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Tax Credits
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Government of Manitoba
  • Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources


Refundable corporate income tax credit of 40% of wages paid to Manitobans working on interactive digital media projects in Manitoba, up to a maximum of $500,000 per project.


Yes, projects and activities related to developing eligible interactive digital media products primarily for commercial use or providing qualifying product add-ons are eligible for this grant.
  • Development of eligible interactive digital media products
  • Creation of product updates or enhancements (add-ons)
  • Interactive content development and programming
  • Creation of downloadable content
  • LiveOps work
  • Project-related IT and data analysis labour
  • Marketing and distribution activities directly attributable to the product for companies that own the product's intellectual property


Creation of a mobile game with in-app purchases and downloadable content.


Development of an e-commerce platform with AI-driven recommendations.


Creation of an interactive virtual museum experience.


Enhancement of an existing weather forecasting app with new interactive features.


Development of a fitness tracking app with interactive challenges.


To be eligible for the Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit, both the corporation and the interactive digital media product being developed must meet specific criteria. Furthermore, projects must also adhere to defined guidelines to qualify for this tax credit.
  • The corporation must be a taxable Canadian corporation either federally or provincially incorporated.
  • The corporation must have a permanent establishment in Manitoba throughout the year or the part of the year in which eligible expenses are incurred.
  • To qualify for a 40% tax credit on eligible expenditures, the corporation must pay at least 25% of its total corporate annual salaries and wages to employees who are Manitoba taxpaying residents during the year(s) in which eligible project expenses were incurred.
  • Alternatively, to qualify for a 35% tax credit, the corporation must incur at least $1,000,000 in total eligible Manitoba labour expenses during the corporate year related to its eligible projects if it pays less than 25% of its salaries and wages to Manitoba residents.
  • Eligible corporations can be controlled by Canadian or foreign owners and there are no restrictions on the corporation's size.
  • No requirement for the corporation to own the rights to the intellectual property of the eligible product.
  • Development labour expenses must be directly attributable to an eligible project and incurred after the application for a Certificate of Eligibility is submitted and received by the department.
  • Marketing and distribution activities can only be claimed if the applicant owns and retains the intellectual property for the eligible product, and expenses do not exceed $100,000.
  • Products must provide non-linear media interactions, allowing the user to become a participant rather than merely a reader or spectator.
  • Products not intended to be used interactively, primarily promotional products, chiefly interpersonal communication products, hardware development projects, and products deemed contrary to public policy are not eligible.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for the Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit. Eligible corporations must be taxable Canadian corporations, have a permanent establishment in Manitoba, and meet specific salary or labour expenditure criteria.
  • Must be a taxable Canadian corporation incorporated in Canada (either federally or provincially).
  • Must maintain a permanent establishment in Manitoba throughout the year or the part of the year in which eligible expenses are incurred.
  • To qualify for a 40% tax credit, a corporation must pay at least 25% of its total corporate annual salaries and wages to employees who are Manitoba taxpaying residents during the eligible project year(s).
  • To qualify for a 35% tax credit, a corporation must incur at least $1,000,000 in total cumulative eligible Manitoba labour expenses during the corporate year related to its eligible projects if it pays less than 25% of its salaries and wages to Manitoba residents.
  • Eligible corporations can be controlled by Canadian or foreign owners and have no restrictions on size (market capitalization, number of employees, etc.).
  • Fee-for-service work is allowed, and there is no requirement for the corporation to own the rights to the intellectual property of the eligible product.
  • Corporations may work on multiple eligible projects at one time with no limit on the number of project applications in a given year.


The grant context does not specifically list any types of companies that are ineligible for the Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit. Eligibility is centered around the corporation's permanent establishment in Manitoba and the nature of the product and project.


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. Eligible expenses are limited to development labour costs directly attributable to the project and certain marketing and distribution activities.
  • 100% of qualifying salaries, wages, project related bonuses, and employee benefits paid to Manitoba employees
  • 65% of eligible Manitoba labour component of fees paid to a qualifying third-party contractor
  • Qualifying portion of salaries and wages paid to pre-approved Skills Transfer Allowance recipients
  • Up to $100,000 in eligible marketing and distribution expenses for corporations that own and retain intellectual property rights
  • 50% of expenditures for food, non-alcoholic beverages, and entertainment directly related to marketing and distribution of the eligible product


To be eligible for the Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit, a corporation must have a permanent establishment in Manitoba and comply with specified criteria.
  • Manitoba


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit grant. Eligibility and assessment include a review of various aspects such as corporate qualifications, project specifics, and compliance with labor expenditure requirements.
  • Company must be a taxable Canadian corporation with a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
  • The corporation must pay at least 25% of its total corporate annual salaries and wages to Manitoba taxpaying residents during the qualifying period or incur at least $1,000,000 in total cumulative eligible Manitoba labor expenses.
  • The project must be for developing or enhancing an eligible interactive digital media product, primarily for commercial use.
  • Products must provide non-linear, interactive media experiences involving at least two forms of media: text, sound, or images.
  • Eligible expenses include development labor costs, marketing and distribution costs incurred after applying for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
  • Labor expenses cannot be claimed if already covered by other government assistance unless specific exceptions apply.
  • Marketing and distribution expenses are capped at $100,000 per product and must be directly attributable to the promotion of the eligible product.
  • Qualifying project activities need a Certificate of Eligibility before expenses can be claimed, which reflects preliminary project eligibility and estimated tax credit amounts.
  • Project status, scope, and budget changes must be documented through an Amended Certificate of Eligibility if they occur during project progress.


  • Step 1: Contact us and apply for a Certificate of Eligibility before starting work on your project
  • Step 2: Undertake development work on your interactive digital media project
  • Step 3: Submit eligible expenses to the province to receive a Tax Credit Certificate
  • Step 4: File your Tax Credit Certificate with the Canada Revenue Agency


The Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (IDMTC) provides significant financial support to corporations developing interactive digital media products through refundable corporate tax credits.
  • It offers up to 40% tax credit on qualified Manitoba labour expenditures.
  • Marketing and distribution expenses directly incurred in the development of eligible products can also be claimed up to a maximum of $100,000.
  • Eligible corporations must be taxable Canadian corporations with a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
  • Corporations must apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) before incurring eligible expenses.

Apply to this program