
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateJanuary 2, 2024
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
  • Government of Canada
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


Your not-for-profit organization can get up to $1 million in funding over 5 years for projects that help under-represented groups (youth, women, Indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities) pursue entrepreneurship, leadership and careers in agricultu


The AgriDiversity Program offers structured financing modalities that facilitate the engagement and empowerment of underrepresented and marginalized groups within the Canadian agriculture sector. These financing arrangements are designed to maximize support for the development and implementation of inclusive projects.
  • Maximum of 70% contribution from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAC) towards eligible project costs.
  • Minimum of 30% contribution required from the applicant, which can include a combination of cash and in-kind contributions.
  • In-kind contributions cannot exceed 25% of the eligible costs necessary for project completion.
  • Non-repayable contributions from AAC, supporting activities that enhance the capacity of marginalized groups to participate in the agriculture sector.
  • Funding up to $200,000 per year or a maximum of $1 million over five years per project, dependent on AAC’s priority settings.
  • Evaluation and decision on the eligibility and valuation of in-kind contributions remain at the discretion of the program.


The AgriDiversity Program supports projects aimed at enhancing the participation and representation of underrepresented and marginalized groups in the Canadian agricultural sector. Eligible activities focus on capacity building, leadership development, and increasing sectoral participation.
  • Facilitation of skills and knowledge exchange among sector members, researchers, and experts.
  • Development of tools to implement business and strategic plans improving profitability.
  • Workshops, conferences, and sharing of information to enhance business skills and transformation management.
  • Development of leadership and entrepreneurial skills for Indigenous and marginalized groups.
  • Promotion of agricultural business management practices and planning capabilities.
  • Organization of activities for Indigenous and marginalized groups to improve career prospects.
  • Analysis and identification of support tools needed for underrepresented groups.
  • Dissemination of resources on agricultural business management to diverse communities.
  • Activities to boost participation and leadership skills in the agricultural sector through training and mentorship.
  • Leadership capacity building through networking and training.

$ 176,000

Provide agricultural business training for Indigenous women

$ 160,000

Provide business management training to Indigenous youth's agricultural sector

$ 200,000

Develop a farm management software for women entrepreneurs in agriculture

$ 144,000

Establish an agricultural mentorship program for youth

$ 120,000

Organize an agriculture career fair for underrepresented groups

$ 240,000

Launch a career development program in agriculture for persons with disabilities


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and the project's scope.
  • The applicant must be one of the following types of organizations:
  • Non-profit organizations aimed at social welfare, community improvement, or other non-profit goals, including associations, minority official language communities, intersectoral cooperation organizations, and projects supporting marginalized groups entering the sector.
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) non-profit organizations.
  • Academic institutions including private universities and colleges, public diploma-granting colleges, public universities, vocational schools, and public community colleges, as well as school boards or other educational institutions.
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate the capacity to conduct a project that has a national scope or impacts the entire agricultural and agri-food sector.
  • The project must involve concerned stakeholders from the sector in the development or implementation.
  • The applicant must have the legal status to enter into binding agreements.
  • For associations, activities must be conducted on a national scale, but regional non-profit associations may be considered if they can demonstrate data and findings sharing to reduce duplication with other regional associations.
  • For organizations based in Quebec, compliance with Quebec's M-30 Law may apply.
  • For academic institutions, they should be involved in direct educational activities, material development, or outreach related to the agricultural sector.
  • Applicants must provide letters of support from sector stakeholders backing the project and its national implementation.


The grant program is open to specific types of organizations within Canada, particularly those focused on non-profit activities, Indigenous groups, and educational institutions, aiming for national-level projects in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
  • Non-profit organizations working solely for social welfare, community improvement, recreation, or similar non-profit purposes.
  • Organizations of official language minority communities and those supporting marginalized groups entering the sector.
  • Non-profit Indigenous organizations including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit entities.
  • Academic institutions involved in education and development of educational tools, such as public/private universities, colleges, and vocational schools.
  • Corporations capable of legally binding agreements to deliver national or sector-spanning projects in agriculture.
  • Must demonstrate stakeholder engagement, national-scale implementation capability, and support letters.
Ineligible applicants include for-profit organizations and individuals.


The Agri-Diversity program has specific criteria that exclude certain types of organizations from eligibility. The aim is to focus resources on entities that can effectively contribute to its objectives.
  • For-profit organizations are not eligible to apply.
  • Individuals cannot apply for the grants under this program.


The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the project.
  • Expenses directly related to project activities included in the work plan.
  • Costs that align with the timeline of activities in the work plan.
  • Expenses that fall within the effective dates of the contribution agreement.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on thorough criteria to ensure the proposal aligns with program objectives and optimally benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector in Canada.
  • Clarity and completeness of the application form and eligibility of the proposed project.
  • Alignment of the proposed activities and expected outcomes with the program’s objectives and priorities.
  • Identification of all funding sources for the proposed project under the program.
  • Organizational capacity to implement the project, considering resources, timelines, and history with similar programs.
  • Demonstration of current or potential market opportunities or needs by the project proponent.
  • Eligibility, reasonability, and necessity of proposed activities and expenditures in achieving project objectives.
  • Connection between the project and the enhancement of entrepreneurial and leadership capacity in the sector.
  • Project’s impact on stakeholders and benefits to the sector.
  • Technical merits and potential risks of the proposal.
  • Contribution of the proposed project to government priorities such as diversity, inclusion, sustainability, economic growth, and public confidence building.
  • The process of evaluation will consider the scope and duration of the project, reasonableness and fair market value of proposed eligible expenses, the significance and impact of proposed eligible activities, the overall reasonableness of estimated costs, other funding sources, and proof of due diligence conducted in performance reporting.


  • Step 1: Access Program Information
  • Review all available information about the Agri-diversity program on the official website.
  • Note that the current application period is closed, with the next cycle's details available in February 2025.
  • Step 2: Secure Login
  • Select a secure login method to access the application portal.
  • Register an account if you are a new user.
  • Step 3: Begin New Application
  • Start a new application process once logged in.
  • Step 4: Complete Application Form
  • Download the Agri-diversity program form to your computer.
  • Fill out the application form, including a detailed project budget.
  • Save the completed form on your computer.
  • Step 5: Attach Required Documents
  • Upload a copy of the organization’s incorporation or constitutional documents.
  • Upload the organization's financial statements for the last two years.
  • If applicable, attach letters of approval and support related to the project.
  • Step 6: Submit Application
  • Submit the fully completed application form and attached documents through the portal.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The second period for applications will open in February 2025 for projects in the 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 funding years.
  • Applicants should proactively contact AAFC program staff to confirm the eligibility and evaluation of in-kind contributions early in the process to avoid misvaluation or disqualification.
  • The program emphasizes the active involvement of stakeholders through letters of support to demonstrate project credibility.
  • Quebec applicants need to comply with the M-30 law and prove compliance during the evaluation process before finalizing a contribution agreement.
  • Ownership of intellectual property created with grant contributions defaults to the applicant but may require a license agreement with the government.
  • Successful applicants must document the impact and results of their projects with performance indicators such as increased participation and capacity development of targeted groups.


AgriDiversity Program


Apply to this program

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