
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Manitoba
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


Apply for funding to cover up to 50% of the costs of researcher and industry-led projects for improved technologies and practices related to climate change adaptation, environmental sustainability, human nutrition, and livestock feed production and use.


Yes, there are projects and activities eligible for this grant. Projects contributing to the development of agricultural knowledge and skills and improving the competitiveness and sustainability of Manitoba’s agriculture, agri-food, and agri-product sectors are eligible.
  • Improving water quality and water use efficiency in production and processing technologies and practices
  • Building soil resilience through management of sensitive soils, assessment of soil enhancement practices and practices that enhance carbon sequestration
  • Decision support tools for sustainable resource use such as climate smart decision support tools and metrics
  • Plant genomics and breeding
  • Evaluation of new technologies and practices such as precision agriculture, digitisation, and robotics
  • Designing and evaluating climate-smart crop production strategies
  • Sustainable plant protein production and innovation
  • Detection, assessment and management of diseases and pests of crops
  • Assessment of existing or alternative practices for environmentally sound and economically viable livestock production
  • Climate-smart livestock production strategies
  • Detection, assessment and management of livestock diseases and pests
  • Beneficial management practices of animal welfare and animal destruction/disposal
  • Identification of sustainable processing technologies and packaging
  • Improving food manufacturing/processing approaches (including AI, robotics, automation) to increase process efficiencies and/or reduce water use
  • Identification and utilization of co-products and/or by-products in food and non-food applications
  • Development of novel ingredients and identification of their food product applications
  • Innovation in food product development, including Indigenous and novel foods, alternative protein sources, precision fermentation
  • Identification of personalized nutrition strategies for optimal health and disease prevention utilizing nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, and other related technologies
  • Innovative approaches to incorporate traditional knowledge related to food and new technologies across the value chain (e.g., vertical farming, diabetic friendly foods, and improved food nutrition)


Evaluation of climate-smart livestock production strategies to increase efficiency.


Development of climate-smart decision support tools for sustainable resource use in Toronto


Improving crop resilience through soil enhancement practices in Vancouver


Robotic technology evaluation for sustainable plant protein production in Montreal


Designing climate-smart crop production strategies in Winnipeg


The Research and Innovation (R&I) program is open to various groups aiming to advance the growth and sustainability of the agriculture and agri-food industry through innovation and research. Eligibility is strictly defined based on the type of organization and relevant affiliations.
  • Agri-processors
  • Indigenous Groups (government, communities, tribal councils, associations, and organizations)
  • Industry Organizations
  • Primary Producers
  • Research Institutions
  • Service Providers
  • An organization with multiple divisions, operation names or units, will count as one organization.
  • Current and former Government of Canada employees are ineligible to apply for funding.
  • Government of Canada departments and agencies are only eligible to apply under the Grain Innovation and Crop Production focus area.
  • Current Manitoba government employees, who are the majority shareholder (50 percent or higher) in a business or operation, are not eligible to apply for funding.
  • A business or operation, which includes a provincial government employee as a minority shareholder, will be eligible to apply for funding.
  • Current or former members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, current or former members of the Executive council, or current or former Manitoba government senior public servants are not eligible. Current or former federal public office holders are eligible as long as they follow conflict of interest policies and procedures.
  • Co-applicant information will be required for all projects where two or more parties are supporting a project.
  • All applicants who identify as a researcher (including academic institutions) or a Government of Canada department or agency will be required to identify at least one non-researcher, non-government co-applicant to be eligible for funding. In that case, the co-applicant must be either a primary producer, an agri-processor, an industry organization, or a service provider (non-research).


The Research and Innovation (R&I) program is open to various types of companies and organizations involved in the agriculture and agri-food industry in Canada. Below is the list of eligible entities:
  • Agri-processors
  • Indigenous Groups (government, communities, tribal councils, associations, and organizations)
  • Industry Organizations
  • Primary Producers
  • Research Institutions
  • Service Providers


The grant is not available to certain types of companies and individuals, including specific government employees and entities. Below is a list of those ineligible for funding:
  • Current and former Government of Canada employees
  • Government of Canada departments and agencies (except under the Grain Innovation and Crop Production focus area)
  • Current Manitoba government employees who are the majority shareholders in a business
  • Current or former members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
  • Current or former members of the Executive council
  • Current or former Manitoba government senior public servants
  • Businesses with principal investigators or co-applicants compensated directly from the grant for organizing or delivering project parts


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. Eligible expenses are directly related to the execution of an approved project and include various categories.
  • Provincial Sales Tax (PST)
  • Incremental salaries, wages, and benefits
  • Subcontracted services
  • Professional fees
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Facility and equipment rentals (including laboratory equipment and facility)
  • Materials and supplies
  • Travel expenses (related to knowledge transfer and project activities which occur within North America)
  • Overhead up to ten per cent of total approved expenses
  • Capacity building, including capital equipment


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include specific areas of Manitoba, Canada, directly involved in the agriculture and agri-food industry.
  • Must be located in Manitoba, Canada
  • Must be involved in agriculture and agri-food sectors


The grant evaluation and selection criteria for the Research and Innovation program are designed to assess both Letters of Intent and Application Worksheets based on scientific merit, research approach, communication plans, and more. Here are the specific criteria used to evaluate both stages:
  • Scientific merit and originality
  • Overall research approach
  • Capability of the research team
  • Expected results
  • Research approach and methodology
  • Communication plan and knowledge transfer
  • Principles and policy assessment
  • Financial and delivery risk


  • Step 1: Completion of a Letter of Intent
  • The Letter of Intent is available on the Manitoba Agriculture website during an open call. Go to
  • Manitoba Agriculture will publish deadline dates through the Sustainable CAP website and social media channels.
  • The Letter of Intent must be submitted to the program administrator by the specified deadline.
  • The Letter of Intent can be emailed to Manitoba Agriculture at
  • Only one Letter of Intent will be accepted for each project.
  • Applicant must acknowledge and agree to any terms and conditions contained in the Letter of Intent, Program Guide and Program Terms and Conditions.
  • Only the applicant may complete the Letter of Intent or other program documents.
  • Step 2: Completion of an Application Worksheet (invite only)
  • Applicants who have submitted completed Letters of Intent which have been deemed to meet the priorities of the program and possess significant research and innovation merit, will be invited, via email, to complete an Application Worksheet (full proposal).
  • The invitation to complete the Application Worksheet (full proposal) does not mean that a funding decision has been made and does not guarantee that the funding request will be successful.
  • The Application Worksheet must be submitted to the program administrator by the specified deadline.
  • The Application Worksheet can be emailed to Manitoba Agriculture at
  • Applicant must acknowledge and agree to any terms and conditions contained in the Application Worksheet, Program Guide and Program Terms and Conditions.
  • Only the applicant may complete the Application Worksheet or other program documents.


Additional details such as mileage and meal rates, eligibility criteria for Principal Investigator involvement, and guidelines for specific equipment eligibility are provided to ensure compliance with the program's requirements.
  • Mileage rates for travel vary, following the General Manual of Administration and National Joint Council rates.
  • Meals are limited to a specific number per day with set reimbursement rates.
  • The Principal Investigator cannot hire their own company or act as a paid subcontractor.
  • Internal laboratory fees are eligible if documented and internally paid.
  • Drones and computers may be considered eligible on a case-by-case basis if essential and not multi-use.


Apply to this program