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Grant and Funding
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  • Mitacs


Get a grant when you partner with international researchers and universities to work on projects that benefit Canada by bringing talent here, creating domestically-held IP, increasing foreign investment and more.


There are activities eligible for the Mitacs Accelerate International grant program:
  • Supports bilateral research collaborations between interns, universities, and industry partners in Canada and abroad
  • Open to students and postdoctoral fellows in any discipline
  • Projects with international travel have additional requirements
  • Funding starts at $15,000 with partner organization's financial contribution starting at $7,500
  • Eligibility for students, postdoctoral fellows, and organizations


Develop AI-driven financial modeling tools in collaboration with University of Toronto and ETH Zurich.


Collaborate with McGill University and Heidelberg University to research renewable energy storage solutions.


Work with University of British Columbia and University of Tokyo on marine biodiversity research.


Partner with Dalhousie University and University of Copenhagen for climate change impact studies.


Collaborate with Université de Montréal and Tsinghua University to innovate in public health systems.


Partner with University of Ottawa and National University of Singapore to study AI ethics.


The eligibility criteria for the Accelerate International grant are as follows:
  • Students and postdoctoral fellows at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada
  • Full-time students and postdoctoral fellows at universities in select Mitacs partner countries
  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students over the age of 18
  • All academic disciplines
  • For-profit corporations and eligible not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals in Canada
  • For-profit businesses operating outside of Canada


Eligible types of companies for the Mitacs Accelerate International grant include for-profit corporations, eligible not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals in Canada. For-profit businesses operating outside of Canada are also eligible.
  • For-profit corporations
  • Eligible not-for-profit corporations
  • Municipalities
  • Hospitals in Canada
  • For-profit businesses operating outside of Canada


Eligible expenses for the Accelerate International grant include funding for research-related costs such as travel, equipment, supplies, and other project expenses. Expenses are expected to align with Tri-Agency guidelines and the program’s funding policies.
  • Travel expenses for internships
  • Costs related to project materials and supplies
  • Educational and training expenses
  • Research-related equipment and software


There are specific eligible countries and regions for the Mitacs Accelerate International grant:
  • Canada
  • Select Mitacs partner countries


Summary: The Mitacs Accelerate International grant has evaluation and selection criteria to ensure the quality and relevance of the projects.
  • Projects must qualify as research in their discipline
  • Objectives must be clear and achievable
  • Methodology should be appropriate for the project
  • Realistic timeline for project completion
  • Benefits to Canada will be considered in the review process


  • Step 1: Review the information on eligible research and adjudication criteria, Writing Your Proposal guide, and policies for the program.
  • Step 2: Get feedback on the proposal from all participants and your Mitacs Advisor.
  • Step 3: Collect all required signatures from intern(s), professor(s), partner contact, and university Office of Research Services or equivalent.
  • Step 4: Email your proposal package to your Mitacs Advisor for review and submission.


The Mitacs Accelerate International grant facilitates international research collaborations and requires adherence to specific guidelines, including adhering to timelines and ensuring insurance coverage.
  • Interns should submit their completed proposal package at least 16 weeks prior to the planned start date.
  • Interns traveling abroad must attend any pre-departure orientations mandated by their home university.
  • Interns must spend approximately 50% of their time on site with the partner and the remainder at the academic institution.
  • Mitacs cannot provide specific immigration advice to international students.
  • Partner organizations are welcome to contribute additional funding, but Mitacs will not provide any additional funding outside of the standard award.
  • Mitacs follows Tri-Agency eligible expenses for use of funds.
  • Projects can only begin after Mitacs has received the partner payment and forwarded the grant to the academic institution.
  • Applicants should allow additional time for visa processing when involving international travel.


Mitacs Accelerate International

Apply to this program