Financial assistance for hiring First Nations and Inuit members QC Canada

Financial assistance for hiring First Nations and Inuit members

QC, Canada
The PAIPNI program fosters workforce diversification by providing financial support to businesses that hire First Nations and Inuit members.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Integration Program for Members of First Nations and Inuit (PAIPNI) helps employers diversify their workforce by hiring members of designated First Nations and Inuit communities. The program provides financial assistance covering up to 80% of the salary for up to 52 weeks, and potentially covers training and adaptation costs to support the employment and integration of these individuals.


Eligible activities for this grant include hiring, training, and adapting HR practices for members of First Nations and Inuit.
  • Hiring members of First Nations and Inuit
  • Providing accompaniment and mentorship
  • Offering tailored training sessions
  • Adapting HR practices and tools for better inclusivity
  • Purchasing or renting equipment for employees with disabilities
  • Implementing modifications for workplace accessibility


The grant is available for employers looking to hire members of certain First Nations and Inuit communities, providing financial assistance to facilitate employment. It covers sections for the candidate, employer, and job position.
  • The candidate must be a member of one of the following First Nations: Abénaquis, Algonquins, Attikameks, Cris, Hurons-Wendats, Innus (Montagnais), Malécites, Micmacs, Mohawks, Naskapis, or a member of the Inuit Nation, either off-reserve or within the community.
  • The candidate must either lack significant work experience or face obstacles in entering the job market.
  • The candidate must be deemed eligible for the program by an employment assistance officer from Services Québec and possess a valid eligibility letter.
  • The employer must be a business operating in Quebec, excluding public organizations and political parties.
  • The employer must ensure supervision and monitoring of the hired individual.
  • The employer must offer positions in Quebec and be registered with the Quebec Business Registry, complying with existing legislation.
  • The job position must be regular, either full-time or part-time, or be a seasonal, vacant, or newly created position.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. All types of companies operating in Quebec can benefit from the financial assistance, with the exception of public organizations and political organizations.
  • Private companies
  • Non-profit organizations (OSBL)
  • Cooperatives
  • Businesses with an office or establishment registered with the Quebec Business Registry


Public organizations and political organizations are not eligible for this grant.
  • Public organizations
  • Political organizations


The grant supports several eligible expenses associated with employing members of the First Nations and Inuit. These include various subsidies for salaries, training, and adaptation of human resource practices and tools.
  • Up to 80% of the salary for a maximum of 52 weeks.
  • Up to 100% of the salary or fees for the person accompanying the new employee, up to $2,000.
  • Up to 100% of the costs of additional training, up to $5,000.
  • Up to 100% of the costs for adapting human resource practices and tools, up to $5,000.
  • For persons with disabilities, up to 60 weeks of salary subsidy and up to $10,000 for accessibility-related expenses.


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are companies operating in the province of Quebec. The business must offer positions within this province.
  • Province: Quebec


There are no specific evaluation and selection criteria outlined for this grant in the provided information.


  • Step 1: Verify Pre-Eligibility
  • Use the provided tool to check pre-eligibility for wage subsidies.
  • Step 2: Confirm Eligibility
  • Ensure the employer, candidate, and position meet all eligibility criteria.
  • Step 3: Complete the Application Form
  • Download and fill out the appropriate form: "Demande de subvention salariale - Entreprise privée" or "Demande de subvention salariale - OSBL".
  • Step 4: Submit the Application
  • Deposit or mail the completed form to the nearest Services Québec office.
  • Step 5: Schedule Appointment (Optional)
  • Contact Services Québec to schedule an appointment with an agent if additional assistance is needed.


The program aims to diversify the workforce by supporting employers in hiring First Nations and Inuit members by offering substantial financial aid.
  • The program excludes public organizations and political entities from receiving financial aid.
  • Employers must ensure compliance with current legislation and be registered with the Registraire des entreprises du Québec.
  • The grant can be applied to both newly created and vacant positions, as well as recurrent seasonal roles.
  • Financial aid can extend up to 60 weeks for hiring individuals with disabilities.
  • There's possibility of reimbursing employers for general expenses related to accommodating employees with disabilities, up to $10,000.
  • Employers must validate pre-admissibility through a specific tool before proceeding with the application process.
  • Details and forms for applying are available through the local Services Québec office.
  • Complaints can be directed to the Direction de l’amélioration de la qualité des services à la clientèle if the service or decision is unsatisfactory.
Apply to this program