MRC Charlevoix-Est — Vitalization Fund
Clermont, QC
Vitalization Fund supporting Charlevoix-Est's economic revitalization projects
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateAugust 15, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 5, 2023
Grant and Funding
- Educational services
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Public administration
- MRC Charlevoix-Est
The Fonds de vitalisation de la MRC de Charlevoix-Est provides non-repayable financial assistance of up to $150,000 to support projects that address economic revitalization challenges by fostering economic vitality through eligible activities such as the development of services, enhancement of living conditions, and maximization of the region’s economic potential. Eligible activities include professional fees, pre-startup expenses, asset acquisitions, and infrastructure improvements aimed at improving the quality of life and economic productivity within the region.
The MRC Charlevoix-Est Vitalization Fund provides financial support through non-repayable aid, ensuring that projects benefit the economic and social vitality of the region. These financial modalities are designed to facilitate project implementation by addressing specific needs for funding disbursement and reporting.
- The financial aid is non-repayable.
- Initial disbursement occurs upon signing a financial aid agreement.
- The remaining balance is distributed based on project milestones, deliverables, and the nature and duration of the project.
- Payments can occur in multiple installments as determined by the agreement.
- Subsequent payments depend on satisfactory submission of required reporting documents.
- Projects must be completed within a timeframe specified in the agreement, subject to revision by the MRC.
The Vitalization Fund of the MRC de Charlevoix-Est aims to tackle economic devitalization by supporting projects that enhance living standards, demographic dynamics, and labor markets. Eligible projects should align with one of three main vitalization axes.
- Projects developing and enhancing local services, including the development of strategic niches and initiatives in new promising sectors.
- Projects aimed at improving the living environment to attract and retain the population, such as those promoting youth reengagement and improving quality of life.
- Projects maximizing the economic potential of the region, including innovations to increase productivity, development, modernization, and diversification activities that enhance labor demand, and large-scale projects with significant employment and economic impacts.
Eligibility for this grant requires the applicants to meet certain criteria regarding their organizational structure and standing with the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
- The applicant must be a municipal organization, an Indigenous community, a private business (excluding financial sector businesses), a social economy enterprise, a cooperative (excluding financial sector cooperatives), a non-profit organization, or an educational network entity.
- The applicant must not be involved in bankruptcy proceedings or have any outstanding debts or disputes with the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
- The applicant must not be listed on the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA).
- The applicant must have fulfilled all obligations related to any previous financial aid from the MRC over the past two years.
- If the applicant is a corporate entity, it must be seeking to start a new business.
This grant targets various types of entities seeking to implement projects that align with the territorial revitalization efforts of the MRC de Charlevoix-Est. Eligible applicants include a diverse group of organizations capable of contributing to economic and socio-demographic enhancement in the region.
- Municipal organizations and Indigenous communities.
- Private and social economy enterprises, except those in the financial sector.
- Cooperatives, excluding those in the financial sector.
- Non-profit organizations.
- Educational sector entities.
- Legal entities aiming to start a new business.
This grant excludes specific companies and industries based on their nature and main activities. Restrictions are in place to prioritize projects that align with the socio-economic revitalization goals of the Charlevoix-Est region.
- Companies and industries registered on the RENA (Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics).
- Organizations that failed to comply with previous financial assistance obligations with the MRC of Charlevoix-Est within the last two years.
- Businesses considered controversial, such as those with sexual, religious, or political affiliations.
- Retail and wholesale trade, gas stations, or gas bars, except when they serve as proximity services.
- Companies associated with physical or mental health sectors recognized or not by a professional order.
- Art galleries.
- Daycares and family-based childcare services.
- Artistic management agencies and projects aimed at self-promotion.
- Real estate management, such as real estate agents.
- Hospitality sector, except within designated Q5 localities.
- Restaurants, bars, and breweries, unless they serve as proximity services.
- Licensed professions such as lawyers, accountants, architects, notaries, and engineers.
- Projects related to places of worship unless the building is being repurposed for non-religious use.
- Financial services and insurance brokerage projects.
- Projects that act as substitutes for public services.
- Municipal administration-related projects such as town hall renovations.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the project implementation and development within the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
- Professional fees and consulting services, as well as related studies.
- Pre-startup, startup expenses, and an initial working capital necessary for project implementation.
- Purchases of goods, equipment, and assets related to the project.
- Marketing, promotion, and advertising activities and costs.
- Costs of leasehold improvements, renovations, expansions, or construction of buildings, including the acquisition of land or non-residential buildings.
This grant is applicable specifically to projects undertaken in or significantly impacting certain geographical areas within Quebec, particularly in the MRC de Charlevoix-Est region. This guarantees that efforts are concentrated on revitalizing and supporting economic growth within these designated territories.
- MRC de Charlevoix-Est, Quebec, Canada
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure they align with the objectives of the Fonds de vitalisation de la MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
- Concordance with an axis of vitalization.
- Quality of the application and the promoter.
- Impact on employment and economy (applies to private company applications).
- Innovative nature of the project.
- Impact on socio-economic vitality.
- Acceptability of the project by the community.
- Strength of the financial structure.
- Compliance with environmental and rural development standards.
Steps to apply for the grant:
- Step 1: Determine Eligibility
- Ensure your organization and project meet the eligibility criteria defined by the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
- Confirm that the project aligns with at least one of the three revitalization axes: development of local services, enhancement of living environments, or maximizing economic potential.
- Step 2: Initial Consultation
- Schedule a meeting with the agent of revitalization or an economic development agent of the MRC de Charlevoix-Est to validate project eligibility.
- Step 3: Prepare Documentation
- Complete the project application form.
- Prepare a business or project plan.
- Compile financial projections and past financial statements if applicable.
- Gather supporting documents such as feasibility studies and market assessments, if necessary.
- Authorize a council resolution permitting the project application and signatory authorizations.
- Organize the required bids for investments if needed.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Submit the completed application and all necessary documents to the MRC de Charlevoix-Est for processing.
- Email or deliver physical copies to the address provided or via the contact information.
- Step 5: Application Review
- The MRC internal committee will review the application once all required documents are submitted.
- Step 6: Final Evaluation
- The revitalization committee will evaluate the projects and submit recommendations to the council of mayors.
- Step 7: Notification
- Receive notification on the decision from the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- An agreement specifying the grant terms will be established between the recipient and the MRC of Charlevoix-Est.
- The issuance of funds will be phased, with a subsequent financial installment tied to the acceptance of project progress reports by the MRC.
- The final payment is contingent on the completion of the project's final report and any associated documentation as outlined in the agreement.
- The implementation period for projects must align with the timeline specified in the contractual agreement, with possible review of commitments if delays occur.