Ecocamionnage Program — Logistics Project
QC, Canada
Greenhouse emission reduction aid for freight transport
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 10, 2025
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2025
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Transportation and warehousing
- Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility of Quebec
- Gouvernement du Québec
The Programme d’Aide à la Réduction des Émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre dans le Transport Routier des Marchandises (Écocamionnage) aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the adoption of eligible technologies in the trucking sector. Eligible activities include the acquisition and homologation of technologies like anti-idling devices and aerodynamic improvements, with varying funding levels depending on the technology and local manufacturing criteria.
The Ecocamionnage Program's Logistics Project Component supports projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in road freight transport through technological advancements. These eligible projects focus on the adoption of innovative, energy-efficient technologies.
- Acquisition and implementation of anti-idling technologies, such as auxiliary power units or cabin heaters, to reduce fuel consumption while vehicles are stationary.
- Installation of aerodynamic enhancements on trucks to improve fuel efficiency, particularly at high speeds.
- Transition to hybrid or fully electric propulsion systems for reduced fuel consumption and emissions in urban and regional transportation.
- Integration of fuel cell technologies in vehicles aiming to lower carbon footprint in both urban and long-haul transport sectors.
- Development and adoption of technologies that potentially modify emissions, like using alternative fuels or engine modifications, ensuring compliance with emission standards.
- Use of low-speed vehicles for urban goods transport, emphasizing efficiency and reduced carbon output.
- Implementation of cargo bikes with electric assistance for short-distance deliveries, promoting eco-friendly urban logistics solutions.
$ 57,000
Acquisition and deployment of data processing equipment for load optimization
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's involvement in the transportation of goods sector and use of sustainable technologies.
- The request must be directly associated with a technology within the road freight transport sector and service vehicles.
- The technology must present a potential for improving energy efficiency or reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as through the use of alternative energies.
- The technology should be market-ready or already on the market; prototypes in development are not eligible.
- Eligible applicants include businesses, institutions, organizations, and individuals in the road freight transport and service vehicles sector.
- If the application is submitted by a distributor or user, it must be accompanied by a letter from the manufacturer consenting to the evaluation of their technology as per the application's terms.
- Eligible vehicles include heavy vehicles, off-road heavy vehicles, light commercial vehicles registered with a 'F' or 'L' plate with a gross vehicle weight less than 4,500 kg, low-speed vehicles, and electric cargo bicycles.
- The technology must be evaluated by an independent organization using recognized methods or criteria, if applicable.
- The program does not cover fuel additives, lubricants, oils, or similar technologies since they are not devices or accessories installed on a vehicle.
This grant program is intended for entities within the road freight transport sector and service vehicles. Eligible applicants include companies, institutions, organizations, and individuals who are manufacturers, distributors, or users of technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in freight transport.
This grant is specifically targeted to certain sectors, focusing on the transport of goods. Therefore, certain companies or industries are not eligible to apply based on their main activity or vehicle use.
- Companies involved in the transport of passengers.
The grant supports specific expenses directly associated with the acquisition and implementation of eligible technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in road transportation.
- Cost of acquiring eligible technologies listed on the Ministère des Transports et de la mobilité durable’s approved list.
- Installation costs for eligible technologies that are added to vehicles (e.g., aerodynamic equipment, idle reduction technologies).
- Incremental costs associated with hybrid or electric vehicle technologies compared to conventional vehicles.
- Costs of conducting evaluations or certifications by independent organizations to validate technology effectiveness in reducing emissions.
This grant is available to companies located in specific geographical areas within the jurisdiction of the Quebec Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility. Eligible applicants must operate within the province of Quebec to qualify for funding under this program.
- Companies and entities located in the province of Quebec, Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects under this grant focus on technological and methodological quality, impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, socio-economic impacts, and project feasibility, each with specific scoring criteria.
- Quality of the project in terms of technology and methodology: 30 points (minimum passing score: 15/30)
- Impact on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: 40 points (minimum passing score: 24/40)
- Socio-economic impacts of the project: 15 points
- Guarantee of project implementation: 15 points
- Total score required for recommendation: 100 points (minimum passing score: 65/100)
Here are the steps to submit an application for the Écocamionnage grant:
- Step 1: Verify Eligibility
- Ensure your technology is related to the road freight transport sector and has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Confirm that the technology is commercializable or already on the market.
- Confirm that the vehicles you intend to use for the technology are eligible under the program.
- Step 2: Prepare the Application Form
- Complete the "Formulaire de demande d’homologation" available on the Ministry's website.
- Provide detailed information about the applicant, including NEQ, contact details, and relationship with the technology.
- If applicable, include a letter from the manufacturer consenting to the evaluation.
- Step 3: Describe the Project
- Include a detailed description of the technology, its applications, and its expected benefits.
- Attach any documentation relevant to the independent evaluation, if required.
- Include an estimated timetable and projected costs.
- Step 4: Submit the Application
- Submit your completed application by post or email.
- Email: ecocamionnage@transports.gouv.qc.ca
- Mail: Programme Écocamionnage, Direction des aides aux individus et aux entreprises, Direction générale des aides financières, Ministère des Transports et de la mobilité durable, 700, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, 22e étage, Québec (Québec) G1R 5H1
- Step 5: Await Acceptance Notification
- Wait for feedback from the Ministry regarding the completeness and eligibility of your application.
- Provide additional information or modifications if requested by the Ministry.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- There is a local purchase clause that allows for a financial bonus if the technology is assembled or manufactured in Quebec, with percentages varying based on the extent of local production.
- A professional independent report is required to certify the local assembly or manufacture of the technology to gain additional financial benefits.
- These reports validating local manufacturing or assembly are valid for three years, after which they need renewal.
- No retroactive financial bonuses are provided; the bonuses apply only to new applicants after the submission of the report.