
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Other Support
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
  • Government of Canada


If you are an agricultural producer facing significant revenue declines due to severe natural hazards., the interim insurance payments you receive from the government could increase from 50% to 75%, in accordance with the delivery of the program in your p


The program offers insurance protection for agricultural producers against production losses caused by natural hazards such as drought, flood, wind, frost, excessive rain, heat, snow, uncontrolled disease, insect infestations, and wildlife.


Installing windbreaks to reduce field erosion and crop damage from high winds.


Implementing advanced irrigation systems to mitigate drought impacts on crop production.


Building flood barriers to protect farmland from annual flood damage.


Creating a shelterbelt around orchards to combat frost damage.


Establishing pest control measures to tackle insect infestations.


Implementing wildlife deterrence systems to protect crops.


The program is currently available to most producers in all provinces. Eligibility criteria for this program, as established at the provincial level, will continue to evolve as provinces add new commodities to their lists of insurable agricultural products.


Any eligible agricultural producer or farmer can apply for the AgriInsurance program grant. This program is available to most producers in all provinces, and eligibility criteria are established at the provincial level. Producers who face production losses due to natural hazards like drought, flood, wind, frost, disease, or other uncontrollable events can benefit from this grant to reduce the financial impacts of such losses.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant.
  • Alignment with program objectives
  • Evidence of need for insurance protection
  • Demonstration of impact of production losses
  • Compliance with eligibility requirements
  • Financial capacity to contribute to premiums


  • Step 1: Check eligibility
  • Review the program requirements and criteria to ensure you qualify for the AgriInsurance grant.
  • Consider the types of production losses covered by the program.
  • Step 2: Gather required documents
  • Collect necessary information and documentation such as farm details, production records, and identification documents.
  • Ensure you have all the relevant paperwork ready for the application process.
  • Step 3: Contact the provincial administration
  • Visit the website of your provincial administration or contact them directly for detailed information on how to apply for the AgriInsurance program.
  • Seek guidance on the application process and any specific requirements in your province.
  • Step 4: Submit your application
  • Follow the instructions provided by your province to complete and submit your application for the AgriInsurance grant.
  • Ensure all required information is accurately provided to facilitate the review process.


- The program aims to provide financial protection against production losses caused by natural hazards. - Eligible perils include drought, flood, wind, frost, heat, snow, disease, insect infestations, and wildlife. - Payments are made when a production loss occurs during the year. - The program is cost-shared between federal, provincial, and producer contributions. - Provinces like Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan participate in the reinsurance arrangement. - Various crops and horticultural products are covered by the program, with options for livestock production insurance in some provinces. - The program is funded through shared premiums and program administration costs. - Each province administers the program through a Crown corporation or a branch of the provincial agriculture department. - The program eligibility criteria may evolve as provinces add new commodities for insurance coverage.


Apply to this program