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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)


The grant, under the Prime-Vert program's sub-component 3.3, aims to support agricultural businesses in conducting trials to implement proven agro-environmental practices. Eligible activities can receive funding up to 70% of admissible expenses, with a maximum of $15,000 throughout the program's duration.


The MAPAQ Prime-Vert Component 3.3 grant provides financial assistance to support the implementation of agroenvironmental practices through trials. It outlines specific financing modalities based on project duration and expenditure compliance.
  • An advance of 25% of the total financial aid is paid after signing the "Conditions et modalités de versement de l’aide financière" document by both parties.
  • For projects with a duration exceeding one year, the remaining financial aid is disbursed in annual installments based on actual expenses after submission and approval of the required supporting documents.
  • For projects lasting one year, the final payment is issued based on the actual expenses incurred, following the submission and approval of the necessary receipts.
  • The final disbursement must equal at least 20% of the total financial aid granted.


This grant supports agricultural businesses in implementing and experimenting with innovative agroenvironmental practices. The objective is to enhance environmental sustainability and adaptability in agricultural production.
  • Implementation of cover crops either after or during the main crop growth in winter to improve soil health, excluding previously utilized practices.
  • Diversification of crop rotations, such as introducing winter cereals and perennial forage plants in new areas.
  • Trials using trichograms against corn borer in sweet corn fields.
  • Utilization of potassium bicarbonate as a biological control agent for apple scab, focusing on previously untreated areas.
  • Evaluation and usage of exclusion nets in fruit and vegetable productions for pest control.
  • Tests on mechanical weeding techniques aiming to reduce herbicide usage in farms.
  • Experiments with approved biopesticides for pest management.
  • Projects aiming to reduce pesticide risks by 25% for a targeted pest or reducing the active ingredient usage by 50% in major crops.
  • Experiments on fertilization practices to lower fertilizer doses in agricultural operations.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
  • The applicant must be an agricultural business registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ).


To be eligible, applicants must be agricultural businesses that are registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) in Quebec. The grants under this program are specifically targeted at these registered agricultural enterprises looking to conduct trials for the implementation of proven agro-environmental practices on their farms.


This grant is specifically designed to support the development and transfer of agroenvironmental practices within registered agricultural enterprises. Restrictions ensure the funds are allocated to those who are engaged in agricultural activities in Quebec.
  • Non-agricultural businesses are not eligible to apply.
  • Businesses not registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) cannot apply.
  • Companies intending to use grant funds for activities outside Quebec are excluded.
  • Requests for funding existing practices or equipment modifications outside the defined scope are ineligible.


The grant covers necessary expenses to carry out the project efficiently and effectively.
  • Costs of labor directly involved in the project.
  • Professional fees, including those for preparing the technical files.
  • Travel expenses adhering to the government's relevant guidelines.
  • Purchases of inputs and materials for trial implementations.
  • Expenses for using farm equipment.
  • Rental costs for necessary equipment.
  • Costs related to laboratory analyses.


This grant is dedicated to companies located in Quebec, as defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ).
  • Enterprises operating within the province of Quebec.


The evaluation and selection of projects under this grant are focused on ensuring the alignment with the grant’s objectives to implement impactful agro-environmental practices.
  • Clarity and feasibility of the project’s objectives and plans for testing adaptation or validation of agro-environmental practices.
  • Alignment with the Plan d’agriculture durable (PAD) objectives and compliance with the guidelines presented in Part B of the guide.
  • Integration of variability conditions in the implementation and incorporation of a comparative analysis with current practices.
  • Technico-economic evaluation of the proposed practice modifications.
  • Quality and completeness of the technical dossier prepared by an agronomist, including adherence to scientific methods and repeatability of treatments.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Submit Financial Assistance Request
  • Complete the "Financial Assistance Request Form – Component 3" for agroenvironmental knowledge transfer support.
  • Submit the request form through the designated online portal.
  • Ensure your application aligns with the program guidelines and objectives.
  • Adhere to the submission deadlines and ensure all sections are thoroughly completed.
  • Step 2: Technical File Submission
  • Prepare a detailed technical file including project description, objectives, and methodology.
  • Ensure the involvement and accreditation of an agronomist for preparing the technical file.
  • Submit the technical file to your regional directorate of MAPAQ.
  • Verify that all sections in the technical dossier are fully completed and meet all defined specifications.
  • Step 3: Acceptance of Financial Aid
  • Upon provisional approval, MAPAQ will send an offer letter outlining terms and conditions of financial aid.
  • Sign and return the "Conditions and Terms of Financial Aid Payment" document to formally accept the aid.
  • Ensure all submitted documents are signed and properly authorized.
  • Step 4: Conduct the Trial
  • Carry out the trial in partnership with the sanctioned agronomist and according to the approved technical plan.
  • Maintain detailed records of trial progress, including necessary adjustments and outcomes.
  • Step 5: Yearly Submission of Deliverables
  • Submit an annual "Results and Appreciation" report signed by the agronomist by February 1st of each fiscal year.
  • File supporting documents related to labor costs, professional fees, and travel expenditures by the same deadline.
  • Update the schedule according to any agreed changes with the regional directorate representative.
  • Step 6: Final Deliverables Submission
  • Submit the "Results and Appreciation" report, signed by both the agronomist and the applicant, by February 1st following the project completion.
  • Submit all final financial records and other required documentation within the stipulated period.


Some additional relevant details for this grant include:
  • Grants are cumulative starting from April 1, 2018, and a maximum of $15,000 can be awarded over the program's duration.
  • Projects should be completed by February 1, 2025, at the latest.
  • Care must be taken to ensure rigorous data collection and analysis methodologies are used to validate the outcomes.
  • Regular updates and final assessments, including technical and financial aspects, are crucial for ongoing funding releases and final settlement.
  • Consulting with regional directors early can provide guidance on compliance and increase chances of success.

Apply to this program

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