FCI — Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans Canada

FCI — Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans

The John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) by CFI supports Canadian institutions in attracting and retaining top researchers through strategic investment in research infrastructure.


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Subvention et financement
  • Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques
  • Services d'enseignement
  • Soins de santé et assistance sociale
  • Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation (FCI)


The John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) by the Canada Foundation for Innovation is designed to help Canadian research institutions attract and retain top-tier researchers by providing necessary foundational research infrastructure. Eligible activities include the acquisition or development of high-usage equipment and the upgrade or replacement of aging infrastructure to support innovative research and technology development.


Eligible projects for the John R. Evans Leaders Fund involve the acquisition or development of research infrastructure to increase research capacity and enable innovative research activities.
  • Acquisition of workhorse equipment
  • Upgrade or replacement of aging infrastructure


Acquisition d'un scanner IRM pour la recherche neurologique avancée.


Modernisation des installations du laboratoire de biologie cellulaire avec de nouveaux équipements de microscopie.


Développement d'une infrastructure informatique de recherche avancée à l'Université de l'Alberta.


Rénovation de l'espace de laboratoire pour la recherche sur le cancer à BC Cancer Agency.


Collaboration pour une infrastructure de recherche partagée en microbiologie entre les universités du Canada atlantique.


Construction de nouvelles installations de recherche pour les études sur les énergies renouvelables à l'Université de Calgary.


The eligibility criteria for this grant include specific guidelines for eligible institutions, researchers, and infrastructure projects.
  • Canadian universities recognized as eligible by the CFI
  • Research hospitals and research institutes must apply through the affiliated eligible university
  • Multi-institutional projects are encouraged
  • Up to three researchers may be listed on the proposal
  • Researchers must be recognized as leaders or show potential for excellence in their fields
  • Researchers must be engaged in innovative, high-quality research or technology development
  • Researchers must have full-time academic appointments or be in the process of being recruited to full-time positions
  • Eligible projects involve the acquisition or development of research infrastructure
  • Proposals can request up to $800,000 from the CFI, with a maximum total eligible cost of $2 million
  • Social sciences, humanities, and arts proposals can request less than or equal to $75,000 from the CFI


There are eligible expenses for this grant, specifically related to the acquisition or development of research infrastructure.
  • Acquisition of workhorses (high usage equipment)
  • Upgrade or replacement of aging infrastructure
  • Expenditures incurred no earlier than six months prior to the proposal submission deadline
  • Construction or renovation costs, including direct costs, soft costs, and contingency costs
  • Costs must include taxes (net of credits received), shipping, and installation


The eligible geographic zones for the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) include Canadian universities recognized by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). Research hospitals and research institutes affiliated with eligible universities can also apply through these universities.
  • Canadian universities recognized by the CFI
  • Research hospitals affiliated with eligible universities
  • Research institutes affiliated with eligible universities


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant, which focus on assessing the innovativeness, feasibility, and significance of the proposed research infrastructure and activities, as well as the potential benefits to Canadians. Proposals are reviewed based on various criteria including research quality, researcher capability, infrastructure necessity, sustainability, and socio-economic benefits.
  • Research or technology development
  • Researchers
  • Infrastructure
  • Sustainability
  • Benefits to Canadians


  • Step 1: Consult with the research office and refer to internal institutional practices for submitting JELF proposals.
  • Step 2: Ensure that your institution is eligible by checking its allocation of CFI funding.
  • Step 3: Verify the eligibility of researchers and infrastructure projects according to the guidelines.
  • Step 4: Use the CFI Awards Management System (CAMS) to create and prepare the proposal.
  • Step 5: Structure the proposal into the four modules within CAMS: Project, Finance, Suggested Reviewers, and Research Security.
  • Step 6: Complete the Project module by including sections such as Project Information, Plain Language Summary, Researchers, Assessment Criteria, and Financial Resources for Operation and Maintenance.
  • Step 7: Complete the Finance module by detailing the Cost of Individual Items, Construction or Renovation Plans, Contributions from Eligible Partners, and Infrastructure Utilization.
  • Step 8: Identify at least six suggested reviewers who are qualified to review the proposal and ensure no conflict of interest.
  • Step 9: Address any research security obligations by completing the necessary forms if applicable.
  • Step 10: Review the completed forms and ensure compliance with the guidelines.
  • Step 11: Submit the proposal electronically through CAMS by the relevant submission deadline.
  • Step 12: Await the CFI administrative and merit review process, followed by possible funding decisions by the CFI Board of Directors.


The John R. Evans Leaders Fund encourages institutions to develop multi-institutional projects and submit proposals through the CFI Awards Management System (CAMS).
  • Eligible institutions include Canadian universities with dedicated JELF allocations based on funding from federal research agencies.
  • Research hospitals and research institutes must apply through their affiliated university.
  • Proposals can request up to $800,000 from the CFI with a maximum total eligible cost of $2 million.
  • Projects should be finalized within nine months of funding decisions and completed within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Proposals including advanced research computing infrastructure costing more than $100,000 must consult the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.
  • Institutions must provide a management plan for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the infrastructure over its useful life.
  • Financial resources for O&M are captured for the first five years post-implementation, with support from the Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF).
  • Funding decisions are made by the CFI Board of Directors based on recommendations from expert reviewers and/or committees.


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