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Expert Advice
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  • Government of Manitoba


Get access to expert digital service providers who assist with business technology assessments, digital legal services, or a cybersecurity audit.


Business Technology Assessment Digital Legal Services Cybersecurity Audit


Conducting a comprehensive cybersecurity audit for a mid-sized manufacturing company in Toronto.


Implementing digital legal services for a tech startup in Vancouver.


Developing a business technology assessment framework for a healthcare cooperative in Montreal.


Building digital capacity and conducting a cybersecurity audit for a cultural NPO in Ottawa.


Conducting a business technology assessment for an agricultural cooperative in Calgary.


Establishing a digital legal service platform for a financial cooperative in Halifax.


The eligibility criteria for the Digital Services Program grant are as follows: 1. Your business must be owned and operated in the Province of Manitoba. 2. Your business must be registered and in good standing with the Manitoba Companies Office and have been operating since April 1, 2021, or earlier. 3. You must demonstrate that your business has invested a minimum of $3,500 in building digital capacity since April 1, 2022. 4. For the Business Technology Assessment or the Cybersecurity Audit, you must have a minimum of 5 full-time equivalent employees. For Digital Legal Services, you must have a minimum of 2 full-time equivalent employees. 5. The individual named in the application must be authorized to enter into legal agreements on behalf of the company.


- Businesses owned and operated in the Province of Manitoba. - Businesses registered and in good standing with the Manitoba Companies Office and operating since April 1, 2021, or earlier. - Businesses that have invested a minimum of $3,500 in building digital capacity since April 1, 2022. - Businesses with a minimum of 5 full-time equivalent employees for the Business Technology Assessment or the Cybersecurity Audit, or a minimum of 2 full-time equivalent employees for Digital Legal Services.


Member of the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce Be registered and in good standing with the Manitoba Companies Office Have a minimum of 5 full-time equivalent employees Been operating in Manitoba since April 1, 2021 or earlier Provide neutral advice and be technology-agnostic Businesses that also serve as technology vendors do not meet the eligibility criteria for becoming a service provider for the program


- Building digital capacity - Business Technology Assessment - Cybersecurity Audit - Digital Legal Services


Provinces of Manitoba.


- Business is owned and operated in the Province of Manitoba. - Business is registered and in good standing with the Manitoba Companies Office and has been operating since April 1, 2021 or earlier. - Business has invested a minimum of $3,500 in building digital capacity since April 1, 2022. - Minimum of 5 full-time equivalent employees for Business Technology Assessment or Cybersecurity Audit, OR minimum of 2 full-time equivalent employees for Digital Legal Services. - The individual named in the application is authorized to enter into legal agreements on behalf of the company.


To apply for the Digital Services Program grant in Manitoba, follow these steps: 1. Create an account and complete the Digital Services Program application form. 2. Attend a 15-minute screening interview conducted by a Digital Manitoba Initiative representative. 3. If approved, you will receive an email with instructions to sign a statement of work and book an onboarding meeting with your assigned Digital Service Provider. 4. Attend a 30-minute onboarding meeting with the DMI representative and Digital Service Provider to understand the service delivery process and set deadlines. 5. Engage with the Digital Service Provider to receive the services outlined in the statement of work. 6. Upon completion, participate in an exit survey and a 15-minute exit interview with a DMI representative.


- Applicants should ensure their business meets all eligibility criteria before applying. - If selected, applicants will receive detailed information via email on the next steps and required actions. - The program is fully funded by the Government of Manitoba, ensuring no cost to the participants. - Applicants are encouraged to review the Program Guide for a comprehensive understanding of the program. - A screening interview will be conducted as part of the selection process to assess the fit of the applicant. - Service Providers are neutral and technology-agnostic, providing unbiased guidance to participants. - The Digital Services Program aims to help businesses leverage digital tools and enhance their operational efficiency. - Participants are required to actively engage in the service delivery process and provide feedback for improvement. - The program emphasizes collaboration with Indigenous peoples and respect for Treaty obligations in Manitoba. - Guidelines and policies regarding Privacy, Terms of Use, and Copyright are in place to protect participants' interests.


Digital Services Program

Apply to this program