Innovation Growth Program
Winnipeg, MN
Funding for Innovative Projects in Manitoba
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 15, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Information and cultural industries
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Department of Economic Development and Training (MN)
- Government of Manitoba
Your SME could get a 50-50 cost-shared grant up to $100,000 towards the development and commercialization of a new innovative product.
The Innovation Growth Program provides structured financing modalities designed to support SMEs in bringing innovative products to market efficiently. These modalities ensure financial backing while imposing clear conditions to maximize the impact of the funding.
- Non-repayable grant of up to $100,000 per project, with costs shared on a 50/50 basis.
- Reimbursement of expenses is contingent upon satisfactory proof of payment and adherence to the funding agreement terms.
- Total government contribution from all levels cannot exceed 50% of total project costs.
- Financial assistance is capped per new project per corporation and requires confirmation of matching non-government funding sources.
The Innovation Growth Program (IGP) in Manitoba focuses on supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in commercializing new innovative products and processes. The eligible activities are tailored towards overcoming commercialization challenges and bringing new products to the market to foster economic growth.
- Building commercial scale prototypes.
- Testing and conducting trial runs in an operational environment.
- Obtaining certification and registering intellectual property.
- Developing tooling required for prototyping processes.
- Adapting commercially viable products for new markets.
- Conducting market development or expansion activities.
- Carrying out commercial scale-up activities, including testing, obtaining certifications, packaging, and translation.
- Employing net new Manitoba hires directly working on an approved project.
$ 17,500
Certifying and registering IP for a new AI-driven healthcare app
$ 35,000
Developing a commercial scale prototype of an electric snowplow
$ 22,500
Adapting a smart home security system for international markets
Eligibility for this grant is determined by meeting specific criteria related to the applicant's business structure and financial specifics.
- Applicants must be for-profit, taxable Canadian Controlled Private Corporations with a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
- At least 50% of total salaries and wages must be paid to Manitoba resident employees.
- The applicant must have an annual revenue of $15 million or less, or fewer than 100 full-time equivalent employees, including its affiliates on a consolidated basis.
- The applicant must demonstrate owner investment of $25,000 in cash equity invested in the business prior to application.
The Innovation Growth Program (IGP) is designed to support Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Manitoba in the commercialization of innovative products and processes. Eligible applicants include specific types of businesses and must meet certain ownership and financial criteria.
- For-profit, taxable Canadian Controlled Private Corporations with a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
- Corporations that pay at least 50% of total salaries and wages to Manitoba resident employees.
- Companies with annual revenue of $15 million or less, or fewer than 100 full-time equivalent employees, including affiliates, on a consolidated basis.
- Applicants must demonstrate a minimum of $25,000 in cash equity invested in the business prior to application.
- Businesses should not primarily earn passive income and must not be Crown corporations, municipalities, towns, cities, or organizations owned or controlled by such entities.
This grant is not available to certain types of organizations and business operations based on their nature or the services they provide. The restrictions ensure that the funding is allocated to businesses that align with the program's goals of innovation and economic growth.
- Not-for-profit organizations.
- Professional practices regulated by a governing body under an Act of the Legislature.
- Business operations primarily earning passive income.
- Crown corporations, municipalities, towns and cities, or organizations owned or controlled by one of those groups.
- Companies that qualify for other forms of Government of Manitoba financial assistance are directed to those programs first.
Eligible expenses for this grant are those incurred in direct relation to the commercialization activities of the project.
- Legal fees associated with registration of intellectual property.
- Designing and building of commercial-scale prototypes.
- Tools and moulds required for prototyping.
- Testing costs and certifications.
- Third party advisory or technical services.
- Participation in business-to-business tradeshows or events intended to secure distributors.
- Salaries and wages for net new Manitoba hires directly working on the project, capped at 50% of total funding received under IGP.
This grant is targeted at companies having a permanent establishment specifically within Manitoba. Only Manitoba-based businesses are eligible for this program.
- Permanent establishment in Manitoba.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the Innovation Growth Program are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the program's objectives.
- Quality of The Project: Demonstrates a clear and comprehensive description of the proposed innovation, objectives, work plan, technical feasibility, and innovation.
- Market for the Innovation: Defined market need with assessment of risks and a plan to mitigate them, including competitive advantage and market potential.
- Management Capacity: Strong leadership with the necessary expertise to guide the project and an appropriate Intellectual Property strategy.
- Commercialization Plan and Business Model: Adequate financial strategy and resources to move the innovation to market, with a clear roadmap to address commercialization challenges.
- Investments Secured: Reasonable need for financial request given the project costs and a reasonable level of matching funds.
- Benefits to Manitoba: Expected economic development benefits, including job creation, payroll growth, sales and export targets, and industry competitiveness.
- Step 1: Determine Eligibility
- Ensure your business meets the eligibility criteria outlined by the Innovation Growth Program.
- Verify that your project aligns with the program's objectives and eligible activities.
- Step 2: Prepare Documentation
- Complete the IGP Application Form in Word format.
- Gather your corporation's most recent T2 tax return and year-end financial statement, or a completed Start-up Letter.
- Prepare a current balance sheet and income statement (no older than three months).
- Secure proof of confirmed funding from all other sources, ensuring non-government funding represents at least 50% of the proposed project costs.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Email your completed IGP Application Form and supporting documentation to ecdevprograms@gov.mb.ca before the application closing date.
- Contact the department if you require secure document submission through a channel other than email.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The IGP provides a non-repayable grant, meaning the funds do not need to be paid back.
- A competitive process evaluates applications, and only the strongest that meet the program objectives are considered for funding.
- Reimbursement is contingent upon proof of payment for expenses related to the project.
- The government’s contribution will not surpass 50% of total project costs, including support from all government levels.
- Project activities must be completed within one year from the application intake closing date.
- The grant prohibits reimbursement of expenses incurred before the application intake closing date.
- Applicants must demonstrate matching funds from non-government sources equal to at least 50% of eligible project costs.
- Funding disbursement is determined by satisfactory documentation and compliance with the terms of the funding agreement.
- Annual follow-up performance data collection will occur for six years post-funding, including financial statement reviews and employment data collection.