Farm Land and Buildings Financing
Loan for farm land and buildings
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|openingDateJuly 9, 2024
Loans and Capital investments
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Construction
- Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
- Government of Canada
Get a loan with flexible repayment options to help you purchase new land or expand your farm operation by adding a new building.
The Farm Land and Buildings Financing program provides flexible financing options for agricultural producers to manage their financial resources effectively when purchasing land or constructing new buildings. The program focuses on customizable terms tailored to meet unique agricultural needs.
- Offers pre-approved lines of credit to ensure quick access to funds.
- Includes deferred payments to aid financial management during construction or low-income periods.
- Provides interest-only payment options to reduce immediate financial burden.
- Allows for extended disbursements to match specific project timelines.
- Varied interest terms, maturity dates, and amortization periods available to tailor the repayment schedule.
- Prepayment options are offered based on the selected interest term to allow for flexibility in financial planning.
- Payment schedules can be arranged around growing cycles, off-farm income, and construction times.
$ 300,000
Construction of a new dairy barn to increase milk production
$ 125,000
Purchase of land and construction of a greenhouse for year-round vegetable farming
$ 50,000
Creation of an urban farm by acquiring land and building planter boxes
$ 150,000
Purchase of 50 acres of farmland for organic vegetable cultivation
$ 100,000
Expansion of a poultry farm with the addition of a new chicken coop
$ 120,000
Acquisition of 30 acres of vineyard land to expand wine production
This grant or loan scheme appears to be designed for agricultural producers looking to acquire land or expand their operations through financing options. The specific eligibility criteria are not detailed in the provided context, but broadly, it is available for those engaged in agriculture and interested in land and building-related financing.
FCC loans offer flexible financing options tailored to support purchasing land or expanding operations with new buildings. By customizing financial solutions, FCC facilitates projects that enhance agricultural productivity and infrastructure.
- Purchasing agricultural land to expand farming operations.
- Constructing new buildings to support or grow existing agricultural activities.
- Renovating existing farm structures to improve efficiency and capacity.
- Financing land development projects that enhance farming productivity.
- Implementing infrastructure projects that support agricultural growth and sustainability.
Here are the steps to apply for FCC Land and Buildings financing:
- Step 1: Initial Contact
- Call FCC at 1-888-332-3301 to discuss financing options.
- Email an FCC representative to inquire about the loan application process.
- Visit your local FCC office for a face-to-face consultation.
- Step 2: Review Financing Options
- Discuss your financial needs with an FCC representative.
- Learn about different interest terms, maturity dates, and repayment schedules available.
- Step 3: Provide Financial Information
- Submit relevant financial documents as advised by the FCC representative.
- Include documents that detail your operation's current financial status and future projections.
- Step 4: Loan Application Submission
- Complete and submit the loan application form provided by FCC.
- Ensure all necessary documentation and signatures are included.
- Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-up
- Receive confirmation of your application submission from FCC.
- Follow up with FCC for any additional information or requirements.