
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
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  • Gouvernement du Québec


The grant from the Fonds régions et ruralité (FRR) – Volet 2 aims to support local and regional development efforts by the MRCs, providing technical assistance or grants for activities such as planning, supporting municipalities, promoting entrepreneurship, community mobilization, and rural development. The program is open to organizations, excluding financial sector enterprises and cooperatives, in line with the priorities set by each MRC, although the maximum funding amount is not specified.


This grant supports projects that enhance local and regional development through various planning and expertise-driven initiatives. The eligible activities aim to strengthen community infrastructure and socio-economic standards.
  • Planning and development assignments that focus on local and regional improvement.
  • Providing professional expertise or establishing service-sharing agreements in areas such as social, cultural, tourism, environmental, and technological fields to support local municipalities.
  • Promoting entrepreneurship and supporting business and entrepreneurial activities.
  • Mobilizing communities and facilitating projects that enhance living conditions in social, cultural, economic, or environmental domains.
  • Establishment, funding, and implementation of sectoral development agreements with government ministries or organizations, and potentially other partners.
  • Supporting rural development initiatives.


Eligibility for this grant is based on the priorities and policies set by the MRC, with specific exclusions for certain types of businesses.
  • All organizations are eligible for technical assistance or a subsidy.
  • Private companies in the financial sector and financial cooperatives are excluded from eligibility.


According to the priorities and policies determined by the MRC, any organization is eligible for technical assistance or a grant, except for private companies in the financial sector and financial cooperatives.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries from eligibility due to their specific nature and main activity. These restrictions are designed to target support toward sectors that align with the grant's objectives for local and regional development.
  • Private companies in the financial sector.
  • Financial cooperatives.


This funding supports local and regional development efforts by prioritizing strategic initiatives in various domains. Eligible projects encompass a wide range of activities that foster community engagement and sustainable growth.
  • Execution of mandates related to planning for territorial layout and development.
  • Professional expertise support for local municipalities or establishing shared services in various sectors.
  • Promotion and support of entrepreneurship and businesses.
  • Community mobilization and support for projects that enhance living environments in social, cultural, economic, or environmental domains.
  • Establishing, financing, and implementing sectoral development agreements with governmental departments and other partners.
  • Support for rural development.


This fund is managed and distributed by the regional county municipalities (MRCs), which set the priorities and policies for local and regional development. The eligible geographical areas for companies are informed by the MRCs' jurisdictional boundaries.
  • Areas within the jurisdiction of any managing regional county municipality (MRC) in Quebec.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Consult MRC Priorities
  • Review the priorities and policies outlined by your local MRC as these will guide your application.
  • Step 2: Contact MRC
  • Reach out to the relevant MRC by consulting the Répertoire des municipalités to establish initial contact.
  • Discuss your project idea and seek guidance on how to align it with the MRC’s priorities.
  • Step 3: Prepare Application Materials
  • Develop a comprehensive proposal that outlines your project's objectives and expected impact on local or regional development.
  • Gather necessary supporting documents such as financial statements, project plans, and letters of support from partners or stakeholders.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit your application to the MRC office as per their specified method, which could include electronic submission or physical delivery.
  • Step 5: Follow Up
  • Ensure you receive a confirmation of receipt from the MRC and keep track of your application's status.


The grant aims to support local and regional development in complementary alignment with other government programs. The management of the grant is undertaken by the MRC, which identifies its own intervention priorities and establishes support policies.
  • Recipients can include any organization, excluding private financial sector enterprises and financial cooperatives.
  • Funds can be utilized for planning mandates related to planning, development, and providing technical or subvention assistance to local municipalities.
  • Eligible activities include promoting and supporting entrepreneurship, community mobilization, and implementing sectoral development agreements with government ministries or bodies.
  • Potential support areas include social, cultural, economic, or environmental initiatives, and rural development projects.
  • Interested parties are advised to contact their respective MRC for application procedures.

Apply to this program

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