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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Baie-James


The Tourisme Baie-James — EPRTNT grant provides a maximum of $200,000 in non-repayable financial support for developing attractive and sustainable tourism attractions, activities, and facilities. Eligible activities include construction, expansion, or modernization of tourism infrastructure and services in the Baie-James region.


  • The financial aid provided is a non-repayable financial contribution.
  • The project must present eligible costs of at least $5,000.
  • The maximum financial intervention is $200,000 and cannot exceed 50% of the eligible costs for for-profit organisations and 80% for non-profit organisations or cooperatives, provided they demonstrate unsuccessful attempts to secure other funding sources.
  • The promoter's minimum funding share varies depending on the type of client, ranging from 10% to 50% depending on the nature and location of the entity.
  • The cumulative amount of government financial assistance is limited according to specific caps: up to 50% for for-profit entities and up to 90% for Indigenous communities and projects located in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • Promoter's contributions, including those from partners, cannot come from sources counted towards the government assistance cap, asset transfers, or contributions in goods and services.
  • Government aid includes contributions from municipal entities and all ministries and agencies of the Quebec and federal governments.
  • The financial aid awarded to a project amounting to $100,000 or more requires a public tender process for construction contracts.
  • For projects costing $150,000 or more, integration of an artwork into the building or site is required, following the Policy for integrating arts into architecture and environment of government and public sites in Quebec.


  • Construction of new tourism infrastructures.
  • Expansion or improvement of existing tourism infrastructures.
  • Consolidation of tourism attractions.
  • Implementation of new tourism attractions or equipment.
  • Expansion of tourism activities or services.
  • Modernization of tourism attractions or facilities.


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted entity in accordance with the laws of the Quebec or Canadian government.
  • The business or organization should operate within Quebec.
  • The project must be located within the Baie-James tourism region, including cities such as Chapais, Chibougamau, Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Matagami, and the Gouvernement régional d’Eeyou Istchee Baie-James.
  • Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and their respective organizations and businesses.
  • Applicant organizations must have fulfilled any previous commitments made to partners from past awarded grants.
  • Tourism accommodation businesses must comply with relevant laws and possess valid registration numbers.
  • Outdoor and adventure tourism businesses must comply with or commit to complying with Ecotourism Quebec's Quality-Safety program standards.
  • Applicants cannot be state corporations, ministries, or agencies of the Quebec or Canadian governments.
  • Applicants must not be listed on the registry of businesses ineligible for public contracts.
  • Applicants must comply with the French language requirement as specified by the Office québécois de la langue française.


  • For-profit tourist organizations
  • Non-profit tourist organizations
  • Cooperatives
  • Municipal entities, including municipalities, cities, towns, villages, townships, northern villages, unorganized territories, regional county municipalities (RCMs), metropolitan communities, and intermunicipal boards
  • Recognized Indigenous communities and nations, as well as Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses
  • Groups consisting of any of the above entities


  • State-owned enterprises and departments and agencies of the Quebec and Canadian governments.
  • Companies listed in the register of enterprises not eligible for public contracts.
  • Companies not complying with the French language process by the Office québécois de la langue française.


  • Costs for construction, reconstruction, expansion, adaptation, conversion, or replacement of infrastructure or equipment, and deployment of a new tourism experience.
  • Fees paid to recognized professionals for design or engineering, technical staff, project management or supervision, as well as fees for financial reporting.
  • Development, planning, and enhancement costs of land and trails.
  • Costs associated with the purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furniture.
  • Acquisition costs of boats or rolling stock to enhance the customer experience.
  • Acquisition costs of land, easements, and rights-of-way, provided the land is required for project completion. These costs cannot be incurred with a related company or if the asset is partly owned by shareholders of the company.
  • Land surveying costs.
  • Construction quality control costs.
  • Net taxes (excluding the refundable portion) related to eligible costs.
  • Costs associated with the integration of an art piece into a building or site according to the Quebec government's policy on the integration of art in architecture and the environment.


  • Chapais
  • Chibougamau
  • Lebel-sur-Quévillon
  • Matagami
  • Gouvernement régional d’Eeyou Istchee Baie-James


  • L’adéquation avec les objectifs de l’EPRTNT.
  • Le caractère structurant, comprenant le pouvoir d’attraction, la portée du projet, les retombées, la concertation avec d’autres partenaires, la création d’emplois, et l’étalement de la saison.
  • Le caractère novateur du projet.
  • La qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • La structure et le montage financiers.
  • La pertinence, y compris la diversification de la clientèle touristique, le marché, la concurrence, la qualité de l’offre, la stratégie de marketing et le maillage.
  • La faisabilité, incluant l’échéancier, la stratégie marketing, la qualité du plan d’affaires ou du devis d’études, et l’expertise du promoteur.
  • La prise en compte des principes de développement durable.
  • La pertinence touristique et la prise en compte des priorités régionales.


  • Step 1: Preliminary Meeting
  • Schedule a mandatory meeting with Tourisme Baie-James team before submitting your project.
  • Ensure all required documents are prepared and meet the submission criteria.
  • Step 2: Prepare Required Documents
  • Complete the financial aid request form for the EPRTNT region of Baie-James.
  • Compile all necessary documents such as business plans, financial statements, resolutions from the board, and partner confirmations as applicable.
  • Ensure adherence to all guidelines regarding the documentation for specific project categories.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Email the completed financial aid request form and all accompanying documents to
  • Confirm all documentations are complete as incomplete applications will not be analyzed.
  • Step 4: Follow Up Information
  • If necessary, contact Isabelle Milord at 418-770-5290 or via email at for additional information.
  • Continue to check the Baie-James tourism website for updates on analysis periods.


  • An obligatory public call for tenders must be conducted for any construction contracts worth $100,000 or more.
  • For municipal entities, legislation and regulations governing contract awards must be adhered to.
  • Equity programs must be implemented for non-profit organizations with more than 100 employees receiving financial assistance of $100,000 or more.
  • The project must incorporate sustainable development measures that mitigate environmental impact while delivering social and economic benefits.
  • All businesses operating in Quebec must comply with the provisions of the Official and Common Language Act of Quebec, French, sanctioned on June 1, 2022.
  • Projects involving construction or expansion costing $150,000 or more and open to the public must comply with the Policy for the Integration of Arts into Architecture and the Environment.
  • Financial aid applications must include a complete business plan and relevant financial statements, alongside a mandate from the governing body authorizing the application.


Apply to this program

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