
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Livestock Price Insurance Program (LPI)


Protection for farmers against decreases in cattle and hog prices in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.


The following projects or activities are eligible for this grant:
  • Cattle Price Insurance
  • Hog Price Insurance
  • Calf Program
  • Feeder Program
  • Fed Program


Developing a Calf Program to stabilize calf prices for a cooperative in Regina.


Implementing a Cattle Price Insurance program for a cooperative farm in Calgary.


Launching a Hog Price Insurance program for a family-owned farm in Saskatoon.


Implementing a Feeder Program to protect against feeder cattle price decreases in Vancouver.


Fort St. John
Introduction of a Fed Program for fed cattle price insurance at a ranch in Fort St. John.


Launching a comprehensive Hog Price Insurance program for a farm cooperative in Edmonton.


Eligibility for the Livestock Price Insurance (LPI) program requires producers to meet general and product-specific criteria.
  • File farm income taxes in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba; or if one of these provinces is the province for which the greatest amount of income would be reportable under the Income Tax Act (Canada) for Eligible Livestock.
  • Be the owner of the livestock.
  • Be the age of majority.
  • Calf: Be able to provide proof of calf ownership for 60 continuous days throughout the policy.
  • Feeder: Be able to provide proof of cattle ownership for 60 continuous days throughout the policy.
  • Fed: Producers need to finish the fed cattle in western Canada for the final four-week period immediately prior to the claim window.
  • Fed Cattle Price Reporting: Participation is voluntary and available to all beef producers finishing cattle in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Producers do not need to be current LPI program subscribers.
  • Hog: Be able to provide proof hog ownership for 20 continuous days throughout the length of the purchased policy.


While specific types of companies are not explicitly outlined for the Livestock Price Insurance (LPI) program, the program is available to all cattle and hog producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
  • Producers must file farm income taxes in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba.
  • Producers must be the owner of the livestock.
  • Producers must be the age of majority.


The grant context does not explicitly mention any types of companies that are not eligible for this grant.
  • nothing


The eligible geographic zones for the Livestock Price Insurance Program (LPI) are specified provinces in Western Canada.
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba


  • Step 1: Enrol in LPI with no obligation to purchase a policy.
  • Step 2: Register for weekly premium and settlement emails to be responsive in making risk management decisions.
  • Step 3: Create an online account on to conduct LPI business online.
  • Step 4: Review the weekly premium table and settlements to learn how premium tables are calculated and data is collected for settlement values.
  • Step 5: Purchase a Livestock Price Insurance policy according to the specified time window.
  • Step 6: Enter the claim window during the final four weeks of the policy.
  • Step 7: Review the policy during the first three weeks of the claim window and settle if in a claim position.
  • Step 8: The LPI system will automatically settle against remaining hundredweight during the last week of the claim window.


The Livestock Price Insurance (LPI) Program is a business risk management initiative designed to provide livestock producers in Western Canada with protection against unexpected price drops in cattle and hogs. Participation is voluntary, and coverage details for calf, feeder, and fed cattle, as well as hogs, are provided with specific eligibility requirements and settlement indices influenced by market data.
  • LPI policies can be purchased every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. MT
  • There are specific product offerings related to calfs, feeders, fed cattle, and hogs
  • The LPI program includes weekly premium and settlement indices updates
  • Additional protection includes advance payment programs, with options to borrow interest-free money on livestock already owned
  • Fed Cattle Price Reporting allows producers to voluntarily report cash prices to benefit settlement indices
  • Eligibility requires producers to file farm income taxes in the western provinces (BC, AB, SK, MB) and be the owner of the livestock
  • Producers must manually manage claims within the first three weeks of the claim window
  • Data sources include auction markets, electronic sales, and Canfax reported data to reflect market conditions


Apply to this program