
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • MRC Charlevoix-Est


The Fonds d’aide aux projets de réfection de ponts et ponceaux sur les terres du domaine de l’État provides up to $10,000 or 50% of the applicant's funding, whichever is lower, to support the refurbishment of bridges and culverts on public lands, aiming to maintain important access infrastructure and reduce the financial impact on territory users. Eligible activities include the refurbishment of bridges and culverts and the production of plans and specifications.


This grant facilitates financial support from MRC Charlevoix-Est for bridge and culvert repair projects by establishing clear funding conditions and limits. The assistance is designed to alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with infrastructure repairs on state-owned lands.
  • The maximum financial assistance per project is $10,000 or 50% of the applicant's contribution, whichever is lower.
  • Funding is conditional upon the signing of an agreement between the MRC and the promoter.
  • Projects must have at least three financial partners to qualify for funding.
  • Applicants are responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and authorizations.


The grant is intended to support projects that involve the repair of key infrastructures on public land, benefiting multiple users and enhancing access. Eligible activities are focused on repairing existing infrastructure, not on maintenance or new constructions.
  • Repair of a bridge located on state-owned land.
  • Repair of a culvert on lands within the public domain.
  • Creation of plans and specifications for bridge or culvert repair projects.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the applicant's profile and project nature.
  • The applicant must be a holder of a recreational lease, a legally constituted non-profit organization (NPO), a municipality, MRC, or any municipal organization, or a cooperative whose activities are similar to those of a non-profit organization.
  • The project must involve the refurbishment of an existing bridge or culvert, or pertain to plans and specifications for such a refurbishment.
  • The project should benefit more than one user, such as providing access to more than one recreational lease.
  • The financial plan must include at least three financial partners.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on the project's impact, user reach, the expertise of the promoter, feasibility of the timeline, financial partnerships, and promoter's financial participation.
  • Impact on the Territory (20 points)Limited impact with a short-term benefit (1 to 5 years) - 10 points
  • Positive impact with a medium-term benefit (5 to 20 years) - 15 points
  • Important impact with a long-term benefit (more than 20 years) - 20 points
  • Users (20 points)Low use by 2 to 5 vacationers - 10 points
  • Medium use by at least 2 user groups (e.g., vacationers, snowmobilers, recreation, forest operations) - 15 points
  • High use by at least 3 user groups (e.g., vacationers, snowmobilers, recreation, forest operations) - 20 points
  • Promoter's Expertise (10 points)Demonstrated necessary expertise or established partnerships to complete the project - 10 points
  • Timeline (10 points)Project is realistic in terms of timeline - 10 points
  • Financial Partnership (20 points)3 partners - 10 points
  • 4-5 partners - 15 points
  • More than 5 partners - 20 points
  • Promoter's Financial Participation (20 points)Participation between 5% and 10% of the project cost - 5 points
  • Participation between 10% and 20% of the project cost - 10 points
  • Participation between 20% and 50% of the project cost - 15 points
  • Participation of more than 50% of the project cost - 20 points


This grant excludes certain private companies and specific organizations from eligibility considerations. The restrictions ensure that the fund supports eligible promoters whose projects align with its objectives on public domains.
  • Private enterprises.
  • Zones d'exploitation contrôlée (ZEC).


The grant covers costs directly associated with the execution of the project.
  • Costs associated with the production of plans and specifications.
  • All expenses directly related to the realization of the project, such as salaries, professional fees, material, machinery and equipment rental, and permit application fees.


This grant is specific to projects on state-owned lands managed or administered by the MRC of Charlevoix-Est in Quebec, Canada. The area must be within the public territory as identified by the MRC.
  • State-owned lands within the MRC of Charlevoix-Est.
  • Unorganized territories (TNO) under the MRC of Charlevoix-Est.
  • Municipal territories within the MRC of Charlevoix-Est.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives for infrastructure improvement and community benefit.
  • Impact on the territory: Limited impact in the short term (1-5 years) scores up to 10 points, positive impact in the medium term (5-20 years) scores up to 15 points, and important impact in the long term (more than 20 years) scores up to 20 points.
  • Users: Projects serving a small number of users (2-5) score up to 10 points, those serving at least two groups of users score up to 15 points, and those serving three or more user groups score up to 20 points.
  • Promoter expertise: Demonstration of necessary expertise or partnerships to complete the project scores up to 10 points.
  • Timeline: Realistic project timeline scores up to 10 points.
  • Financial partnership: Having three partners scores up to 10 points, four to five partners scores up to 15 points, and more than five partners scores up to 20 points.
  • Financial contribution from the promoter: Contribution between 5% and 10% of the project cost scores up to 5 points, between 10% and 20% scores up to 10 points, between 20% and 50% scores up to 15 points, and more than 50% scores up to 20 points.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Gather Necessary Information
  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria as a promoter (e.g., holder of a lease for vacation purposes, or a non-profit organization).
  • Ensure the project is eligible (e.g., refurbishment of a bridge or culvert).
  • Step 2: Prepare Required Documents
  • Complete the application form for financial assistance.
  • Obtain a resolution from the organization authorizing the submission of the application, if applicable.
  • Prepare a project location map.
  • Produce a detailed cost estimate prepared by a qualified professional.
  • Step 3: Compile Financial Plan
  • Ensure the participation of at least three financial partners for the project.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Contact Mr. Stéphane Charest, the inspector of watercourses at MRC de Charlevoix-Est for any guidance or queries.
  • Submit the completed application form and all required documents to the MRC de Charlevoix-Est.
  • Step 5: Review Process
  • Wait for the eligibility decision from the regional watercourse inspector.
  • The project will undergo preliminary technical analysis by the project analysis committee.
  • Await investment decisions made by the MRC council.
  • Sign the agreement protocol with MRC de Charlevoix-Est if the project is approved.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Funding is conditional upon the signature of an agreement between the applicant and the MRC de Charlevoix-Est, when applicable.
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • There must be at least three financial partners in the project.
  • The maximum financial assistance granted is $10,000 per project or 50% of the fund contribution from the applicants, whichever is lower.

418 439-3947

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