
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Other Support
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  • Gouvernement du Québec


If you are receiving employment insurance benefits or benefits from a last-resort financial assistance program, you may be eligible for financial support and technical advice to develop a business plan and start your own business or create your own job.



$ 25,000

Launch a mobile pet grooming service to cater to busy pet owners

$ 30,000

Open a community-supported bakery to provide affordable artisan bread

$ 30,000

Start an eco-friendly cleaning service to promote green household practices

$ 70,000

Establish a digital literacy training center for senior citizens

$ 50,000

Set up a local fresh produce delivery service to support local farmers

$ 35,000

Create an art therapy program for mental health support


The eligibility criteria for the Soutien au travail autonome program are:
  • Must be a recipient of employment insurance, social assistance, unemployed without public income support, or in a precarious work situation.
  • Must demonstrate motivation to become an entrepreneur, possess relevant experience or skills, and present a written draft of the business project.
  • Must commit to working on starting the business for a minimum of 35 hours per week.


Eligible types of companies for this grant include individuals receiving employment insurance, social assistance recipients, unemployed individuals without public income support, and workers with precarious status.
  • Individuals receiving employment insurance
  • Social assistance recipients
  • Unemployed individuals without public income support
  • Workers with precarious status


There are eligible expenses for this grant, including:
  • An employment assistance allowance equivalent to the minimum wage in Quebec for 35 hours per week
  • Childcare expenses, if applicable


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The candidate must demonstrate motivation to become an entrepreneur, possess relevant experience or skills, present a written draft of the business project, and commit to working on the business startup for a minimum of 35 hours per week.
  • Demonstrate motivation to become an entrepreneur.
  • Possess relevant experience or skills.
  • Present a written draft of the business project.
  • Commit to working on the business startup for a minimum of 35 hours per week.


  • Step 1: Fill out the online application for employment services to request an evaluation interview and employment assistance or advice. This step is crucial to initiate the process of applying for the grant.
  • Step 2: Verify your eligibility for the program or any employment assistance measures provided. This involves checking if you meet the specific criteria as outlined in the eligibility section of the grant.
  • Step 3: Submit your application by either completing and printing the PDF form "Demande de services (3003-01)" or visiting a Services Québec office with the filled form and necessary identification. This is the final step to formally apply for the support program.


The Support for Self-Employment program has been suspended as of May 1, 2024. Other employment assistance programs may be available for those seeking help.
  • Assistance aimed at supporting participants accepted before May 1, 2024, will continue for the duration of their participation.
  • Individuals may be eligible for other employment assistance programs to help find and integrate into a job.
  • An online application is available for employment assistance services, including evaluation interviews and checking eligibility for programs.
  • An alternative application method involves filling out a PDF form and submitting it to a local Services Québec office, either in person or by post.
  • For more information regarding available programs, contacting a local Services Québec office is recommended.


Support for self-employment



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