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Grant and Funding
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  • Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
  • Government of Canada


Access up to $10 million per project to help Canadians at all skill levels improve their foundational and transferable skills to better prepare for, get and keep a job, and adapt and succeed at work.


There are multiple projects and activities eligible for this grant.
  • Designing and implementing training to support individuals to improve their foundational and transferable skills
  • Developing assessment tools and training resources


Launching a digital literacy program for unemployed adults in Toronto.


Developing a workplace skills assessment tool for small businesses in Vancouver.


Creating sustainability partnerships for a community training center in Montreal.


Implementing a language skills training program for new immigrants in Calgary.


Developing an online platform for remote skills training for rural areas around Winnipeg.


Providing vocational training to indigenous communities in Halifax.


To be eligible for this grant, your organization must meet specific criteria related to both the applicants and the projects. Below are the detailed eligibility criteria:
  • Eligible applicants:
  • Not-for-profit organization
  • For-profit organization (non-commercial intent, not aimed at generating profit, and supports program priorities and objectives)
  • Labour union
  • Municipal government
  • Indigenous organization (band council, tribal council, self-government entity)
  • Provincial and territorial government, institution, agency, and Crown Corporation
  • Organizations in Quebec must comply with the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (M-30)
  • Eligible projects:
  • Duration must not exceed March 31, 2024
  • Scope must be national, regional (targeting racialized groups or Official Language Minority Communities), or remote
  • Request no more than $10 million per project
  • Focus on designing and implementing training, and/or developing assessment tools and training resources
  • Enable broad adoption and uptake of the Skills for Success Model with a dissemination and sustainability strategy
  • Ensure access to training opportunities is unaffected by gender identity, expression, or sexual orientation, with a strategy for gender equality in training delivery


Yes, there are eligible types of organizations for this grant. The following list outlines the types of organizations that were considered eligible:
  • Not-for-profit organization
  • For-profit organization (provided that the nature and intent of the activity is non-commercial, not intended to generate profit, and supports program priorities and objectives)
  • Labour union
  • Municipal government
  • Indigenous organization including:
  • band council
  • tribal council
  • self-government entity
  • Provincial and territorial government, institution, agency and Crown Corporation


Eligible expenses for this grant include costs that are reasonable, detailed, and support the project activities.
  • Design and implementation of training programs
  • Development of assessment tools and training resources
  • Data collection and tracking systems
  • Project dissemination and sustainability efforts
  • Costs related to partnerships and collaborations


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include national, regional (targeting specific groups within a province or territory), and remote areas. Remote areas are defined by a population of less than 1,000 and little or no access to services of the nearest municipality with a population of 1,000 or more.
  • National in scope
  • Regional in scope:
  • Within a province or territory targeting racialized groups or Official Language Minority Communities
  • Remote in scope:
  • Population less than 1,000 (core population)
  • No, or very little, access to services of the closest municipality with a population of 1,000 or more


Yes, the grant application will be evaluated and selected based on specific criteria, including organization capacity, project objectives, activities, expected results, and costs. There are also additional funding considerations that may be taken into account.
  • Organization's capacity: Describe in detail how your organization has the relevant experience to deliver this project.
  • Project objectives: Describe how your project objectives align with the objectives under the Training and Tools Stream and how you will meet additional requirements depending on your focus.
  • Project activities: Describe how your project activities will align with the program objectives, providing clear and feasible timelines.
  • Project results: Describe the expected results of your project, making them specific, concrete, and measurable, and how you plan to gather, measure, and report these results.
  • Project costs: Provide a clear justification for the intended use of the funds, demonstrating that costs are reasonable and support project activities.
  • Additional funding considerations: Priority will be given to projects targeting social-emotional or digital skills and responding to the needs of under-represented groups in the labor market.


  • Step 1: Gather your supporting documents and information
  • Completed application form
  • Budget detail template
  • Partnership letters if project is focusing on Objective A
  • Step 2: Decide how to apply
  • Online
  • Create your GCOS account. It may take up to 10 business days to create your account
  • Read the applicant guide to complete your application form
  • Complete the budget detail template and upload it in GCOS
  • Apply online using GCOS
  • Information you will need to know if you apply online:
  • Once you begin completing the online form, it will only be available for 20 hours
  • The questions in the online form are in the same order as the PDF application form
  • You cannot save or access your application at a later time
  • Private and public organizations must have a CRA business number to apply online
  • You can print a copy of your application before submitting it. This is the only opportunity to print your application
  • After you print a copy of your online application, click "submit" to complete your application. If you do not click "submit", your application will not be sent
  • Email or mail
  • Read the applicant guide to complete your application form
  • Complete the Application form online or by hand
  • Complete the budget detail template
  • Send your complete application package by email or by mail to:
  • Email: (Indicate in the subject line 'Training and Tools Stream')
  • Mail
  • Skills for Success Program
  • Coordination Unit Mailstop 402 National Grants & Contributions Delivery Centre (ESDC)
  • 140 Promenade du Portage Phase IV 4th Floor
  • Gatineau QC K1A 0J9


Additional considerations and important definitions were highlighted for applicants to this grant.
  • Demographic information examples include age, gender, race, ethnicity, marital status, income, education, and employment.
  • Foundational and transferable skills refer to skills that are the building blocks needed to develop other skills.
  • Eligibility for the grant is strictly defined and includes the participation of specific groups such as racialized groups and persons with disabilities.
  • A dissemination strategy is required to spread knowledge and share results of promising practices on a wide scale.
  • Data collection and tracking strategies must be utilized to track project results.
  • Sustainability strategies must be outlined to continue project activities and partnerships beyond the duration of the project.
  • Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) takes into account multiple characteristics that intersect and influence the way individuals experience government policies and initiatives.
  • Projects should ensure inclusivity, particularly within the workplace, fostering conditions where all individuals are valued and respected.

Apply to this program