LogisVert - Financial assistance for builders QC Canada

LogisVert - Financial assistance for builders

QC, Canada
Offer significant financial aid to construction companies implementing energy efficiency measures in new residential builds, promoting sustainable living


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Grant and Funding
  • Construction
  • Hydro-Québec


The LogisVert program, initiated by Hydro-Québec, aims to support construction companies in implementing energy efficiency measures in new residential buildings. Eligible activities include the installation of high-efficiency heat pumps, Energy Star certified air exchangers, and other advanced energy systems. Financial assistance is provided based on the completion of specific energy-saving measures, with a maximum grant amount of $250,000 per house.


The LogisVert program offers financial assistance for implementing energy efficiency measures during the construction of residential buildings in Québec.
  • Installation of high-efficiency heat pumps
  • Installation of ground-source heat pumps
  • Installation of heat accumulators
  • Installation of Energy Star certified air exchangers
  • Installation of solar thermal panels for water heating
  • Installation of intelligent heating equipment, such as smart thermostats and intelligent EV chargers


Introduce high-efficiency heat pumps and smart EV chargers in a new residential area in Vancouver.


Install high-efficiency heat pumps and smart thermostats in a new residential complex in Montreal.


Equip a new housing development in Toronto with geothermal heat pumps and Energy Star air exchangers.


Deploy solar thermal panels and high-efficiency heat pumps in a new residential building in Calgary.


Implement Energy Star certified air exchangers and high-efficiency heat pumps in a new condo building in Ottawa.


Install central heat pumps and intelligent heating equipment in a new green housing project in Halifax.


The LogisVert program by Hydro-Québec offers financial assistance to construction companies that implement energy efficiency measures during the construction of new residential buildings.
  • Must be a construction or real estate promotion company with necessary permits from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec
  • Autoconstructors are not eligible
  • The measures must be implemented in a new construction such as single-family homes, duplexes, townhouses, mobile homes, chalets, multiplexes, or buildings with 19 units or less
  • Residence must be located in Québec, have a municipal address, residential designation, be habitable year-round, and connected to an electric network
  • The installed measures must be completed after January 1, 2023
  • In autonomous networks, installing an electric heating system to replace a fuel heating system is not eligible
  • The request for financial assistance must be submitted within nine months after completion of work
  • Maximum financial assistance is $250,000 per house for the program duration


The LogisVert program offers financial assistance to construction and real estate promotion companies that implement energy efficiency measures in residential construction. These companies must hold all necessary permits from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) for building residential homes for sale.
  • Construction companies
  • Real estate promotion companies


Not all companies are eligible for the LogisVert grant. Specifically, self-builders and individuals who do not hold the necessary construction permits are excluded from this grant.
  • Self-builders
  • Individuals without the necessary construction permits


Eligible expenses for the LogisVert grant include specific installations and measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in new residential constructions.
  • Installation of very high-efficiency heat pumps
  • Installation of Energy Star® certified air exchangers
  • Installation of thermal energy storages
  • Installation of central heat pumps
  • Installation of geothermal heat pumps
  • Installation of solar thermal collectors for hot water


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Quebec.
  • The construction must be located in Quebec
  • The construction must have a municipal address (a construction site address is not accepted)
  • The construction must have a residential vocation
  • The construction must be habitable year-round
  • The construction must be powered by one of the following electricity networks:
  • Hydro-Québec network (subscription to electricity service)
  • Autonomous network
  • Municipal or cooperative network


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant.
  • The applicant must be a construction company or real estate developer with all necessary permits from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec.
  • The measures must be implemented in a new construction that fits the eligible types of housing: single-family home, semi-detached, row house, mobile home, chalet, multiplex, or residential building with 19 units or less.
  • All the implemented measures must be listed in the chosen option and should comply with detailed requirements in the annexes.
  • The housing must be located in Quebec, have a municipal address, be habitable year-round, and be connected to specific electricity networks.
  • All works must be completed on or after January 1, 2023.
  • The financial aid application must be submitted no later than nine months after the completion of the works, with a final deadline of September 30, 2024 for works completed in 2023.


  • Step 1
  • Creation of the participation profile and online financial assistance application
  • Go to the Program portal at www.logisvert.ca to create or access your participation profile
  • Fill out the financial assistance application form online and submit the required supporting documents
  • Applications submitted by email or mail will not be processed
  • Step 2
  • Evaluation of the financial assistance application and measures related to Relevé 27
  • Track the status of your application through your participation profile
  • If your application is incomplete or ineligible, you will be informed by email or phone within approximately 20 business days
  • The processing time is between 10 to 12 weeks, calculated from the compliance verification described in Step 3
  • Relevé 27 – Government Payments: Hydro-Québec will produce a Relevé 27 form if the financial assistance is received in the course of a business or property
  • Step 3
  • Compliance verification
  • Hydro-Québec will contact you to schedule a visit to the residence to verify the installation of the energy efficiency measures
  • They may also request additional documents
  • Step 4
  • Disbursement of the financial assistance
  • If your application is deemed eligible and all required information has been provided, the payment process will begin
  • You will receive the financial assistance amount by mail at the correspondence address indicated in your application
  • Inform the LogisVert Program Support at 1 833 396-1888 of any change of address
  • Incomplete applications may result in processing delays exceeding 12 weeks


The grant program LogisVert provides financial assistance for implementing energy efficiency measures in new residential constructions in Quebec. Businesses in construction and real estate development must adhere to specific requirements and submit their applications online to be eligible.
  • The maximum financial aid cannot exceed $250,000 per house for the duration of the program.
  • Eligibility criteria include being located in Quebec, having a municipal address, and being habitable year-round.
  • The aid application must be transmitted no later than nine months after the construction completion date.
  • Various options with specified criteria for types of housing such as houses, multiplexes, and residential buildings with up to 19 units.
  • Bonifications are available for installing smart equipment and thermostats, enhancing the total financial aid.
  • Steps for applying include creating a profile online, submitting required documents, and possibly undergoing a compliance verification.
  • Specific technical and legal documents must demonstrate the construction company's connection to the residence and verify equipment specifications.
  • Hydro-Québec may request additional proof or cancel or modify the program without prior notice.
  • The request for aid cannot be duplicated with other governmental or Hydro-Québec programs for the same equipment.
  • Documentation required includes construction permits, photos of installed equipment, and copies of relevant licenses.


LogisVert - Financial assistance for builders


1 833 396‑1888
Apply to this program