The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is a Canadian not-for-profit organization focused on advancing Canada's digital economy through policies, strategies, and funding programs. Serving as a bridge between industry, government, and educational institutions, ICTC supports innovation and workforce development to maintain global competitiveness.
The Information and Communications Technology Council, often abbreviated as ICTC, is a Canadian not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening Canada's digital advantage in a global landscape. Established to foster the growth and development of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, ICTC plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainable economic growth, innovation, and the digital integration of economies.
The organization's primary focus is on addressing the dynamic needs of the ICT sector through effective policies, strategies, and programs. Its research, education, and policy initiatives guide both policymakers and businesses in navigating the complexities of the digital economy. Serving as a bridge between industry, government, and educational institutions, ICTC facilitates collaboration that leads to more informed decision-making and strategic planning.
One of ICTC's key roles is in the support and facilitation of grants and funding initiatives for businesses and non-profit organizations operating within or related to the ICT sector. This is accomplished through funding programs that aim to foster innovation, support workforce development, and encourage the adoption of digital technologies. These programs are designed to help entities leverage new technologies, upscale their operations, and remain competitive both nationally and internationally.
ICTC offers funding opportunities through various channels. One of their prominent programs is the CareerConnect program, aimed at tackling the employment and skill gap within the ICT sector. This program provides subsidies and funding to businesses and non-profits that offer youth internships. The goal is to enable young Canadians to acquire essential digital skills and competencies. By encouraging businesses to train and hire young talent, the program fosters both youth employment and the growth of an agile workforce capable of meeting the demands of the evolving digital economy.
Furthermore, ICTC promotes innovation and development through its WIL Digital program. This program supports partnerships between post-secondary institutions, employers, and non-profit organizations to provide quality work-integrated learning opportunities for students. Businesses and non-profits participating in this program can receive funding to offset wages, thereby making it more feasible to employ students in roles that can enhance their skills and provide real-world experience.
In the area of research and policy development, ICTC also provides funding and resources to projects that seek to study and understand the growing impact of technology on various industry sectors. Projects that explore cybersecurity, data privacy, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain may receive support and resources to facilitate comprehensive studies that benefit the wider landscape.
In conclusion, the Information and Communications Technology Council serves as a catalyst for the growth and sustainability of Canada's digital economy. Through its grants and funding programs, ICTC supports businesses and non-profits in their efforts to innovate, educate, and integrate new technologies. By promoting skills development and industry-academia collaboration, ICTC ensures that Canada remains at the forefront of global technological advancements and economic competitiveness.
grants_directory|subCount grants_directory|show

Wage Subsidies And Internsgrant_card_status|openingSoon
ICTC — Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Digital
Wage subsidy for hiring post-secondary students
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- Information and cultural industries

Wage Subsidies And Internsgrant_card_status|open
Connect with international IT professionals immigrating to Canada
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- Information and cultural industries