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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Baie-James


The Tourisme Baie-James EPRTNT program offers a maximum funding amount of $200,000 to support the development of a responsible and sustainable tourism offer in the Baie-James region. Eligible activities include the creation of thematic tourism products and the implementation of tourism routes and circuits.


  • The financial intervention provided is a non-refundable financial contribution.
  • The project must incur eligible costs of at least $25,000.
  • The maximum financial intervention amount is $200,000 and cannot exceed 50% of eligible costs for for-profit organizations (OBL) and 80% for non-profit organizations (OBNL) and cooperatives, provided they can demonstrate unsuccessful attempts to secure other funding sources.
  • For OBL, a minimum promoter's contribution of 50% is required, with a maximum governmental aid accumulation of 50%.
  • For OBNLs, cooperatives, and municipal entities, a minimum promoter's contribution of 20% is required, with a maximum governmental aid accumulation of 80%.
  • For Indigenous communities, organizations, or nations, a minimum promoter's contribution of 10% is required, with a maximum governmental aid accumulation of 90%.
  • For projects located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine, a minimum promoter's contribution of 10% is required, with a maximum governmental aid accumulation of 90%.
  • The promoter's contribution, including partners' contribution, cannot originate from sources considered in the accumulation of governmental financial aid.
  • An open public tender is required for awarding construction contracts of $100,000 or more.


  • Implementation of routes and tourist circuits.
  • Development of a thematic product.
  • Any project demonstrating the structuring of the regional tourism offer with proven sustainability for over three years.


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under Quebec or Canadian laws and conduct business in Quebec.
  • The project and the promoter must be established in the Baie-James tourism region, specifically in Chapais, Chibougamau, Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Matagami, or the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James Regional Government.
  • Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and organizations, regional tourism associations with external financial support, and groupings of these entities.
  • Applicants must have met obligations from any previous grants from the partners, if applicable.
  • Tourism accommodation businesses must comply with applicable laws and possess an establishment number.
  • Nature and adventure tourism enterprises must comply with, or commit to comply with, the Adventure Écotourism Québec Quality-Safety program standards.
  • Projects must have admissible costs of at least $25,000.
  • The project must demonstrate the potential to impact more than one regional county municipality (MRC) and generate wide-ranging benefits through partnerships.


  • For-profit and non-profit tourism companies.
  • Cooperatives operating in the tourism sector.
  • Municipal entities including cities, towns, villages, and regional municipal counties.
  • Recognized Indigenous communities and nations, along with Indigenous tourism organizations and companies.
  • Regional tourism associations supported by financial partners.
  • Combinations of the above-mentioned groups.


  • Sociétés d'État et ministères et organismes des gouvernements du Québec et du Canada.
  • Entreprises inscrites au registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics.
  • Entreprises non conformes au processus de francisation de l’Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects linked to the sectors of bed and breakfast establishments, hotel-condominiums, cycling trails, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and dock renovations.
  • Projects in the restaurant and retail sectors.
  • Projects related to tourism reception and signage, training content development, gambling sector, and those related to the sale and consumption of alcohol.
  • Projects with a majority of costs related to upgrading, maintenance, or replacement of existing infrastructure or equipment.
  • Projects already completed or in progress at the time of application submission.


  • Fees for specialized consulting firms or consultants.
  • Travel expenses (comparable to those of the ATR).
  • General expenses directly related to project execution.
  • Salaries and social benefits for human resources dedicated specifically to the execution of the promoter's project.
  • Net taxes (excluding the refundable portion) related to eligible costs.


  • The territory of the region touristique de la Baie-James
  • The cities of Chapais, Chibougamau, Lebel-sur-Quévillon, and Matagami
  • The territory of the Gouvernement régional d’Eeyou Istchee Baie-James


  • L’adéquation avec les objectifs de l’EPRTNT.
  • Le caractère structurant (pouvoir d’attraction, portée du projet, retombées, concertation avec d’autres partenaires, création d’emplois, étalement de la saison, etc.).
  • Le caractère novateur.
  • La qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • La structure et le montage financiers.
  • La pertinence (clientèle significativement touristique et sa diversification, marché, concurrence, qualité de l’offre, stratégie de marketing, maillage, etc.).
  • La faisabilité (échéancier, stratégie de marketing, qualité du plan d’affaires ou du devis d’études, expertise du promoteur).
  • La prise en compte des principes de développement durable.
  • La pertinence touristique et la prise en compte des priorités régionales.


  • Step 1: Preliminary Meeting
  • Arrange a mandatory meeting with the Tourisme Baie-James team to ensure all necessary documents are prepared and the application is complete.
  • Step 2: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the 'Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT région de la Baie-James' form.
  • Step 3: Gather Required Documents
  • Prepare all required documents, such as the project plan with deliverables and impacts over three years, recent financial statements, a projected revenue-expense statement, and board resolution authorizing the application.
  • Include confirmation from financial partners, if available, and any applicable Indigenous certification or compliance documents for specific tourism activities.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Email the completed application form and all required documents to
  • Step 5: Await Analysis
  • The ATR receives projects on a continuous basis, and the analysis takes place during specific periods. Ensure to check the Tourisme Baie-James website for analysis schedule details.


  • The maximum funding received from this grant cannot substitute existing programs.
  • A project that has received financial aid from the Administration Régionale de la Baie-James (ARBJ) is not eligible for this financial support.
  • A public tender process is mandatory for awarding construction contracts of $100,000 or more.
  • If the beneficiary is a municipal entity, it must comply with legislative and regulatory provisions governing contract awards.
  • Projects involving construction or expansion costing $150,000 or more must comply with Quebec's policy on integrating art into architecture and environment in government and public buildings and sites.
  • Recipients of financial aid totaling $100,000 or more must commit to implementing an equal access program if they employ over 100 workers.
  • Compliance with the Quebec Official Language Act is required for all businesses operating in the province, irrespective of their size.
  • Sustainability development proposals are required as one of the EPRTNT’s objectives is promoting a responsible and sustainable tourism offer.


Apply to this program

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