MRC La Matapédia — Program for Restoring Underutilized Agricultural Lands 2023-2025
QC, Canada
Funding for reviving underutilized agricultural lands in La Matapédia
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2023
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- MRC La Matapédia
The "PROGRAMME D’AIDE FINANCIÈRE 2023-2025" aims to encourage the rejuvenation of underutilized agricultural lands in La Matapédia with a focus on increasing agricultural production, supporting existing businesses, and fostering new agricultural enterprises by providing a maximum funding of $20,000 per project. Eligible activities include land clearing, soil preparation, and related expenses to bring unused lands back into agricultural production, with restrictions on pre-existing expenses and certain types of investments.
The grant provides structured financial assistance through phased disbursement to ensure smooth project execution. The payment modalities are specifically designed to accommodate different types of project implementations.
- Maximum of 4 instalments, reflecting the progress of work, paid in minimum blocks of 25% of expenses (before taxes).
- The final instalment, 25% of the total financial aid granted, is disbursed upon project completion and after submission of a report detailing completed work along with supporting photos and invoices.
- A detailed log of the work performed must be maintained and submitted to the MRC for each payment request.
This grant is designed to support projects that focus on reviving underutilized agricultural lands, boosting agricultural production, and promoting new agricultural enterprise establishment. The activities encourage agricultural diversification and aid in the start-up of emerging agricultural productions.
- Projects aimed at restoring agricultural activities on underutilized lands.
- Initiatives focused on increasing agricultural output and strengthening existing businesses.
- Activities that support the initiation of new agricultural businesses.
- Projects that enable the agricultural establishment of younger generations.
- Efforts to diversify agriculture and launch new production ventures.
The eligibility criteria for the grant are linked to the applicant's status and the condition of the land they wish to cultivate.
- Applicants must be owners or tenants of land located within the MRC de La Matapédia, which has been unexploited for a minimum of 5 years and must be characterized by an agronomist with potential for recultivation ascertained.
- Alternatively, applicants can own or lease land registered in the MAPAQ inventory and located within the MRC de La Matapédia, which has not been characterized yet. In this case, an agronomic potential characterization by an agronomist is required.
- Applicants must possess an agricultural operator's number (NIM) or a beneficiary NIM accompanied by a business plan covering at least three years.
- If a tenant, the applicant must have an agricultural lease for a minimum duration of 8 years and possess written authorization from the landowner.
- The land to be cultivated must generate income within a three-year timeframe post-cultivation, with an exception for fruit orchard projects.
- The land must be situated within a permanent agricultural zone within the MRC de La Matapédia.
- The land should not have been reforested, or the wood must have been harvested upon maturity.
- A minimum of one hectare must be involved in the cultivation project.
- The land should not have been maintained, cultivated, or used for other agricultural purposes for at least 5 years.
- Applicants are required to demonstrate the seriousness and viability of the project through a business plan for new enterprises or a crop plan for existing businesses.
- Applicants must commit to funding the portion of the work not covered by this grant or another financial program.
Applicants can be either private enterprises or non-profit organizations who meet specific eligibility criteria, including being an owner or lessee of land that has been unused for agricultural purposes for at least 5 years. Lands must be located within the territory of the MRC de La Matapédia and must have an agronomic assessment of their potential for agricultural recovery, either previously documented or newly conducted.
The grant covers expenses associated with the reclamation of unused agricultural land.
- Fees associated with the reclamation of unused land including clearing, cleaning, grinding, loosening, and soil preparation, for up to 50% of the total cost of the work, with a maximum of $2,500 per hectare.
- Expenses incurred by the farmer for the use of their machinery for up to 50% of the total cost of the work.
- Rental of machinery for cutting trees and shrubs.
- Rental of machinery for grinding woody material.
- Rental of machinery for soil work.
- Transport fees for machinery.
- External labor costs for carrying out the work.
- Professional agronomist fees for characterizing the agronomic potential of the land (up to $500 per producer).
- Only expenses incurred after the acceptance of the financial aid request by the MRC de La Matapédia are eligible.
This grant is available to companies located in specific geographical areas within the regional jurisdiction of the funding body. Only lands located in the MRC de La Matapédia are eligible for grant applications.
- Lands situated on the territory of the MRC de La Matapédia.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on a set of criteria designed to prioritize those with the highest potential for successful recultivation of agricultural lands.
- Projects with the potential to enable the re-cultivation of multiple parcels of land receive additional points.
Here are the steps to apply for the PROGRAMME D’AIDE FINANCIÈRE 2023-2025 for agricultural land reclamation:
- Step 1: Review Eligibility and Program Details
- Ensure your project and land meet all specified eligibility criteria outlined in the program guide.
- Familiarize yourself with the program objectives, funding limits, and admissible expenses.
- Step 2: Gather Required Documentation
- Complete the official application form with accurate information.
- Prepare supporting documents such as agronomic characterization sheet, business plan or crop plan.
- If applicable, collect signed land lease agreements and owner’s authorization (procuration).
- Step 3: Application Submission
- Scan or prepare digital copies of all required forms and documents.
- Email your completed application package to administration@mrcmatapedia.quebec.
- Step 4: Follow-up and Additional Requests
- Be prepared to provide additional information if requested during the evaluation process.
- Step 5: Project Implementation and Reporting
- Begin project work, adhering to program guidelines, and keep detailed records.
- Submit periodic progress reports, including before-and-after photos and financial records, as requested.
- Step 6: Reimbursement
- Submit invoices and necessary documentation to receive reimbursement as per the financial aid modalities.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Applicants are required to submit a detailed report at the end of the project, describing the work performed, areas cultivated, any challenges faced, along with before and after photos of the land.
- The grant entails a structured reimbursement process where progress payments are made in up to four installments based on the completion of at least 25% increments of the work (excluding taxes).
- The final 25% of the financial assistance is disbursed after the project completion and submission of a document detailing the work undertaken, supported by photographic evidence and invoices.
- If the grant recipient conducts the work, they must maintain and provide a work log to the MRC for each funding request.
- Outcomes and findings from the funded projects must be made available to the MRC and a monitoring committee to enhance understanding of revitalizing unused agricultural lands.