Mitacs Accelerate International
Funding to collaborate with international researchers
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- grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Grant and Funding
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- Mitacs
Get a grant when you partner with international researchers and universities to work on projects that benefit Canada by bringing talent here, creating domestically-held IP, increasing foreign investment and more.
Mitacs Accelerate International provides structured financial support to foster research collaborations both in Canada and globally. The funding modalities are designed to cover a wide range of intern and project expenses.
- Base funding starts at $15,000 per project.
- Partner organizations contribute a minimum of $7,500 towards the project funding.
- Interns and students receive a minimum stipend/salary of $10,000 for each four to six-month period involved in the project.
- Funds are initially invoiced to partner organizations and disbursed upon receipt of the partner's contribution and project approval.
- Interns cannot receive their funds until Mitacs has allocated them to the academic institution, ensuring payroll or stipend requirements are met by the latter.
- All financial transactions and fund disbursements follow rigorously defined protocols and timing requirements as outlined in the Mitacs guidelines.
Projects supported by the Mitacs Accelerate International grant focus on fostering bilateral research collaborations and creating meaningful impacts within Canada through innovation and research. Eligible activities emphasize academic and industry partnerships, the development of new technologies, and international cooperation to enhance Canadian research and economic growth.
- Research collaborations between Canadian graduates or postdocs and industry partners in Mitacs partner countries.
- Projects that bring talented international students to Canada for research opportunities.
- Initiatives that create new research relationships between Canadian and international researchers.
- Research projects that result in new intellectual property development held in Canada.
- Activities that facilitate foreign investment into Canadian research initiatives.
$ 15,000
Partner with University of Ottawa and National University of Singapore to study AI ethics
$ 15,000
Partner with a university and University of Copenhagen for climate change impact studies
$ 15,000
Collaborate with Université de Montréal and Tsinghua University to innovate in public health systems
$ 15,000
Develop AI-driven financial modeling tools in collaboration with University of Toronto and ETH Zurich
$ 15,000
Work with University of British Columbia and University of Tokyo on marine biodiversity research
$ 15,000
Collaborate with McGill University and Heidelberg University to research renewable energy storage solutions
Eligibility for the Accelerate International grant requires specific criteria related to the participants' academic and organizational status.
- Students and postdoctoral fellows must be enrolled full-time at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada.
- Participants from Mitacs partner countries must be full-time students or postdoctoral fellows at their respective universities.
- Eligible participants include Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students over the age of 18.
- All academic disciplines are eligible under this program.
- Eligible partner organizations include for-profit corporations, eligible not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals in Canada.
- For-profit businesses operating outside of Canada are also eligible partner organizations.
The Mitacs Accelerate International program is open to specific groups of individuals and organizations aiming to foster bilateral research collaborations between Canada and partner countries. Eligible participants are expected to fulfill certain qualifications to partake in these rewarding international projects.
- Full-time students and postdoctoral fellows enrolled at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada.
- Full-time students and postdoctoral fellows from universities located in specific Mitacs partner countries.
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students above the age of 18.
- Participants from all academic disciplines are encouraged to apply.
- Eligible organizations include for-profit corporations, not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals within Canada.
- For-profit businesses based outside of Canada can also participate.
Mitacs Accelerate International supports research-based internship projects that involve international collaborations. These projects are eligible if they fulfill certain criteria such as contributing to the training of Canadian citizens and residents, creation of new research relationships, and growth in Canadian research activities.
- Projects involving internships for Canadian students in Mitacs partner countries.
- Projects that facilitate international students undertaking internships in Canada.
- Research activities that focus on bilateral collaboration between Canadian institutions and international partners.
- Initiatives that demonstrate potential benefits to Canada, such as enhanced research capacity or economic investment.
- Projects that aim to create or utilize Canadian intellectual property with commercial potential.
This grant is open to companies worldwide with particular focus on multinational collaborations. Eligible companies include those based in Mitacs partner countries or regions to foster international research and development activities.
- Companies in Mitacs partner countries.
- Entities located in Canada.
- International partner organizations involved in research collaborations with Canadian institutions.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the Mitacs Accelerate International program consider various aspects to ensure the success and impact of the proposed international research collaborations.
- Does the proposed project qualify as research in its discipline?
- Appropriateness of the project for the academic degree level of the intern(s).
- Clarity of the project objectives.
- Suitability of the methodology to achieve the objectives.
- Realism of the project timeline.
- Additional comments and suggestions, such as prior work that should be considered by the researchers.
- In special cases, assessment of potential environmental impacts and necessity of additional reviews.
- Possible need for a review meeting for projects with significant uncertainties or complex requirements.
- Step 1: Prepare Your Proposal
- Review eligible research and adjudication criteria.
- Refer to the "Writing Your Proposal" guide and familiarize yourself with policies.
- Draft a detailed project proposal using the Mitacs Accelerate template (note that only the latest version of the template is accepted).
- Step 2: Get Feedback and Collect Signatures
- Obtain feedback on your proposal from all participants and your Mitacs Advisor.
- Gather all required signatures from the intern(s), professor(s), partner contact, and university Office of Research Services or equivalent.
- Step 3: Submit Your Proposal Package
- Email your completed proposal package to your Mitacs Advisor.
- Step 4: Address International Travel Specifications
- For projects involving international travel, ensure additional documents such as International Pre-departure form and Code of Conduct are prepared and submitted post-proposal.
- Ensure that funds will not be released until these forms are received by Mitacs if submitted post-proposal.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Interns must organize monthly status meetings and update Mitacs as necessary during their project.
- A final report must be submitted by the intern no later than one month after the conclusion of the internship.
- For international travel, additional forms such as the International Pre-departure form and Code of Conduct are required before the internship can begin.
- Mitacs does not claim intellectual property for projects funded through this program; IP sharing follows the academic institution's rules unless otherwise agreed.
- Projects are assessed on the potential benefits to Canada, including training of Canadian individuals and enhancing research capabilities.