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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Côte-Nord


The Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT grant provides up to $50,000 in non-repayable funding to support tourism businesses in developing innovative, responsible, and sustainable activities, attractions, and facilities. Eligible projects include the construction, expansion, and enhancement of tourism infrastructure to stimulate regional economic growth.


  • The financial intervention offered is a non-repayable financial contribution.
  • The maximum amount of financial intervention is $50,000, which may not exceed 90% of eligible costs.
  • The promoter's financial contribution, including those from partners (community support, private sponsorships), cannot originate from sources considered in the accumulation of government aids or from a transfer of assets or contributions in goods and services.
  • The sum of government financial aids comprises contributions from municipal entities and all ministries and agencies of the Quebec and federal governments.
  • A public call for tenders is mandatory for awarding a construction contract valued at $100,000 or more.
  • Projects must adhere to the Policy for the Integration of Arts into the Architecture and Environment of Government and Public Sites if construction or expansion costs are $150,000 or more.
  • A financial aid of $100,000 or more to an OBL with more than 100 employees requires a commitment to implement an equal access program in accordance with the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.


  • Construction of new tourism infrastructure.
  • Expansion of existing tourism facilities.
  • Improvement of current tourism infrastructure.
  • Modernization of tourism attractions and equipment.
  • Establishment of new tourism activities and services.
  • Consolidation of tourism offerings.

$ 50,000

Establishing a community art center for local artists

$ 80,000

Launching an organic food delivery service

$ 45,000

Developing a youth mentorship program in schools

$ 60,000

Creating a bilingual online mental health resource

$ 70,000

Expanding a local cooperative's organic farming operations

$ 50,000

Launching a cybersecurity training program for small businesses


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under the laws of the government of Quebec or Canada, conducting business in Quebec.
  • Eligible applicants include tourism businesses such as for-profit organizations (OBL), non-profit organizations (OBNL), cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and groupings of these types of clientele.
  • Applicants must have respected past commitments to partners if they have previously received subsidies.
  • Tourist accommodation establishments must adhere to applicable laws and regulations and possess a registration number.
  • Nature and adventure tourism businesses must hold or be in the process of obtaining the "Accrédité Qualité-Sécurité" or "Attesté Qualité-Sécurité" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec, or commit to undertaking such a process.
  • Applicants must not be state-owned enterprises or government departments or agencies of Quebec or Canada.
  • The applicant must not be listed on the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts.
  • Applicants must conform to the francization process outlined by the Office québécois de la langue française.


  • Tourism businesses, whether for-profit or non-profit (OBL, OBNL).
  • Cooperatives located in the tourism sector.
  • Municipal entities, including various forms of municipalities and regional county municipalities.
  • Recognized Indigenous communities, nations, and their tourism organizations and businesses.
  • Any combination of the above clienteles.


  • State-owned enterprises and ministries or agencies of the governments of Quebec and Canada.
  • Companies listed in the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
  • Companies not compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.


  • The costs incurred for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, adaptation, or conversion and replacement of a tourist infrastructure or equipment, and for the deployment of a new tourist experience.
  • Professional fees paid to recognized professionals, including for design or engineering, technical staff, or consultants hired for project management and oversight, or fees for reporting.
  • Costs related to the development, layout, and enhancement of land and trails.
  • Costs associated with the purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furniture.
  • Costs for acquiring boats or rolling stock to enhance the customer experience.
  • Expenses for the acquisition of land, easements, and rights of way, and other related expenses, provided the land is required for the project's realization (excluding purchases from related companies or shareholder-owned assets).
  • Surveying expenses related to the construction site.
  • Quality control costs on the construction site.
  • Net taxes (excluding the refundable portion) related to eligible costs.
  • Costs associated with integrating a work of art into a building or site in the context of the Policy on the Integration of Arts to Architecture and Environment of Government Buildings and Sites in Quebec.


  • Enterprises located within the Côte-Nord region of Quebec.


  • Adéquation avec les objectifs de l’EPRTNT.
  • Caractère structurant (pouvoir d’attraction, portée du projet, retombées, concertation avec d’autres partenaires, création d’emplois, étalement de la saison, etc.).
  • Caractère novateur.
  • Qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • Structure et montage financiers.
  • Pertinence (clientèle significativement touristique et sa diversification, marché, concurrence, qualité de l’offre, stratégie de marketing, maillage, etc.).
  • Faisabilité (échéancier, stratégie marketing, qualité du plan d’affaires ou du devis d’études, expertise du promoteur).
  • Prise en compte des principes de développement durable.


  • Step 1: Complete the Application Form
    • Fill out the "Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT région Côte-Nord" form.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documents
    • Prepare a complete business plan related to the project.
    • Collect the latest two years of financial statements of the organization.
    • Compile financial forecasts for the next three years post-project realization.
    • Obtain a board resolution authorizing the signatory of the application.
    • If applicable, get an email from the Ministry of Culture and Communications on project policy adherence.
    • Secure confirmations from financial partners if available.
    • For adventure tourism, provide accreditation certification or proof of having begun the accreditation process.
    • If applicable, include an indigenous certification for status recognition.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
    • Send the completed form and all required documents to
  • Step 4: Obtain More Information
    • Contact Guy Bouchard at 1-888-463-0808 ext 1325 or via email at for any inquiries.


  • A public call for tenders is obligatory for the award of a construction contract when the financial assistance for a project is $100,000 or more.
  • Projects subjected to the Policy of integrating arts into the architecture and environment of public buildings and sites must adhere to its requirements if the construction or expansion cost is $150,000 or more.
  • Financial assistance of $100,000 or more provided to a for-profit organization (OBL) with more than 100 employees mandates the implementation of a program of equal access as per the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
  • All enterprises operating in Quebec must comply with the provisions of the Official and Common Language of Quebec Act, sanctioned on June 1, 2022.
  • Applications must include a comprehensive business plan and a council resolution empowering the financial aid request's signatory.


Apply to this program

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