Business growth — Éco-Capitale - Ville de Québec - QC - Canada

Business growth — Éco-Capitale

Ville de Québec, QC
Support sustainable development projects that implement eco-responsible practices, covering up to 50% of eligible expenses.


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Grant and Funding
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  • Quebec City


The grant program offers a maximum contribution of up to $500,000, covering up to 50% of eligible expenses for sustainable development projects that implement eco-responsible practices with a significant impact on the business's responsible model. Eligible activities include projects addressing water usage, raw materials management, greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable production, transportation logistics, and environmental certification related to construction or renovation.



$ 225,000

Commercial urban agriculture project to support sustainable production

$ 350,000

Initiative to upgrade transportation logistics for reducing emissions

$ 500,000

Sustainable construction project with LEED certification

$ 300,000

Implementation of a water recycling system for manufacturing processes

$ 275,000

Implementation of eco-friendly packaging solutions

$ 200,000

Development of a comprehensive waste management program


The eligibility criteria for this grant include having a structured diagnostic in sustainable practices and being a specific type of organization such as a private incorporated company or a social economy enterprise performing commercial activities.
  • Requérants admissibles:
  • Entreprises privées incorporées
  • Entreprises d'économie sociale (OBNL et coop) réalisant majoritairement des activités marchandes
  • Propriétaires immobiliers pour des projets de certification environnementale liée à des travaux de construction ou de rénovation
  • Entreprises individuelles et sociétés en nom collectif détenues majoritairement par des autochtones et situées sur le territoire de Wendake
  • Exclusions:
  • Les entreprises d'économie sociale (OBNL et coop) qui ne font pas la preuve d'une saine gouvernance démocratique
  • Les requérants non libérés d'un jugement de faillite
  • Les entreprises inscrites au Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics
  • Les requérants qui, au cours des deux années précédant la demande d'aide financière, ont fait défaut de respecter leurs obligations en lien avec l'octroi antérieur d'une aide financière de la Ville de Québec, après avoir dûment été mis en demeure de le faire
  • Les requérants ayant des montants en souffrance avec la Ville de Québec
  • Les projets à caractère discriminatoire, à controverse ou à risque d'image négative pour la Ville de Québec
  • Les projets ponctuels à caractère événementiel
  • Sectors of Activity:
  • Secteurs prioritaires:
  • Agroalimentaire, transformation alimentaire et aliments santé
  • Arts numériques et divertissement interactif, technologies financières, intelligence artificielle, ville intelligente ou autres produits et technologies numériques, excluant les services et la consultation
  • Optique photonique, technologies de mesures et contrôles, électronique de pointe
  • Sciences de la vie, biotechnologies et technologies de la santé
  • Technologies propres : eau, air, traitement des sols, écomobilité, efficacité énergétique, énergies renouvelables, chimie verte, matières résiduelles, technologies habilitantes et développement durable
  • Secteurs stratégiques:
  • Art, culture et patrimoine
  • Assurance et services financiers
  • Manufacturier, matériaux, transformation industrielle, robotique et industrie 4.0
  • Sécurité urbaine
  • Tourisme
  • Secteur commercial:
  • Commerce de détail, restauration, entreprises qui fournissent des services aux touristes de loisirs et d'affaires en visite sur le territoire de l'agglomération (incluant l'hébergement touristique)
  • Se limite aux entreprises de 50 employés et moins (équivalent temps plein)
  • Autres:
  • Propriétaires immobiliers pour des projets en agriculture urbaine commerciale
  • Territory of the Project:
  • Agglomération de Québec (villes de Québec, de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures et de L'Ancienne-Lorette) et Wendake
  • Propriétaires immobiliers, pour des projets de certification environnementale concernant des bâtiments résidentiels ou commerciaux : Écoquartier Pointe-aux-Lièvres et zone d'innovation Innovitam (incluant l'Écoquartier d'Estimauville)
  • Localisation du siège social: Aucune restriction
  • Seuil minimal de coût de projet: Aucun
  • Other Conditions:
  • Ce volet s'adresse aux entreprises ayant réalisé un diagnostic structuré en développement durable, recommandé positivement par un partenaire reconnu
  • Si l'entreprise quitte le territoire ou cesse ses activités, des clauses de remboursement sont prévues selon la date de l'événement


Eligible types of companies for this grant include private incorporated companies, social economy enterprises majorly involved in economic activities, and certain owners for environmental certification projects.
  • Private Incorporated Companies
  • Social Economy Enterprises (Non-Profit Organizations and Cooperatives) with majority economic activities
  • Owners for environmental certification projects related to construction or renovation
  • Individual enterprises and partnerships majority-owned by Indigenous individuals and located in Wendake


This grant has specific exclusions for certain types of companies. These include social economy enterprises without democratic governance, bankrupt entities, those listed as ineligible for public contracts, and others with various specified financial and legal issues.
  • Social economy enterprises without proof of democratic governance
  • Entities not discharged from bankruptcy
  • Companies listed on the Register of businesses ineligible for public contracts
  • Applicants who have defaulted on previous financial obligations to the Ville de Québec
  • Applicants with outstanding amounts owed to the Ville de Québec
  • Projects of a discriminatory, controversial, or negatively impactful nature for the Ville de Québec
  • One-time event-based projects


Eligible projects for this grant focus on process optimization, advanced technology integration, and training initiatives to enhance competitiveness and productivity in Canadian businesses.
  • Implementation of digital transformation strategies and technologies.
  • Optimization of manufacturing processes to improve efficiency.
  • Research and development for innovative product design and materials.
  • Workforce training programs to upskill employees in emerging technologies.
  • Development of advanced data analytics and AI solutions for operational improvements.


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Verify that your organization meets the eligibility criteria, such as being a private incorporated company, a social economy enterprise, or a property owner meeting specific conditions.
  • Confirm that your project aligns with the eligible sectors and territory requirements.
  • Step 2: Conduct a Structured Sustainability Diagnosis
  • Complete a structured diagnostic in sustainable practices with positive recommendations from a recognized partner.
  • Step 3: Prepare Project Proposal
  • Draft a detailed project proposal that outlines the objectives, financial plan, expected impacts, and alignment with the grant's requirements.
  • Ensure the proposal addresses at least one of the specified sustainability aspects (e.g., water, greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable production, etc.).
  • Step 4: Gather Required Documents
  • Collect necessary documentation as listed in the funding application form, including financial statements, structured diagnostic reports, and any other supporting materials.
  • Step 5: Complete the Application Form
  • Fill out the official application form (provided as a PDF) with all required fields and information.
  • Step 6: Submit the Application
  • Submit the filled application form along with all required documents to the designated submission portal or address as per the guidelines.
  • Step 7: Await Feedback and Follow-up
  • After submission, wait for feedback from the grant committee.
  • Be prepared to provide any additional information or clarification if requested.


The grant is aimed at promoting sustainable practices among small and medium-sized enterprises and is open to various sectors, including agriculture, technology, and tourism. Applications are accepted continuously, with no specific project cost minimums, and the grant can cover up to 50% of eligible expenses, with a maximum contribution of $500,000.
  • The grant is available for structured eco-responsible practices targeting areas such as water, waste reduction, greenhouse gas reduction, and sustainable production among others.
  • Applicants must be incorporated private companies, social economy enterprises engaged in commercial activities, or real estate owners for projects linked to environmental certifications in construction or renovation.
  • Specific exclusions apply, including bankrupt applicants, those who failed previous funding conditions, and projects that may harm the city's image.
  • Eligibility spans key sectors like food processing, digital technologies, clean technologies, and strategic areas like art and manufacturing.
  • Eligible expenses include professional fees, consulting services, and relevant purchases or equipment rentals, with certain restrictions on operational, charitable, and pre-application expenses.
  • Projects must have a structured sustainable development diagnosis endorsed by a recognized partner.

Apply to this program

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