
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Government of Manitoba


Get up to $10,000/employee to a maximum of $100,000 to cover the cost of third-party skills training for your employees.


Eligible activities for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant include:
  • Training programs that enhance employees' skills
  • Workshops to improve productivity and innovation within the organization
  • Certifications and courses that lead to higher qualifications
  • Skills development programs to support business growth


Implement a data analytics training program for all sales employees in Vancouver.


Provide advanced project management training for 15 employees at our Toronto office.


Upskill IT support staff through advanced cybersecurity training in Ottawa.


Conduct customer service excellence training for call center staff in Montreal.


Organize a series of digital marketing workshops for small business owners in Edmonton.


Introduce leadership development training for managerial staff in Calgary.


  • Prior recipients of three Job Grants over the past five years
  • Current recipient of funding from Manitoba under another Industry Workforce Development program such as the Industry Expansion Program or the Workforce Development Program
  • Employers who don’t meet all of the eligibility criteria listed on the grant application
  • K-12 schools funded by provincial/federal sources
  • Federal, provincial and territorial governments
  • Federal and provincial crown corporations and agencies


Small employers with 100 or fewer employees and companies with 101 or more employees are eligible for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant. The grant contributes up to 75% of eligible training costs for small employers and up to 50% for companies with more than 100 employees.
  • Prior recipients of three Job Grants over the past five years
  • Current recipients of funding from Manitoba under another Industry Workforce Development program
  • Employers who don’t meet all eligibility criteria listed on the grant application
  • K-12 schools funded by provincial/federal sources
  • Federal, provincial, and territorial governments
  • Federal and provincial crown corporations and agencies


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant:
  • Prior recipients of three Job Grants over the past five years
  • Current recipient of funding from Manitoba under another Industry Workforce Development program such as the Industry Expansion Program or the Workforce Development Program
  • Employers who don’t meet all of the eligibility criteria listed on the grant application
  • K-12 schools funded by provincial/federal sources
  • Federal, provincial and territorial governments
  • Federal and provincial crown corporations and agencies


Eligible expenses for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant include training costs for employees. The grant can contribute up to 75% of eligible training costs for small employers (100 or fewer employees) and up to 50% for companies with more than 100 employees.
  • Training costs for employees
  • Contributions up to 75% for small employers and up to 50% for larger companies


Employers who are not eligible for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant include:
  • Prior recipients of three Job Grants over the past five years
  • Current recipient of funding from Manitoba under another Industry Workforce Development program such as the Industry Expansion Program or the Workforce Development Program
  • Employers who don’t meet all of the eligibility criteria listed on the grant application
  • K-12 schools funded by provincial/federal sources
  • Federal, provincial and territorial governments
  • Federal and provincial crown corporations and agencies


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant. Applicants are evaluated based on criteria such as eligibility, completeness of application, training plan quality, and alignment with program objectives.
  • Eligibility of the employer and training program
  • Completeness and accuracy of the application
  • Quality and relevance of the training plan
  • Alignment of the training with program objectives


  • Step 1: Download the latest version of the CMJG application form
  • Step 2: Fill out the application form with all required information
  • Step 3: Submit the completed application form by the applicant
  • Step 4: Wait for the application review process to be completed
  • Step 5: Receive an email notification once a funding decision is made

Apply to this program