Tax holiday for a new business created to commercialize intellectual property
QC, Canada
Tax credit for commercialization of intellectual property (IP) in Quebec
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Tax Credits
- Manufacturing
- Information and cultural industries
- Educational services
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie du Québec (MEIE)
If you create a new business by commercializing intellectual property stemming from a university or public research center, you could be eligible for a tax holiday for up to 10 years.
The tax holiday grant for new businesses commercializing intellectual property outlines specific funding terms related to tax exemptions. These terms are designed to support innovative enterprises by reducing tax burdens substantially over a specified period.
- The grant entails a tax exemption on the income of eligible businesses for a period of up to ten years following their incorporation.
- This tax exemption specifically applies to Quebec income tax.
The tax holiday grant is specifically designed to encourage innovation and economic growth by aiding new businesses focused on commercializing intellectual property in Québec. Eligible activities involve the creation and sale of products derived significantly from intellectual property and licensing operations related to technological advancements.
- Manufacturing and selling goods where over 50% of the value is derived from eligible intellectual property.
- Producing and selling goods with essential components that include eligible intellectual property.
- Licensing operations for computer programs considered eligible intellectual property.
$ 1,080,000
Introducing blockchain-based financial services leveraging research university students
$ 1,200,000
Launching eco-friendly packaging solutions using university-developed biodegradable materials
$ 650,000
Developing an AI-based health app
$ 900,000
Commercializing smart home energy solutions based on university-developed IoT technology
$ 1,600,000
Developing a new pharmaceutical drug based on university level research
$ 750,000
Creating a virtual reality training program for medical students
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the nature and operations of the company.
- The company must be dedicated to the commercialization of intellectual property derived from research conducted in the public sector in Quebec.
- The company must have been incorporated in Canada between March 19, 2009, and April 1, 2014.
- The company must have started operating a commercialization business within twelve months of its incorporation.
- The company's income must be derived entirely or almost entirely from one or more actively operated eligible commercialization businesses.
- The company must have income from the disposition of capital properties that are derived entirely or almost entirely from dispositions occurring in the normal course of business in eligible commercialization businesses.
- The company must not have operated all or part of a business that was previously operated by another entity unless it was operated by that entity for no more than 90 days.
- The company must not be the result of a merger or unification of several companies.
- The company must not have sold all or almost all the assets used in its eligible commercialization business.
- The company must have claimed all applicable deductions, including discretionary deductions, to the extent required to reduce taxable income to zero, if possible.
- The company must not have been a beneficiary of a trust, except for a mutual fund trust.
- The company must not have been part of a joint venture or partnership unless each member of the joint venture or partnership was an eligible institute.
Eligible entities are companies dedicated to the commercialization of intellectual property derived from research conducted within Quebec's public sector, and incorporated in Canada between March 19, 2009, and April 1, 2014. The company must operate a commercialization business within 12 months of incorporation, derive nearly all income from actively operated eligible commercialization businesses, and meet several specific financial and operational conditions.Additionally, eligible institutions include recognized university entities and public research centers within Quebec, whose research results form the basis for the intellectual property being commercialized.
This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The exclusions aim to ensure that the grant supports newly constituted entities focusing on commercializing intellectual property derived from research in public institutions.
- Companies that were constituted outside Canada or outside the specified date range (March 19, 2009, to April 1, 2014).
- Businesses that have been previously operated by another entity for more than 90 days.
- Companies that are the result of a merger or unification of multiple entities.
- Businesses that have sold nearly all the assets used in their commercial operations.
- Entities that have been part of a trust, except a mutual fund trust.
- Companies involved in joint ventures or partnerships, unless all partners are eligible institutes.
Eligible projects for this grant focus on commercializing intellectual property derived from public research within Quebec. These initiatives are designed to enhance the marketing and development of innovations based on patented technologies or copyrighted works.
- Manufacture and sale of products whose value comes more than 50% from eligible intellectual property.
- Manufacture and sale of products where an essential element is eligible intellectual property.
- Licensing of software programs that are considered eligible intellectual property.
This tax holiday is available for companies commercializing intellectual property derived from research conducted in Quebec's public sector and constituted in Canada.
- Corporations established in Canada.
Here is a short summary of the evaluation and selection criteria for the "Congé d'impôt sur le revenu pour une nouvelle société dédiée à la commercialisation d'une propriété intellectuelle" grant:
- Société admissible ayant été constituée au Canada après le 19 mars 2009 et avant le 1er avril 2014.
- L'entreprise de commercialisation admissible doit respecter les conditions définies par le Ministère.
- Les critères spécifiques d'admissibilité sont détaillés dans la Loi concernant les paramètres sectoriels de certaines mesures fiscales.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Prepare Required Documents
- Fill out the application form.
- Prepare the following documents:
- Form 2, completed by the eligible institute.
- A copy of the company's incorporation certificate.
- Financial statements.
- Activity report.
- A copy of the document issued by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, either:
- Classification certificate (for a patent application filing),
- Patent (for a granted patent),
- Registration certificate (for a copyright).
- A copy of the technology transfer agreement:
- Operating license, or
- Transfer of intellectual property rights.
- Step 2: Submit Application
- Send the completed form and all required documents in one submission to the email address: mesures.fiscales.RD@economie.gouv.qc.ca
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The attestation of eligibility is valid for a maximum duration of three years, starting from the date the company begins operating the eligible commercial enterprise.
- There is no fee required to apply for this grant.
- Applicants can renew their eligibility certificate via email, adhering to the same criteria of eligibility.
- For assistance or renewal of eligibility certification, contact 514 873-1767, extension 3202, or email mesures.fiscales.RD@economie.gouv.qc.ca.