Extend the employment periods of your staff - Workforce Partnership Canada

Extend the employment periods of your staff - Workforce Partnership

The Employment Stabilization Program offers financial support to businesses to extend employment periods for seasonal and precarious workers.

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • Max. $5,000
  • 40% of project cost
  • Open Date : June 05, 2024
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Wage Subsidies And Interns
Partnering and Collaboration
Eligible Industries
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Grant Providers
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Stabilization of Employment grant offers financial assistance to businesses affected by seasonal or cyclical fluctuations to extend employment periods for precarious and seasonal workers. Eligible activities include diversifying products or services and facilitating workforce sharing among three or more employers to stabilize employment.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for this grant, organizations must belong to certain types and meet specific conditions related to their projects and employee types.

  • Private enterprises
  • Associations of workers or employers
  • Professional associations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Cooperatives
  • Self-employed workers
  • Enterprises in sectors subject to strong seasonal fluctuations

Who is eligible

There are specific types of companies eligible for this grant. The eligible companies can benefit from financial assistance to extend employment periods.

  • Private companies
  • Workers' or employers' associations
  • Professional associations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Cooperatives
  • Self-employed individuals

Who is not eligible

There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant.

  • Agencies of placement

Eligible expenses

There are eligible expenses for the grant. Some of the eligible expenses include project-related salaries, consultant fees, and related administrative costs.

  • Salary of the resource whose period of employment is extended
  • Salary of the workforce sharing project coordinator
  • Fees for external consultants hired to support project development
  • Costs related to management and administration activities relevant to the agreement
  • Employer-contributed vacation and leave expenses as per labor standards

Eligible projects & activities

There are eligible projects and activities for this grant, specifically targeting the prolongation of seasonal employments and the partnership and matching of the workforce.

  • Adding transformation activities for agricultural producers
  • Prolonging summer tourism by adding activities like horseback riding or nature observation
  • Packaging and/or transporting transformed sea products
  • Opening hotels in winter to attract snowmobilers
  • Increasing production volume to meet new customer demands
  • Performing administrative support activities to optimize organizational processes
  • Reorganizing part of the workshop (e.g., machines, inventory) to enhance efficiency

Eligible geographic areas

Eligible geographic zones for this grant include:

  • Regions in Québec
  • Areas with seasonal or cyclical employment fluctuations

Evaluation & selection criteria

Evaluation and selection criteria focus on the project's ability to extend employment periods through product or service diversification, or by sharing workforce among multiple employers. The decision also considers the nature of the project, the company's needs, budget availability, sector, and regional and provincial priorities.

  • Project aims to extend employment periods through product/service diversification or adding tasks
  • Project involves workforce sharing between three or more employers
  • Nature of the project
  • Company needs
  • Budget availability
  • Activity sector
  • Regional priorities
  • Provincial priorities

How to apply

  • Step 1: Review eligibility requirements to ensure your organization qualifies.
  • Step 2: Contact a business advisor at the Services Québec office in your region.
  • Step 3: Work with the business advisor to assess your needs and identify suitable solutions.
  • Step 4: Prepare and submit a detailed project proposal, including objectives, expected outcomes, and budget.
  • Step 5: Await analysis and decision from the business advisor based on project nature, needs, budget, activity sector, and regional priorities.
  • Step 6: If approved, follow guidance for implementation and compliance with grant conditions.
  • Step 7: Submit periodic payroll registers for affected workers to receive grant payments.
  • Step 8: Provide necessary reports and updates as specified in the grant agreement.
  • Step 9: If needed, request an extension supported by a situation and relevance analysis.

Additional information

The grant provides financial support for extending employment periods of seasonal and precarious workers. There are two main activities under this program: Prolongation of Seasonal Employment and Partnership and Workforce Matching.

  • The financial support can cover salary, project coordinator salary, and consultancy fees.
  • Eligible organizations include private companies, worker or employer associations, professional associations, non-profit organizations, and cooperatives.
  • The grant can cover up to 40% of eligible expenses, including wages up to a specified maximum.
  • Individual projects can be supported for up to 12 months, with the possibility of extension to a maximum of 3 years based on project needs and outcomes.
  • Each project must aim to extend employment periods through product/service diversification or workforce sharing between at least three employers.
  • Companies must demonstrate the project's potential for mid-term sustainability or development.
  • Both full-time and part-time precarious workers are eligible under this grant.
  • The application process involves consulting with a business advisor from the regional Services Québec office.

Documents and links

Extend the employment periods of your staff - Workforce Partnership

Apply to this program