Évolution-Compétences -Partnership for training and innovation QC Canada

Évolution-Compétences -Partnership for training and innovation

QC, Canada
The Partnership for Training and Innovation program enhances success for underrepresented groups in Red Seal trades through innovative learning and equipment investment.


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Grant and Funding
  • Educational services
  • Gouvernement du Québec


The Partnership for Training and Innovation program supports the implementation of the "Training and Innovation in Unionized Environments Program" by Employment and Social Development Canada in Quebec. It aims to foster the success of women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, newcomers, and visible minorities in Red Seal trades through investments in training equipment and innovative approaches that eliminate barriers to learning these trades. Eligible activities include acquiring new training equipment and developing novel training methods to enhance participation and remove obstacles for underrepresented groups in Red Seal-certified trades.


Yes, there are eligible projects and activities for this grant. These activities are focused on acquiring training equipment and developing innovative training approaches for Red Seal trades.
  • Investment in training equipment for Red Seal trades
  • Implementing innovative training approaches
  • Facilitating the success of underrepresented groups in Red Seal trades
  • Developing programs leading to official recognition of training


This grant supports projects that eliminate barriers to learning in Red Seal trades, with a focus on underrepresented groups in the workforce.
  • Centres de services scolaires and anglophone school boards
  • Recognized vocational education institutions and CEGEPs
  • Subsidized private educational institutions
  • Sectoral workforce committees
  • Municipal administrations
  • Indigenous communities and band councils
  • Non-profit organizations and cooperatives
  • Employer associations
  • Legally constituted worker associations
  • Joint workforce committees formed following a decree
  • Order givers with an accredited training service
  • Training mutual funds recognized by the Labour Market Partners Commission
  • Indigenous organizations working in employability and skills development


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. Organizations possessing a NEQ can qualify as promoters for the grant.
  • School Service Centers and Anglophone School Commissions
  • Professional Education Institutions and CEGEPs recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education
  • Subsidized Private Educational Institutions
  • Sectoral Workforce Committees
  • Municipal Administrations
  • Indigenous Communities and Band Councils
  • Non-Profit Organizations and Cooperatives
  • Employers' Associations
  • Legally Constituted Workers' Associations
  • Sectoral Workforce Committees Constituted by a Decree
  • Order Givers with an Accredited Training Service
  • Training Mutuals Recognized by the Commission of Labor Market Partners
  • Indigenous Organizations Working in Employability and Skills Development


Eligible expenses for this grant include equipment costs for the training investment sub-component and staff salaries for the innovation in learning sub-component.
  • Cost of equipment (Investment in training equipment)
  • Salary of staff assigned to project implementation (Innovation in learning)


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Quebec.
  • Quebec


The grant for the Partnership for Training and Innovation in Québec evaluates and selects projects based on specific criteria related to alignment with the program's objectives, the inclusion of underrepresented groups, and the potential impact on the training and formation landscape.
  • Alignment with the objectives of the Red Seal trades certification program.
  • Inclusion and support of underrepresented groups such as women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, new immigrants, and visible minorities.
  • Innovation in training approaches that eliminate barriers to learning.
  • Projects must target formal recognition through diplomas, certifications, or professional standards.
  • Investment in training equipment should align with industry standards and new technologies.
  • Partnership involvement and collaboration with various stakeholders.
  • Clear and justified budget and financial plan.
  • Demonstrated capacity to complete the project within the set timeframe (12 months for equipment investment, 24 months for innovation projects).


  • Step 1: Identify your eligibility
  • Ensure your organization is among those eligible (e.g., educational institutions, municipal administrations, non-profits, etc.)
  • Step 2: Choose the appropriate sub-volet
  • Decide whether you are applying for "Investissement dans l’équipement de formation" or "Innovation dans l’apprentissage"
  • Step 3: Download application materials
  • For "Investissement dans l’équipement de formation", download and fill out the form EQ 6547 and budget template
  • For "Innovation dans l’apprentissage", download and fill out the form EQ 6546 and budget template
  • Step 4: Complete the application form
  • Fill out all required fields in the relevant application form
  • Step 5: Develop a budget
  • Use the provided budget template to outline the financial aspects of your project
  • Step 6: Gather supporting documents
  • Collect any additional documents needed to support your application
  • Step 7: Submit your application
  • Ensure all forms and documents are complete and signed
  • Submit your application before the deadline, either for "Investissement dans l’équipement de formation" or "Innovation dans l’apprentissage".


This grant supports investments in training equipment and innovative approaches to eliminate barriers in learning designated Red Seal trades, targeting underrepresented groups.
  • The grant is under the "Partenariat pour la formation et l'innovation" program by Emploi et Développement social Canada.
  • Submission deadline is September 16, 2024.
  • Only organizations with a NEQ can qualify as promoters.
  • A complete application includes a filled and signed form and budget template.
  • Grants cover up to 50% of eligible expenses for training equipment and 100% for innovation in learning.
  • Projects must be related to Red Seal trades and can last up to 12 months for equipment and 24 months for innovation projects.
  • Applicable for various educational institutions and organizations supporting underrepresented groups.
  • A separate form is required for each program volet.
  • Eligible expenses include equipment costs and personnel salaries.
Apply to this program