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Grant and Funding
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  • Gouvernement du Québec


This program supports employee skills development through financial and technical assistance for private and not-for-profit companies in Quebec, excluding public and political entities. It finances training in new technologies, literacy and more, covering the costs of trainers and teaching materials.


The Workforce Training Measure provides financial support to companies to enhance their workforce skillsets, fostering company sustainability and competitiveness. The support primarily targets workforce training in Quebec-based small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with specific financial assistance requirements.
  • A general financial contribution covers up to 50% of eligible training costs, rising to a maximum of 75% in particular situations with no justification needed to exceed the standard 50% rate.
  • Specific activities like literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy training can be fully covered at 100% including salaries for participants, capped at $25 per hour.
  • The total contribution per agreement usually does not exceed $100,000, except for major projects which can exceed this cap upon further evaluation by the relevant departments.
  • Costs associated with necessary training due to the introduction of new technologies can receive a financial support rate of 75% for initial expenses up to $133,333, with the potential to receive 50% for costs exceeding $100,000.
  • For companies participating in the Work-Based Learning Program that are ineligible for tax credits, this measure may serve as an alternative support.


This grant supports workforce training initiatives aimed at enhancing competencies and maintaining employment. The activities focus on developing essential skills, advanced training, and job-specific proficiency.
  • Alphabétisation, including literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy training.
  • Language training for languages other than French where necessary for job retention.
  • General and basic training prerequisites for professional or technical education.
  • Professional, technical, collegiate, and university-level education.
  • Development of generic skills, such as teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Training for trainers within the company to support internal skill development.
  • Management training to ensure effective human resource management.
  • Training on new equipment or technology integration to increase productivity.

$ 16,000

Enhance technical skills of software developers with advanced AI training

$ 16,000

Provide vocational training for unemployed youth

$ 12,000

Upgrade accounting team's skills for new financial software

$ 12,000

Develop a literacy program for immigrant workers

$ 13,000

Deliver photography workshops and skills assessment for youth

$ 13,000

Introduce digital marketing training for new employees


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the type of enterprise and its operational status.
  • Eligible entities include private for-profit enterprises, associations of private for-profit enterprises, municipal administrations, band societies and councils, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, self-employed workers, and associations of self-employed workers.
  • The organizations must hold a Quebec Enterprise Number (NEQ).
  • Ineligible entities include Quebec and federal government ministries and organizations under specific public administration laws, political parties or associations, organizations registered in the Register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA), enterprises with outstanding debts to the Ministry unless under a repayment agreement, entities with previous compliance issues with the Ministry, enterprises engaged in controversial activities, and enterprises halted due to strikes or lockouts.
  • Enterprises not complying with the requirements related to the francization process under the Charter of the French language are also ineligible.


The Mesure de formation de la main-d’œuvre (MFOR-E) under the DMSE aims to support workforce development within various organizations in Quebec. Eligible entities must align with specific categories defined under the grant framework.
  • Private for-profit businesses.
  • Groups of private for-profit businesses.
  • Municipal administrations.
  • Communities and band councils.
  • Non-profit organizations (NPOs).
  • Cooperatives.
  • Self-employed workers.
  • Groups of self-employed workers.


This grant excludes certain types of organizations and businesses based on specific eligibility restrictions. These restrictions are aligned with the focus of directing support to priority sectors and entities that meet the program's objectives.
  • Provincial and federal government ministries and bodies subject to public administration laws.
  • Political parties or associations.
  • Entities listed in the Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA).
  • Businesses with outstanding debts to the Ministry unless a repayment agreement is in place.
  • Applicants who previously failed to meet their grant obligations after formal notice.
  • Controversial businesses, such as those involved in recreational cannabis.
  • Businesses affected by strikes or lockouts.
  • Companies not complying with French language normalization requirements under the Charter of the French Language.


This grant supports training initiatives aimed at enhancing workforce skills within various employment sectors. The eligible projects focus on basic literacy, language skills, professional development, and skill upgrades related to new technologies and equipment.
  • Literacy training, including numeracy and digital literacy.
  • Language training other than French when necessary for job retention.
  • Basic and general education courses as prerequisites for professional or technical training.
  • Professional, technical, collegiate, and university training to develop job-related skills.
  • Training for generic skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and IT skills.
  • Training for educators to enhance in-house training capabilities.
  • Management training focusing on human resource management and other business functions.
  • Training related to new equipment or technologies to improve productivity.


This grant is intended to support workforce training measures for companies located in Quebec. Specific eligibility criteria for the grant require companies to have their primary operations within Quebec province, with some exceptions based on telework criteria.
  • Companies with primary operations based in Quebec.


The evaluation and selection of projects under the "Direction des mesures et services aux entreprises" training measure aim to support companies in enhancing the competencies of their workforce.
  • Effect on changing company behavior towards developing a training culture.
  • Impact on employment stability and maintenance for workers.
  • Contribution to skill development related to employment needs.
  • Alignment with regional and local priorities established by the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity.
  • Well-documented analysis of the training needs and strategic objectives of the organization.
  • Sound plan detailing objectives, expected outcomes, training activities, and pedagogical supervision.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Preliminary Assessment
  • Determine your eligibility based on the provided criteria.
  • Identify specific training needs for your workforce that align with the grant objectives.
  • Step 2: Consultation with DMSE
  • Contact a representative from the Ministry to establish a professional relationship.
  • Discuss your training needs and how they fit with regional and local priorities.
  • Step 3: Plan Development
  • Conduct an analysis of current training needs and organizational goals.
  • Develop a detailed intervention plan including training activities and expected outcomes.
  • Ensure the training plan aligns with the enterprise's strategic objectives.
  • Step 4: Application and Documentation
  • Prepare a comprehensive grant application including the plan of training and all necessary support documentation.
  • Include financial information and detailed cost estimates for proposed training activities.
  • Step 5: Submission
  • Submit the completed application and supporting documents to the Ministry.
  • Ensure submission aligns with any deadline requirements provided by the Ministry.
  • Step 6: Follow-Up
  • Await confirmation or feedback from the Ministry regarding your application.
  • Respond to any requests for additional information or clarification in a timely manner.


The Worker Training Measure supports skill development for employed workers primarily in small and medium-sized enterprises in Quebec, helping to maintain employment and increase productivity. The program provides funding through subsidies and the purchase of continuing education, with specific criteria and obligations outlined for both participating businesses and employees.
  • Forms of training include off-the-job training and on-the-job task training.
  • Training can also occur outside Quebec under certain conditions.
  • Different pedagogical formats are admissible, including in-person, online synchronous and asynchronous, and mixed online formats.
  • Subsidies can go up to 75% under specific circumstances such as the introduction of new equipment, with a standard cap at $100,000 for most agreements.
  • Training in languages other than French is supported when necessary for job retention, excluding personal development purposes.
  • Employers are primarily responsible for staff training per the Quebec workforce development laws.

Apply to this program