
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
  • grant_single|closingDateDecember 4, 2023
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Magnet


Get a wage subsidy to cover up to 70% of the costs of a work-integrated learning placement, to a maximum of $7,000 per placement, when you hire an eligible post-secondary student.


Funding for the Student Work Placement Program is designed to provide wage subsidies to employers offering quality work-integrated learning experiences. This is to encourage the hire of students and foster workplace readiness while supporting employers financially.
  • Subsidy covers 50% of the wages for each net new placement, up to a maximum of $5,000.
  • Enhanced subsidy of 70% of wages, up to $7,000, for net new placements involving students from underrepresented groups including women in STEM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities, newcomers, and visible minorities, as well as first-year students.
  • Subsidies are not eligible for combinations with other federal funding programs.


This grant supports projects related to providing quality work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities for students across various industries. It encourages the participation of businesses in creating placements that enhance students' skills and employability.
  • Hiring post-secondary students for paid work experiences.
  • Creation of mentorship programs to guide students in their professional journeys.
  • Involvement in co-op placements to offer practical experience aligned with academic studies.
  • Conducting applied research projects that integrate academic knowledge with real-world applications.
  • Facilitating internships that serve as a bridge from education to employment.

$ 7,000

Marketing internship to develop a social media strategy for 'EcoSustain Enterprises'

$ 7,000

Applied research project on sustainable agriculture at 'GreenFields Cooperative'

$ 7,000

Conduct a marketing research project with two post-secondary interns

$ 7,000

Co-op placement for software development at 'TechNova Solutions'

$ 14,000

Practicum for graphic design students at 'Artistry Co-op'


Employers must meet several criteria to be eligible for this grant.
  • The employer must be a registered Canadian business or not-for-profit organization.
  • The employer must be willing to provide a quality work-integrated learning experience to a post-secondary student.
  • The employer must be committed to paying the student for the role and have the financial capacity to pay the student for the duration of the placement in full (the wage subsidy will be administered after receiving all supporting documentation, at the end of the placement).
  • The employer must comply with all federal and provincial human rights and labour legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards, including the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Act.
  • Where legally required, the employer must be responsible for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) or alternate workplace insurance coverage.
  • The employer must not be a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, hospital, public long-term care facility, crown corporation, post-secondary institution, financial institution, or non-secular institution (unless offering secular WIL opportunities).


The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) targets Canadian employers across various industries who are seeking to hire post-secondary students for work-integrated learning placements. Eligible employers can receive wage subsidies, providing financial assistance for hiring students from diverse backgrounds. Organizations must meet the following criteria:1. Be a registered Canadian business or not-for-profit organization.2. Provide a quality work-integrated learning experience for post-secondary students.3. Commit to paying the student for the role and demonstrate financial capacity to do so.4. Be compliant with federal and provincial human rights and labour legislation.5. Where required, ensure Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) or equivalent coverage.Ineligible entities include government bodies, hospitals, crown corporations, post-secondary institutions, and certain financial and religious institutions, with limited exceptions for secular work opportunities.


Certain types of organizations are ineligible for the Student Work Placement Program funding. These restrictions ensure alignment with program goals and compliance with public funding guidelines.
  • Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Governments
  • Hospitals and public long-term care facilities
  • Crown Corporations
  • Post-Secondary Institutions
  • Financial institutions
  • Non-secular institutions (except for secular WIL opportunities)


The Student Work Placement Program supports initiatives that create quality work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities for post-secondary students. Eligible projects focus on providing students with paid work experiences related to their fields of study.
  • Offering co-op placements in alignment with academic programs.
  • Facilitating internships that integrate practical experience with academic curricula.
  • Organizing mentorship programs that enhance employability skills.
  • Conducting applied research projects with active student involvement.
  • Creating practicum opportunities within professional settings.


This grant is available for companies and organizations operating throughout Canada. The funding aims to connect post-secondary students with work-integrated learning opportunities across the country.
  • Any registered Canadian business or not-for-profit organization operating within Canada's provinces and territories.


Evaluation and selection criteria for the Student Work Placement Program grant are:
  • Demonstrated commitment to providing quality work-integrated learning experiences
  • Financial capacity to pay the student for the duration of the placement
  • Compliance with federal and provincial legislation and standards
  • Recognition of placement as work-integrated learning


Here are the steps to submit an application for the Student Work Placement Program grant:
  • Step 1: Create an Account on Outcome Campus Connect
    • Go to the Outcome Campus Connect platform via the "Apply for funding" or "Hire and apply for funding" buttons.
    • Register your organization on the platform if you haven't done so already.
  • Step 2: Review Eligibility Criteria
    • Ensure your organization and the potential student meet the SWPP eligibility requirements.
    • Understand the Net NEW placement requirements as outlined by Employment and Social Development Canada.
  • Step 3: Fill Out Application Details
    • Complete all required fields in the online application form.
    • Provide details of the job posting and student placement.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
    • Ensure all fields are accurately filled out before submission.
    • Submit the application before any deadlines, particularly for Fall 2024 applications in August 2024.
  • Step 5: Monitor Application Status
    • Once submitted, monitor your email for notifications about your application status.
    • If your application is placed on a waitlist, you will receive updates via email in September 2024.
  • Step 6: Consider Alternative Options
    • If notified that your application cannot be accommodated with Magnet, consider being directed to an alternative delivery partner for funding opportunities.


Here is a short summary of miscellaneous information about the grant:
  • The subsidy can be combined with partial provincial funding but not with federal funding programs.
  • Employers must follow provincial tax credit guidelines when stacking with provincial tax credits.
  • Employers are responsible for workplace safety and insurance coverage.
  • The program is administered on a first-come, first-served basis.


Magnet — Student Work Placement Program

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