Protein Industries Canada — Technology Leadership
Funding for collaborative projects on plant protein
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|closingDateJanuary 16, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Protein Industries Canada
Get a grant to cover up to 45% of eligible expenses for a collaborative project focused on genetics, crops, ingredients and products. Collaborators must be Protein Industries Canada members, with annual membership fees of $500.
The Protein Industries Canada Technology Leadership grant provides supportive financial mechanisms to fund innovative plant-based protein projects. These options are designed to advance project development and commercialization effectively.
- Protein Industries Canada will reimburse up to 45% of eligible costs of approved projects.
- Projects can be structured as multi-year initiatives, but must detail annual expense projections in the budget.
- A project administration fee of 4% of the total eligible reconciled project costs is required.
- Financial contributions from at least two consortium members are mandatory, but do not need to be equal.
- Eligible cost reimbursement commences once the Master Project Agreement is signed.
The Protein Industries Canada Technology Leadership program offers funding for projects that undertake transformative innovations in the plant-based food sector. Eligible projects emphasize collaboration across the value chain and alignment with the program's investment areas.
- Development of germplasm to improve processing efficiency and quality of plant-based ingredients.
- Advancement of technologies that enhance on-farm sustainability and information flow.
- Testing and optimization of manufacturing processes for new plant-based ingredients.
- Creation and commercialization of consumer-ready plant-based food products.
- Development of value-added animal feed and industrial bio-products from co-products of protein extraction.
$ 450,000
Scaling plant-based protein extraction technology for commercial deployment
$ 360,000
Conversion of Canadian-grown pulses into ready-to-eat snacks
$ 180,000
Engaging Indigenous communities in the plant-based value chain
$ 270,000
Developing a circular economy system for plant-based co-products
$ 337,500
Development of technology to measure and improve on-farm sustainability
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the composition and contributions of the consortium applying for the project.
- The project must be submitted by a consortium of ideally three, but at minimum two, Protein Industries Canada members, at least one of which is a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) defined as having 499 or fewer employees.
- A consortium may include academic or research institution(s), although this is encouraged and not mandatory.
- Each consortium member must contribute meaningfully to the project, typically via financial commitment, activities in the workplan, provision of IP, or market expertise.
- At least two members of the consortium must contribute financially to the project, with Protein Industries Canada reimbursing up to 45% of eligible costs.
- At least two partners must be Canadian companies or multinational corporations legally entitled to do business in Canada with a significant Canadian business operation; non-Canadian entities can participate based on approval by Protein Industries Canada.
- The project must align with the objectives of Protein Industries Canada and the Global Innovation Cluster initiative.
- All projects are required to pay a 4% project administration fee to Protein Industries Canada, calculated from the total eligible reconciled project costs.
- The initiative must be incremental to the regular business of the participating organizations, meaning the project is not approved nor in progress, and financial commitments are distinct from usual investments.
- At least one consortium member should represent a target customer or user of the new technology solution.
- All projects must have experienced project management capabilities for complex, multi-party initiatives.
- Ultimate Recipients must comply with all financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed by the Government of Canada.
- The project cannot fall under the "designated project" or "project" categories in federal environmental and impact assessment legislation.
Projects eligible for this grant must be submitted by a consortium with specific requirements. These consortia need to demonstrate meaningful contributions from each member, including financial commitments and alignment with program objectives.
- Consortium must have a minimum of two Protein Industries Canada members, ideally three, with at least one being a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME).
- Consortium may include academic or research institutions, though this is optional.
- Each member should contribute meaningfully, financially or through expertise (IP, market knowledge, etc.).
- At least two members of the consortium must contribute financially.
- Must include at least two Canadian companies or multinational corporations authorized to operate in Canada.
- The project should align with Protein Industries Canada and the Global Innovation Cluster initiative's objectives.
- Projects must feature economic reconciliation elements, engaging underrepresented groups like women, Indigenous Peoples, etc.
There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are not eligible for the grant.
This grant supports projects that foster innovation in the plant-based food and agriculture sector within Canada. Eligible projects focus on enhancing various aspects of the value chain including genetics, crops, ingredients, and products.
- Genetics projects involving germplasm development to improve processing efficiency, quality, and the development of novel ingredients.
- Crops projects that utilize technologies to measure and improve on-farm sustainability.
- Ingredients projects focused on the development, scaling, and optimization of plant-based ingredients.
- Products projects that transform Canadian ingredients into consumer-ready goods, including food, animal feed, and industrial bio-products.
- Proof of Concept projects demonstrating feasibility at pilot scale, expected to be commercialized within three to five years.
- Technology Scaling projects that enable the first commercial deployment of a technology.
- Commercially Ready projects that aim to optimize and deploy commercially viable technologies adapted to Canadian crops and conditions.
This grant is focused on supporting companies significantly operating in Canada. It especially caters to entities within the regions relevant to Protein Industries Canada's membership and operation scope.
- Companies or multinationals legally entitled to do business in Canada, with a significant Canadian business operation.
- Consortia may potentially include non-Canadian entities, subject to approval by Protein Industries Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects for Protein Industries Canada's Technology Program are based on three main areas that align with the program's objectives.
- Ecosystem Development: Projects will be evaluated on their potential to contribute to the ecosystem, including collaboration and contributions to the plant-based sector.
- Technical Merit: Projects are assessed based on innovation, technical approaches, and strategies for successful implementation.
- Commercial Application: Evaluation will focus on the project's potential for commercialization, market readiness, and the economic benefits it could provide to Canadians.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Preliminary Contact
- Email projects@proteinsupercluster.ca to set up an introductory call.
- Step 2: Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Review the Project Eligibility Requirements.
- Complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form collaboratively with consortium members.
- Ensure each consortium member fills out and signs a "Declaration As To Authorization and Compliance".
- Submit the EOI and Declaration forms to projects@proteinsupercluster.ca.
- Step 3: EOI Evaluation
- Wait for Protein Industries Canada to evaluate the EOI.
- Receive one of three outcomes: invitation to proceed to a full proposal, request for additional information, or decline of EOI.
- Step 4: Full Project Proposal
- If invited, participate in a kick-off meeting via conference call.
- Develop the full Project Proposal collaboratively with consortium members and Protein Industries Canada staff.
- Prepare the proposal using provided Word (limit of 50 pages) and Excel templates.
- Submit both parts of the application along with an initial financial assessment to Protein Industries Canada.
- Step 5: Proposal Evaluation and Decision
- Wait for Protein Industries Canada to initiate a review of the Project Proposal.
- Undergo evaluation by the Project Selection Committee.
- Step 6: Project Approval
- If approved, work with Protein Industries Canada to sign a Master Project Agreement (MPA).
- Complete a detailed financial assessment as requested by Protein Industries Canada.
- Begin reimbursement of eligible costs upon signing the MPA.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Regular collaboration with Protein Industries Canada staff is encouraged throughout the proposal development process to ensure project success.
- All proposals must incorporate economic reconciliation measures with Indigenous communities.
- Projects should include a strategic plan for Intellectual Property and data governance.
- Once approved, a Master Project Agreement must be signed before eligible cost reimbursement can commence.
- Joint projects with Innovate UK must be completed by March 31, 2026.
- Innovate UK collaborators are required to obtain membership in Protein Industries Canada to participate.
- An economic and financial compliance audit by the Government of Canada is mandatory for all consortium members.
- Consortiums need to prepare a detailed budget with clearly broken down annual expenses for multi-year projects.