
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateNovember 19, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateDecember 19, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Government of Canada


The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program provides wage subsidies to employers to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years. Eligible employers include not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees. The program aims to help young Canadians develop skills and gain paid work experience to facilitate their transition into the labour market.


The Canada Summer Jobs grant provides structured financing modalities to support wage subsidies for the creation of quality work experiences for youth. These modalities vary depending on the sector and ensure that funding is used effectively to achieve program objectives.
  • For not-for-profit employers, up to 100% of the provincial or territorial adult minimum hourly wage can be funded, along with all associated Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs).
  • Public and private sector employers are eligible for funding of up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage, but are not eligible for reimbursement of MERCs.
  • The grant encourages employers to pay above the minimum wage, although reimbursement only covers the applicable minimum wage.
  • The maximum advance payment allowed is 75% of the total agreement value for projects under $100,000, and 50% for projects of $100,001 or more.
  • Employment must be full-time, defined as between 30 to 40 hours per week, over a period of 6 to 16 consecutive weeks.
  • Payment claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the final CSJ-funded work placement is completed.


  • Hire youth with disabilities as outreach coordinators to organize and deliver community events.
  • Engage youth with disabilities at assisted-living facilities in areas such as arts, crafts, nutrition, and music.
  • Recruit underrepresented youth, including Black and racialized youth, as camp counselors to lead activities and support campers.
  • Employ youth in rural areas to organize and execute summer camps under the supervision of a Recreation Coordinator.
  • Provide opportunities for youth as baker's assistants, gaining professional trade experience in a bakery setting.
  • Involve youth in supporting research and development activities at environmental conservation organizations.

$ 32,000

Run a summer tech camp teaching coding to youth

$ 25,000

Develop a youth summer theatre program for skill growth

$ 28,000

Establish a summer garden program promoting urban agriculture


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the employer type, job activities, and compliance with various regulations and agreements.
  • The employer must be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and have a CRA payroll deductions program account (RP).
  • Eligible employers include not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers, and private sector employers with 50 or fewer full-time employees across Canada.
  • Not-for-profit employers must be established for purposes other than financial gain for their members, such as community, charitable, or voluntary organizations, and Indigenous not-for-profit organizations.
  • Public sector employers include municipal governments, public health and educational institutions, and public degree-granting universities and colleges.
  • Private sector employers are established to generate profit and include businesses, incorporated or unincorporated bodies, financial institutions, and private health and educational institutions.
  • Projects must provide full-time work experience in Canada between specified dates for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 16 weeks.
  • Ineligible employers are Members of the House of Commons and the Senate, federal and provincial government departments and agencies, and organizations engaging in partisan political activities or activities infringing on human rights.
  • Project activities must be performed within Canada and cannot include partisan political activities, fundraising for salaries, or any activities discriminatory under Canadian law.
  • The organization must have no outstanding issues from previous agreements with the Department, including financial irregularities or past project defaults.
  • The work environment must be inclusive, non-discriminatory, and safe, with adequate health and safety practices in place.


  • Not-for-profit community, charitable, or voluntary organizations.
  • Indigenous not-for-profit organizations.
  • Unions and sector councils.
  • Public community colleges, vocational schools, and public degree-granting universities.
  • Municipal governments and agencies, including regional legislative bodies and departments.
  • School boards and elementary and secondary institutions.
  • Health and public educational institutions and libraries.
  • Private sector entities with 50 or fewer full-time employees.
  • Private health and educational institutions.


  • Members of the House of Commons and the Senate or members of their immediate family.
  • Federal Government Departments and Agencies.
  • Provincial Departments and Agencies.
  • Organizations that engage in partisan political activities.
  • Organizations that engage in activities that directly or indirectly infringe, undermine, weaken, or restrict the exercise of human rights legally protected in Canada.


  • Wage contribution for not-for-profit employers up to 100% of the provincial or territorial adult minimum hourly wage.
  • Wage contribution for public and private sector employers up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage.
  • Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs) for not-for-profit employers including Employment Insurance premiums, Canada or Quebec Pension Plan contributions, Vacation pay, and Workers’ Compensation premiums or equivalent liability insurance.
  • Additional funding for overhead costs for accommodating youth with disabilities, such as personal tools, adaptations, and professional support services like visual language interpreters.


  • All provinces and territories within Canada


  • Provide quality work experiences for youth, assessed on the following factors:
  • The job(s) provides a salary above the provincial or territorial minimum wage. (10 points)
  • Intention to retain the youth as an employee following the end of the CSJ agreement. (5 points)
  • The youth will receive supervision, including a detailed supervision plan. (15 points)
  • Provide youth with the opportunity to develop and improve their skills, assessed on the following factors:
  • The youth will receive mentoring, with a comprehensive mentoring plan. (15 points)
  • Skills development opportunities are identified. (30 points)
  • Respond to national and local priorities to improve access to the labour market for youth facing unique barriers:
  • Support for National Priorities. (15 points)
  • Support for Local Priorities. (10 points)


  • Step 1: Review Eligibility and Program Guidelines
  • Read the Canada Summer Jobs Applicant Guide and Articles of Agreement thoroughly.
  • Understand the program's objectives and assess whether your organization and project meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Information
  • Prepare your organization’s details such as legal and common names, CRA business number, and contact information.
  • Compile information about the job positions, including job titles, responsibilities, and the skills youth will develop.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the application form via Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) or the online fillable application on the program website.
  • Provide detailed responses for the Supervision and Mentoring plans, skills development opportunities, and wage information.
  • Check the attestation box to confirm understanding and agreement with program criteria.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application by January 10, 2024, through GCOS or the online fillable form.
  • Ensure receipt of a confirmation number upon submission of the application.
  • Step 5: Await Response
  • Monitor your email for updates from Service Canada about the status of your application, which will start in April 2024.


It's important to check local and national priorities to maximize your chances of success with your Canada Summer Jobs application. In addition, make sure you respect the documentary requirements and deadlines indicated for submitting your file.
  • Check local priorities by province, territory and riding where the job activities will take place.
  • Take into account national priorities that help the program achieve its objectives.
  • Respect the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement by providing all the information and documents required by Service Canada.
  • Complete employer and employee declarations within 7 days of the beginning of funded employment.
  • Consult lists of employers and organizations that have received funding for inspiration on approved projects.

Apply to this program

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