Évolution-Compétences - Professional Norms Component QC Canada

Évolution-Compétences - Professional Norms Component

QC, Canada
Develop and implement professional standards, recognizing and enhancing workforce competencies


  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Educational services
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Professional Standards section of the financial aid program primarily targets Sectoral Workforce Committees (CSMO) and promotes the development and revision of professional standards. Eligible activities include needs analysis, feasibility studies, implementation of professional standards through promotional activities, and the support and training of companions. Projects can receive up to 100% financial coverage for expenses, including training, hiring companions, and administrative costs.


Eligible projects for this grant are aimed at enhancing professional standards and facilitating the recognition and acquisition of workforce skills. These projects have to be completed within a maximum duration of 24 months.
  • Analyzing needs and feasibility studies
  • Developing or revising professional standards, learning strategies, or competency recognition
  • Promoting the implementation of professional standards within companies
  • Training mentors
  • Implementing competency recognition for current and future workforce
  • Providing access to training necessary for obtaining a qualification certificate linked to a professional standard
  • Enhancing professional standards with additional knowledge elements related to sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, arts, commerce, humanities, education, social sciences, or human and behavioral skills


The eligible entities for this grant primarily include sectoral workforce committees and certain collective promoters. Projects must not exceed 24 months and should align with specified activities such as analysis, development, and implementation of professional standards.
  • Sectoral workforce committees (CSMO)
  • Collective promoters whose economic sector is not represented by a CSMO
  • Qualifications Québec for activities recognizing future workforce competencies


Eligible types of companies for this grant include Sectoral Workforce Committees (CSMO), collective promoters whose economic sector is not represented by a CSMO, and Qualifications Quebec. These organizations can apply for funding to develop and implement professional standards and recognition of workforce skills.
  • Sectoral Workforce Committees (CSMO)
  • Collective promoters whose economic sector is not represented by a CSMO
  • Qualifications Quebec


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant which can reach up to 100% of the admissible costs. These include a variety of costs related to training, materials, and project implementation.
  • Salaries or fees of internal trainers, trade experts, independent companions, and CSMO staff on the project
  • Salaries of personnel participating in the training, up to $25 per hour
  • Interpreter fees for training hearing-impaired personnel
  • Accompanying fees for training disabled personnel
  • Costs for adapting educational materials for disabled individuals
  • Indirect costs such as travel and meal expenses for trainers and trainees
  • Purchase of educational materials
  • Rent or purchase of tools or equipment necessary for skill recognition projects
  • Management and administrative costs by CSMO, up to 10% of admissible expenses


This grant is available for projects within the province of Quebec. The eligible zones are not explicitly specified, indicating that the entire province is covered.
  • Province of Quebec


  • Step 1: Analyze eligibility criteria and project scope to ensure alignment with grant requirements.
  • Step 2: Conduct an analysis of needs and feasibility study for the proposed project.
  • Step 3: Develop or revise professional standards, learning strategies, or competency recognition plans.
  • Step 4: Promote the implementation of professional standards within companies.
  • Step 5: Arrange for the training of companions and the acquisition of necessary competencies.
  • Step 6: Prepare the grant application by completing the required forms:
  • Grant Application Form (PDF)
  • Budget File for Grant Application (XLSM)
  • Step 7: Submit the complete application to the appropriate contact.
  • Step 8: Await processing and feedback, ensuring to meet any requests for additional information promptly.


This grant can cover various expenses and requirements related to the development and implementation of professional standards, including training, materials, and project administration. Projects should focus on areas such as skills recognition, standards implementation, and training of mentors.
  • A grant can fund up to 100% of eligible expenses.
  • Eligible expenses include salaries or fees of internal trainers, trade experts, or independent mentors.
  • Accessibility expenses like interpreters for hearing-impaired trainees and support for disabled trainees are covered.
  • Indirect costs for trainers and trainees (e.g., travel and meal expenses) are admissible as per Treasury Board directives.
  • Other costs may include the purchase or lease of educational materials, tools, or equipment necessary for skills recognition projects.
  • Up to 10% of the eligible expenses can be allocated to project management and administration by the CSMO.
  • There is no deadline; applications can be submitted anytime.
  • The processing time for applications is 20 working days, and incomplete applications will not be reviewed until all information is provided.
Apply to this program