of a particular crop across owned and rented land, and maintain an AgriInsurance Contract with options to select coverage levels annually. Additional eligibility considerations exist for those applying for specialized options like Crop Coverage Plus or Hail Insurance.


Eligible expenses for AgriInsurance primarily relate to losses in crop yield and quality due to uncontrollable natural perils.
  • Coverage for yield losses caused by natural perils such as drought, fire, and excessive weather conditions.
  • Compensation for crop quality shortfalls based on quality assessments for most crops.
  • Financial assistance for reseeding crops damaged by natural perils.
  • Insurance for excess moisture preventing seeding or reseeding.


This insurance program is specifically designed for agricultural producers in Manitoba. The eligible locations are confined to this Canadian province to address region-specific agricultural risk challenges.
  • Producers based in the province of Manitoba, Canada.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria for the AgriInsurance program in Manitoba are as follows:
  • Probable yield for each insured crop
  • Coverage level selection (50%, 70%, or 80% of probable yield)
  • Seeded acreage reporting by June 30
  • Harvested production reporting by November 30
  • Indemnity payments for production shortfalls


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Understand Eligibility Requirements
  • Review your farming operation to ensure it fits within the AgriInsurance program requirements.
  • Identify which crops and coverage levels are applicable to your situation.
  • Step 2: Prepare Necessary Documentation
  • Gather all necessary details about your crops, including historical yield data.
  • Prepare your crop plan for the upcoming year, including total acreage and types of crops.
  • Step 3: Complete AgriInsurance Application
  • Fill out the AgriInsurance Contract application form available on the MASC website.
  • Select desired coverage levels and options, such as CCP or additional EMI coverage.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form to Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) by March 31 (April 2 for 2024), either online or by mail.
  • Ensure that all required sections of the application are complete and accurate.
  • Step 5: File Seeded Acreage Report
  • Complete and file a Seeded Acreage Report by June 30 (July 2 for 2024) documenting the planting of insured crops.
  • Step 6: Monitor Acceptance and Coverage Details
  • Await confirmation from MASC regarding the acceptance of your application and the details of your insurance coverage.
  • Review policy documents thoroughly for accuracy and understanding of terms.
  • Step 7: Annual Review and Adjustments
  • Each year, review your AgriInsurance coverage choices and make adjustments as necessary before the deadline.
  • Consider changing crops or coverage levels based on prior year’s experiences and upcoming projections.


Here are additional relevant details for the AgriInsurance program in Manitoba:
  • Coverage levels can be adjusted yearly, with previous choices auto-renewed if not changed by the producer.
  • Insurance is comprehensive, covering all crops grown by an insured across owned and rented lands, but does not allow for field-by-field selection.
  • The Contract Price Option provides flexibility by allowing the blending of contracted production prices with MASC's base values.
  • Hail insurance is an add-on available only to those with an existing AgriInsurance contract, focused exclusively on hail or fire damages.
  • The premium costs are cost-shared, reducing the financial burden on the producer, with specific adjustment provisions based on individual loss history.
  • Additional features include a reseeding benefit at no extra premium, and an option to reduce deductibles for excess moisture coverage.
  • Seeded Area Reports and Harvested Production Reports have specific deadlines that are critical for maintaining coverage.
  • Extended seeding periods or specific insurance test areas might alter coverage terms and are not universally available.

Apply to this program

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