Gatineau - Green Fund QC Canada

Gatineau - Green Fund

Gatineau, QC, Canada
The Green Fund offers substantial financial support to non-profit and public organizations for projects enhancing or protecting the environment in Gatineau.


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Grant and Funding
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  • City of Gatineau


The Fonds vert grant program in Gatineau provides financial assistance to non-profit and public organizations for projects aimed at improving or protecting the environment. Eligible activities include studies, environmental events, awareness projects, and structuring projects that align with the city's environmental policy and themes such as water preservation, air quality improvement, and biodiversity conservation. The funding can cover up to 75% of projects under $5,000 and up to 50% of projects over $5,000, with a maximum grant of $25,000 for most projects or $15,000 for events.


Yes, there are several eligible projects and activities for this grant.
  • Study: Preliminary research to support actionable projects.
  • Environmental Event: Public activities based on an environmental theme.
  • Sensitization Project: Actions aimed at changing behaviors and raising awareness about environmental goals.
  • Structuring Project: Initiatives to organize and improve environmental quality and quality of life.


Eligibility criteria for the Fonds vert grant include being a non-profit or public organization legally constituted under federal or provincial laws, showing transparency and good governance, and performing environmentally aligned projects in Gatineau.
  • Being a non-profit organization or a public organization (municipality, schools, healthcare or social service establishments)
  • Legally constituted under federal or provincial laws
  • Having a transparent structure
  • Governed by a democratically elected board of directors with representative bylaws
  • Demonstrating good governance, professionalism, and rigorous administrative and financial management
  • Executing the project for the Gatineau population
  • Aligning the mission with the environmental policy orientation
  • Holding a civil liability insurance policy of at least $3,000,000
  • Declaring partnerships and support agreements with the City of Gatineau, provincial and federal governments, and other partners
  • Being compliant with applicable Gatineau regulations (permits, taxes, etc.)
  • Signing a memorandum of understanding with the City of Gatineau
  • Having headquarters or an operational presence in Gatineau (priority given to such entities)


The grant is specifically aimed at non-profit organizations and public bodies. The eligible types of entities for the Fonds vert grant include:
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs): Associations, circles, or groups with the sole mandate of ensuring social well-being, local improvements, recreation, entertainment, or other non-profit activities.
  • Public bodies: Municipalities, school organizations, and healthcare or social service establishments.


Eligible expenses for this grant include a variety of costs associated with environmental projects.
  • Research and preparatory studies
  • Costs related to organizing and executing environmental events
  • Materials and costs for public awareness and education projects
  • Costs for projects aimed at improving or protecting the environmental quality and community life


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Gatineau. All projects must be situated on the territory of Gatineau.
  • Projects must be located in Gatineau


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the Fonds vert grant. Here is a summary followed by the criteria list:
The evaluation and selection criteria for the Fonds vert grant revolve around aligning projects with Gatineau's environmental policy and ensuring effective governance and impact within the community.
  • Projects must align with at least one of the four orientations of the environmental policy.
  • Projects must fall under one of the seven themes environmental themes.
  • Projects must be situated on the territory of Gatineau.
  • Projects must be accessible to all, without distinction of ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or other.
  • Projects must support the mission of the applicant organization.
  • Only projects submitted by organizations with transparent structure and democratic governance are eligible.
  • Applicant must demonstrate sound financial and administrative management.
  • Projects must pursue a mission focused on the municipality's environmental policy orientation.
  • Applicant organizations must have liability insurance of at least $3,000,000.
  • Projects must have declared partnerships and support agreements with the City of Gatineau, provincial and federal governments, and other partners.
  • Applicants must sign a memorandum of understanding with the City of Gatineau.
  • Priority is given to environmental organizations with their headquarters or business location in Gatineau.


  • Step 1: Ensure your organization meets eligibility criteria, which includes being a non-profit or public organization, possessing a transparent structure, having a democratically elected board, maintaining sound governance, operating in Gatineau, and aligning with the environmental policy.
  • Step 2: Verify that your project aligns with at least one of the four orientations of the environmental policy and integrates into one of the seven environmental themes.
  • Step 3: Complete any necessary studies or preparatory research to substantiate your project.
  • Step 4: Prepare a detailed project proposal outlining the project’s objectives, activities, and how they align with the Fund's goals.
  • Step 5: Ensure your project is accessible to all individuals regardless of ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc.
  • Step 6: Obtain and maintain a civil liability insurance policy of at least $3,000,000.
  • Step 7: Declare all existing partnerships and support agreements with the Ville de Gatineau and other governmental bodies.
  • Step 8: Comply with all applicable regulations of the Ville de Gatineau (permits, taxes, etc.).
  • Step 9: Sign a protocol of understanding with the Ville de Gatineau.
  • Step 10: Submit your application during the call for projects period, ensuring all necessary documentation and evidence are included.


The Green Fund provides financial support to non-profit and public organizations for projects aimed at improving or protecting the environment. The priority is given to environmental organizations based in the Gatineau territory.
  • Non-recurring grants, requiring a new application each year.
  • Eligible project examples include studies supporting tangible projects, environmental events, awareness campaigns, and structuring projects.
  • Grants cover up to 75% of projects valued at $5,000 or less, and up to 50% of projects valued more than $5,000, with funding caps at $25,000 for projects and $15,000 for events.
  • Eligible organizations must be legally constituted under federal or provincial laws and maintain proper governance and transparent structures.
  • Maximum of three projects per organization can be financed annually.
  • The Fund aligns projects with the City of Gatineau's environmental policy, prioritizing water preservation, air quality improvement, soil conservation, biodiversity preservation, energy consumption reduction, quality of life enhancement, and sustainable waste management.

Apply to this program