
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Other Support
  • Educational services
  • Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
  • Fonds d'action Québécois pour le développement durable


The "Ateliers fauniques" grant program in Quebec aims to educate young people about wildlife habitats and Quebec wildlife by offering free educational workshops in collaboration with the Sépaq. The program targets highschools, vocational training centers, and adult education centers to provide enriching and fun nature experiences for students. The workshops involve hands-on learning activities in outdoor settings led by park rangers to increase knowledge of local fauna and habitats and promote biodiversity conservation.


Here is a list of projects eligible for the "Wildlife Workshops" grant in Quebec:

  • Participate in an educational workshop on wildlife and habitats
  • Free access to a national park for the day
  • Explore natural habitats in small groups
  • Learn about the relationship between wildlife and its habitats
  • Discover the right way to observe wildlife


Educational workshop on wildlife at Mont-Tremblant National Park.


Hands-on wildlife observation workshop in Gatineau Park.


Quebec City
Nature exploration workshop at La Maurice National Park.


Wildlife and habitat workshop at Forillon National Park.


Biodiversity and conservation workshop at Saguenay National Park.


Ecological study workshop at Bic National Park.


Eligibility criteria for the Ateliers Fauniques grant:
  • The grant is open to secondary educational institutions, vocational training centers, and adult education centers in Quebec.
  • Each group must consist of a minimum of 5 young participants, and the total number should not exceed the maximum capacity of the park where the workshop will take place.
  • Applications must be for one of the workshops offered by Sépaq in the context of this initiative at one of the seven participating national parks.


Eligible types of companies are the following :
  • Highschools
  • Vocational training centers
  • Adult education centers


Eligible expenses for this grant are :

  • Transportation costs for students to get to the national park
  • Meal expenses for participants and chaperones during the activity day
  • Cost of supplies or materials required for the wildlife workshop


Jacques-Cartier National Park
Yamaska National Park
Îles-de-Boucherville National Park
Mont-Saint-Bruno National Park
Mont-Orford National Park
Mont-Tremblant National Park
Oka National Park


  • Educational value and relevance to habitats and wildlife in Quebec
  • Admissibility of the applicant institution (highschools, vocational training centers, adult education centers)
  • Minimum group size of 5 youth participants
  • Respect of the maximum capacity of the participating national park
  • Equitable regional distribution of grants
  • Compliance with program criteria and availability of workshops


Step 1: Complete the wildlife workshop application form.

Step 2: Wait for the national park to contact you to reserve the workshop(s) you've requested.

Step 3: Attend the workshop!


Terms and conditions

  • The activity targeted by the request must be one of the wildlife workshops offered by Sépaq as part of this initiative, and take place in one of the seven participating national parks;
  • Requests must involve one or more groups of at least 5 young people, and must respect the maximum capacity of the park visited (this must be confirmed with Sépaq when the workshop is booked).
  • The initiative aims to enable young people to discover or rediscover Quebec wildlife and its habitats through activities led by the Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq).

The FAQDD reserves the right to limit the number of applications per establishment to ensure equitable regional distribution, and to refuse an application if it does not meet the eligibility criteria, or if the number of workshops available has been reached.

Apply to this program