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Grant and Funding
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  • First Peoples Economic Growth Fund Inc. (FPEGF)


Get up to $20,000 to cover up to 75% of the costs associated with hiring a professional consultant to assist in the research and development of a quality business plan that you can use to attract financing.




Engage a consultant for developing a scalable e-commerce platform business plan.


Develop a business plan for a zero-waste grocery cooperative.


Hire a consultant for a feasibility study for a social enterprise café.


Consultancy to develop a new sustainable fashion line business plan.


Hire a consultant to improve planning for a non-profit art centre.


Develop a business plan for a community-run renewable energy project.


  • Be a member of a Manitoba First Nation, living on or off reserve in Manitoba
  • Be aged 18 and over, and eligible to work in Canada
  • Submit an application describing the business for which they wish to develop a business plan
  • Not have owned a similar business in the past 12 months
  • Provide the name and qualifications of the proposed consultant, proposed terms of reference, and a written proposal, including a quote


First Nations individuals or First Nation-based enterprises in Manitoba are eligible for this grant. They should have a promising business concept that requires financial support for developing a professional business plan.
  • First Nations individuals living on or off reserve in Manitoba
  • Aged 18 and over, eligible to work in Canada
  • Must not have owned a similar business in the past 12 months


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant:
  • Non-First Nation individuals or enterprises
  • Individuals under 18 years old
  • Individuals not eligible to work in Canada
  • Those who have owned a similar business in the past 12 months


Eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Costs for engaging the services of a professional consultant
  • Research and development expenses for a quality business plan
  • Up to 75% of the costs to a maximum of $20,000, with the client expected to pay the first 25% of the costs


Applicants for this grant will be evaluated based on their business concept, need for financial assistance, and the quality of their proposed business plan. The selection criteria include eligibility requirements, the completeness of the application, and the viability of the proposed business.
  • Be a member of a Manitoba First Nation, living on or off reserve in Manitoba
  • Be aged 18 and over, and eligible to work in Canada
  • Submit a detailed application describing the business concept
  • Provide the name and qualifications of the proposed consultant, proposed terms of reference, and a written proposal
  • Not have owned a similar business in the past 12 months
  • Approval of funding needed prior to consultant commencing the assignment


  • Step 1: Download the Business Support Programs Application form in either PDF or Word format.
  • Step 2: Complete the application form with all required information, including a detailed business concept summary.
  • Step 3: Attach the name and qualifications of the proposed consultant, proposed terms of reference, and a written proposal with a quote.
  • Step 4: Obtain competitive quotes from at least three consultants as recommended by FPEGF.
  • Step 5: Submit the completed application along with all required documents for approval of funding.
Apply to this program