
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateSeptember 9, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Educational services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Fonds d'action Québécois pour le développement durable


The Action-Climat Québec program aims to engage citizens and organizations in addressing climate change by supporting transformative initiatives, offering maximum funding of up to $1.5 million for national projects and up to $450,000 or $250,000 for regional or local projects, respectively. Eligible activities include actions related to mitigation and adaptation, focusing on citizen engagement, capacity building, information dissemination, and direct action support.


This grant provides structured financial support tailored to the project's needs and adheres to specific payment conditions to ensure proper fund utilization. The funding modalities of this program are designed to facilitate project implementation while maintaining oversight and accountability.
  • A first disbursement amounting to 35% of the total financial aid is made within 30 days following the signing of the agreement by the parties involved.
  • One to two additional disbursements, collectively representing 50% of the total financial aid, are distributed according to the project's timeline, and these occur no later than 30 days after the acceptance of interim reports by the FAQDD.
  • A final disbursement of 15% of the total financial aid is issued within 60 days following the acceptance of the final report by the FAQDD.
  • All payments are contingent upon the availability of funds and requisite approvals.


This grant supports projects and activities that focus on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and strengthening community involvement and capacities. The eligible initiatives aim to engage citizens and organizations through mobilization and educational efforts.
  • Projects addressing climate change mitigation through emission reduction strategies.
  • Adaptation initiatives aimed at minimizing negative impacts of climate change.
  • Activities promoting community involvement in climate-related actions and capacity building.
  • Initiatives focusing on public awareness, education, and advocacy on climate issues.
  • Development of action plans and diagnostic tools for climate change preparedness.
  • Programs offering support and guidance in sustainable practices and certifications.

$ 450,000

Launching a community urban gardening project

$ 350,000

Developing a community composting program for urban neighborhoods


Eligibility for this grant requires organizations to meet specific criteria regarding their legal status and operational capabilities within Quebec.
  • The applicant must be a non-profit organization regulated by the Companies Act (RLRQ, chapter C-38, part 3) or the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (S.C. 2009, chapter 23).
  • The applicant can also be a cooperative under the Cooperatives Act (RLRQ, chapter C-67.2) or the Canada Cooperatives Act (S.C. 1998, chapter 1), a union under the Professional Syndicates Act (RLRQ, chapter S-40), or a chamber of commerce under the Boards of Trade Act (RSC 1985, chapter B-6).
  • They must have a head office in Quebec or, if located elsewhere in Canada, must possess a bureau in Quebec with decision-making autonomy and adequate infrastructure and human resources.
  • To be eligible for Stream 1, the applicant must have been established and active for at least three years at the time of project submission.
  • To be eligible for Stream 2, the applicant must have been established and active for at least one year at the time of project submission.


This grant is open to various types of organizations interested in engaging in climate change action in Quebec. Eligible entities must meet specific requirements related to their organizational structure and residency.
  • Non-profit organizations governed by Quebec or Canadian laws on non-profit organizations.
  • Cooperatives regulated under Quebec or Canadian cooperative laws.
  • Unions governed by Quebec's professional unions law.
  • Chambers of commerce regulated by Canadian law.


The grant has specific restrictions related to the status and main activity of organizations that disqualify certain entities from applying. The intent is to align applicants with the program's strategic focus areas.
  • Organizations listed in the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts.
  • Entities that defaulted on obligations related to previous financial assistance from the Quebec government within the last two years.
  • Private enterprises or organizations where at least half of the members are appointed by or directly report to a private enterprise.
  • Organizations deriving more than 50% of their financing from a single for-profit company, based on their latest financial statements.


The grant covers specific expenses that are directly related to the implementation and execution of the project within the outlined guidelines.
  • The salary of staff members, including social benefits, up to a maximum of 13.2%.
  • Professional fees paid to entities or individuals for specific tasks or services, including project evaluation and accounting verification demanded by the FAQDD.
  • Costs related to communication activities, such as dissemination, publication, and mobilization of project results.
  • Purchase, rental, or maintenance of equipment and materials directly necessary for the project, excluding office supplies, with the program contributing up to 50% of the total financial aid for these costs.
  • Travel and lodging expenses for employees, consultants, or volunteers within Quebec, following the prevailing rates in the Quebec public service.
  • Justified administrative costs of the applicant for indirect expenses related to project management, including administrative support, accounting, payroll services, office space, equipment, office supplies, postal services, and telephony, with the program covering up to 10% of the total financial aid for these costs.


This grant is eligible for organizations that have their headquarters in Quebec or elsewhere in Canada, provided they have an operational office in Quebec.
  • Organizations with headquarters in Quebec.
  • Organizations with headquarters elsewhere in Canada but with an operational office in Quebec.


The criteria are as follows:
  • Projects must focus on mitigation, adaptation, or both.
  • Implement mobilization actions involving citizen engagement, organization involvement, and capacity building.
  • Include information and awareness activities, action preparation, and action support.
  • Address themes such as sustainable mobility, land use planning, energy efficiency, local consumption, circular economy, education, water management, and more.
  • Projects should have a national, regional, or local scope.
  • Applicants must be nonprofit organizations, cooperatives, unions, or chambers of commerce based in Quebec or with a Quebec-based office.
  • Funding can cover up to 80% of eligible project expenses.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Eligibility Requirements
  • Ensure your organization meets the eligibility requirements listed, such as being a non-profit, cooperative, or chamber of commerce, and having a presence in Quebec.
  • Ensure the project is neither operational before the application nor solely a research or vegetation project.
  • Step 2: Prepare Project Proposal
  • Draft a detailed project plan addressing mitigation or adaptation to climate change.
  • Include activities related to citizen mobilization, capacity building, and knowledge dissemination.
  • Prepare supporting documents like budgets, timelines, and proof of past experience.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Forms
  • Access the necessary application forms available on the FAQDD website.
  • Fill out all required sections accurately and attach all necessary documents.
  • Step 4: Submission of Application
  • Submit the filled application forms and supporting documents as instructed on the FAQDD website by the specified deadline.
  • Ensure all information is accurate and complete before submission.
  • Step 5: Confirmation and Tracking
  • After submission, receive a confirmation email or reference number to acknowledge receipt of your application.
  • Keep this confirmation for your records and for tracking purposes.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Organizations can receive financial aid for no more than two projects in the same call for projects, emphasizing a more equitable distribution of resources among applicants.
  • The grant encourages partnerships, but mandates that the official applicant is solely responsible for project coordination and implementation, ensuring accountability and streamlined management.
  • Reports and audits are crucial components of the fund's requirements, with certain projects necessitating external audits to maintain transparency and adherence to Canadian standards.
  • Provisions for project duration and extension allow flexibility, with the cut-off date for project completion, excluding final report production, set for July 31, 2028.
  • Financial support is contingent on fund availability and necessary approvals, introducing an element of unpredictability in fund disbursement timing.
  • Provisions ensure that project actions align with civic duties, aiming to combat apathy and foster collective responsibility in climate action.
  • The distribution of funds is phased, with specific percentages allocated at various project milestones, ensuring projects maintain momentum and uphold financial accountability throughout their lifecycle.


FAQDD — Action-Climat Quebec

Apply to this program

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