Wood Innovation Program 2023-2026 QC Canada

Wood Innovation Program 2023-2026

QC, Canada
Stimulates private investments in innovative wood processing and inferior quality wood transformation in Quebec’s forest products and equipment manufacturing industries.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Programme Innovation Bois 2023-2026, initiated by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests, supports private-sector investments in innovative wood transformation projects and in the utilization of low-quality wood. Eligible activities include the implementation of advanced technologies and equipment for wood processing and various feasibility and market studies aimed at enhancing the value-added potential and innovation of the forest products industry.


Yes, there are eligible projects and activities for this grant. The eligible projects must be either innovative or involve the transformation of lower-grade wood.
  • Implementation in wood transformation plants of innovative processes, technologies, equipment, systems, or products
  • Commissioning of pilot or demonstration wood transformation plants
  • Deployment of innovative processes, technologies, equipment, or systems in the forest equipment manufacturing industry
  • Conducting prefeasibility studies
  • Conducting feasibility studies
  • Conducting market studies
  • Developing business plans
  • Carrying out studies, tests, and process determinations
  • Applied research for the development of innovative products, processes, equipment, technologies, and systems for the forest products industry or any other industry using forest products


Applied research for developing advanced veneer production technologies.


Market study to expand the market for cross-laminated timber (CLT) products.


Pilot plant for transforming sawdust into biodegradable packaging materials.


Feasibility study for converting forest residues into biochar.


The eligibility criteria for this grant are outlined as follows:
  • Be a legally constituted for-profit enterprise or a group of such enterprises, or operate in the field of forestry equipment manufacturing or be a research, teaching, or knowledge transfer center.
  • Operate in the field of forest products industry or use products from this industry, or operate in the field of forestry equipment manufacturing.
  • Have an establishment in Quebec and carry out the project activities there.
  • Have submitted all required documents.
  • Have the financial and technical capacity to complete the project.


Eligible companies for this grant are primarily those engaged in the forest products industry, forest equipment manufacturing, or using forest products. They must be legally established entities operating in Quebec and can include research, educational, or knowledge transfer centres.
  • Companies or groups of profit-seeking companies legally established
  • Companies operating in the field of forest equipment manufacturing
  • Research, educational, or knowledge transfer centres
  • Companies operating in the forest products industry or using its products
  • Companies with an establishment in Quebec
  • Companies able to demonstrate financial and technical capacity to complete the project


The grant explicitly mentions that certain types of companies are not eligible for this grant. These companies are listed below:
  • Ministries or budgetary organizations.
  • Entities registered in the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics (RENA), including their subcontractors.
  • Companies that have failed to meet their obligations after being duly notified in relation to previous financial assistance from a Quebec government ministry or organization.
  • Companies currently insolvent, bankrupt, undergoing bankruptcy proposals, or benefiting from any law related to bankruptcy or insolvency.


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The expenses must be directly tied to the project and include a range of costs from materials to professional fees, excluding any incurred before the request is deemed acceptable by the minister.
  • Direct material costs
  • Equipment and rental costs
  • Software purchase and development costs
  • Sampling and quality control costs
  • Patent and intellectual property costs
  • Technology transfer costs
  • External work costs for essential project components not available in Quebec
  • Study and consultancy fees
  • Subcontracting costs
  • Salaries including benefits
  • Professional fees within specified limits
  • Documentation costs (e.g., scientific articles)
  • Certification and homologation fees
  • Prototype and system production costs


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Quebec, Canada. Companies must have an establishment in Quebec and conduct their project activities there.
  • The company must have an establishment in Quebec.
  • The project activities must be conducted in Quebec.


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The committee evaluates projects based on admissibility, project's technical and financial blueprint, and alignment with program objectives.
  • The applicant is part of the eligible clientele
  • The project is admissible as per section 4.4 and the request must be signed by an authorized person
  • The applicant clearly demonstrates the involvement of a private enterprise in the financial setup of the project
  • The anticipated expenses are admissible
  • The funding structure is compliant
  • The required documents are provided
  • The applicant and their team demonstrate technical capability to execute the project
  • The project is economically viable
  • The project is coherent
  • The timeline and steps of execution are realistic and aligned with recognized development phases for products, processes, etc.
  • The project aligns with government policies and strategies as well as the Program’s objectives
  • The project allows for the maintenance or increase in the utilization of lower quality wood (for Volet 2) or has a marked innovative character (for Volet 1)
  • Additional criteria for feasibility studies: The applicant must show the project's financial capability necessary for completing the investment associated with the feasibility study.


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Confirm that your entity is eligible by being an enterprise or a group of enterprises, a research, teaching, or knowledge transfer center. Make sure to meet specific domain requirements and possess a financial and technical capacity.
  • Verify that you're not part of the ineligible clientele which includes government ministries or bodies, entities on the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics, entities in default of past obligations, those failing to meet integrity expectations, or insolvent entities.
  • Step 2: Project Preparation
  • Determine if your project fits within Volet 1 (Innovation) or Volet 2 (Bois de qualité inférieure).
  • Ensure your project aligns with defined project categories: Investment projects or Studies.
  • Make sure the project is conducted in Quebec and includes private enterprise participation in financing.
  • Step 3: Document Preparation
  • Gather necessary documentation including the detailed project description, budget, schedule, and objectives.
  • Complete the MRNF application form, ensuring all required sections are filled and signed.
  • Prepare additional documents based on whether the project falls under investment or study categories.
  • Step 4: Submission of Application
  • Submit the completed application form and all required documents to the MRNF.
  • Ensure that the application is submitted in French and adheres to all specified requirements in the guide.
  • Step 5: Preliminary Analysis
  • The MRNF conducts a preliminary review to verify eligibility and completeness of the application.
  • Incomplete or ineligible applications will be returned to the applicant with a notification.
  • Step 6: Project Evaluation
  • An evaluation committee reviews the project based on technical feasibility, financial structure, compliance with program aims, and potential economic impact.
  • If necessary, the MRNF may request further information or clarification during this stage.
  • Step 7: Recommendation
  • Following the evaluation, the committee may recommend the approval or rejection of the project.
  • Relevant legal documents such as letters of refusal or acceptance, and subsidy agreements are prepared.
  • Step 8: Decision and Agreement Signing
  • Upon positive evaluation, a subsidy agreement is signed between the applicant and the minister, confirming the grant and outlining the conditions.
  • In case of rejection, a formal notification is sent to the applicant.


The Programme Innovation Bois 2023-2026 supports innovative projects and the transformation of lower quality wood in the Quebec forestry industry. The grant covers both investment projects and studies with specific eligibility requirements and financial regulations.
  • Eligibility includes for-profit entities, research centers, and educational institutions operating in the forestry products or equipment industry.
  • Non-admissible clientele includes government ministries, organizations on the RENA list, and insolvent entities.
  • Admissible projects must align with innovation or lower quality wood transformation and be completed within five years.
  • Projects must consist of either investment projects or various studies such as feasibility studies and market analyses.
  • Detailed submission requirements include financial statements, resolutions, and a thorough project plan.
  • The grant provides a maximum funding percentage depending on the project type, with a ceiling amount per category.
  • The total government financial aid should not exceed 75% of the project’s admissible expenses.
  • Additional conditions include minimum private funding contributions and specific reporting obligations for accountability.


Apply to this program