Alberta Innovates — Clean Resources
AB, Canada
Fosters economic growth, environmental sustainability, and innovation
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Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
- Utilities
- Manufacturing
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Alberta Innovates
The Clean Resources Program administered by Alberta Innovates aims to support the development and deployment of clean technology innovations that drive economic growth, enhance environmental performance, and improve social well-being. The program is open to various applicants, including technology developers and research organizations, and focuses on projects related to advanced hydrocarbons, renewable energy, energy storage, and environmental innovation. Eligible activities include technology development advancing between Technology Readiness Levels 3 to 7 and knowledge generation that contributes to improved practices, processes, or policy innovation.
Alberta Innovates accepts applications from a wide range of lead applicants, regardless of their geographical location. However, projects must demonstrate a clear value proposition specifically for the province of Alberta.
- Projects can be led by entities from anywhere globally.
- The core requirement is for projects to address challenges and opportunities that are important to Alberta.
- Priority is given to projects that will be executed, piloted, or implemented within Alberta.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the applicant's identity and project scope.
- The Process is open to all categories of lead applicants, including technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, and individuals.
- Applicants are not required to be based in Alberta but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the province.
- Applicants are encouraged to engage and include Alberta's post-secondary and research institutions in the project consortium where appropriate.
- It is desirable for projects to attract and train highly qualified personnel who can increase Alberta’s innovation capacity.
- When the applicant is not based in the province, it is especially encouraged to have Alberta-based partners.
The Clean Resources continuous intake process is open to a wide range of applicant types aiming to contribute towards Alberta's innovation and strategic priorities.
- Technology developers and innovators.
- Industry and industrial associations.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
- Research and development (R&D) organizations.
- Post-secondary institutions.
- Municipalities.
- Not-for-profit organizations.
- Government research labs.
- Individuals with projects benefitting Alberta.
This grant does not specify any types of companies or industries that are explicitly ineligible. The eligibility is broad, with no specific exclusions or restrictions mentioned regarding the status or main activity of the company.
This program supports technological innovations and strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing Alberta's resource industries, reducing environmental impact, and fostering economic diversification. Eligible projects focus on innovation, commercialization, and knowledge generation that align with Alberta's priorities and 2030 Innovation Targets.
- Advanced hydrocarbons initiatives such as recovery technologies and methane emission reductions.
- Development of innovative hydrocarbon products like partial upgrading and natural gas value addition.
- Clean technology projects including renewable energy, energy storage, and hydrogen generation.
- Environmental innovations targeting water management, biodiversity, and climate change adaptation.
- Projects that enhance oil sands efficiency by reducing fresh water use and GHG emissions.
- Commercialization of technologies that increase Alberta's market access and product value.
- Research initiatives promoting sustainable agricultural productivity and market trust.
- Development and deployment of technologies for waste reduction and bioindustrial investments.
- Projects involving sustainable water management and restoration of Alberta's landscapes.
- Efforts to grow Alberta's green economy through clean technology innovations.
- Advanced manufacturing and materials projects enhancing Alberta's ICT industry and economy.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the project.
- Salary and benefits for individuals specifically working on the project.
- Reasonable material costs.
- Capital improvements, capital equipment, and software costs—pro-rated to the project time frame based on the asset’s expected economic life.
- Travel, including mileage, low economy airfare, meals, and accommodation for the purposes of executing the project.
- Services or products of another entity.
- Other costs which Alberta Innovates pre-approves in writing as an eligible expense.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
- Alignment with program focus areas and 2030 Innovation Targets.
- Potential for economic, environmental, and social impacts in Alberta.
- Project readiness and clarity of objectives, milestones, deliverables, and timelines.
- Potential to advance technology readiness level or generate valuable knowledge.
- Feasibility of project execution and risk management strategies.
- Applicant’s track record and capability to deliver proposed outcomes.
- Strength of partnerships and market potential for technology commercialization.
- Value proposition and contribution to addressing Alberta’s challenges.
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations in project planning and execution.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Initial Contact and Preliminary Assessment
- Contact a Clean Resources Project Advisor to assess if your project aligns with Government of Alberta’s priorities, Alberta Innovates’ strategic business priorities, and 2030 Innovation Targets.
- Use the appropriate program link in the Clean Resources Program Guide to find the contact information for the Project Advisor.
- Step 2: Registration
- Register on the Alberta Innovates Application Portal.
- Step 3: Submit Intake Form
- Access the Clean Resources Continuous Intake Form through the Portal.
- Complete and submit the Intake Form within the Funding Opportunities tab on the Portal dashboard.
- Step 4: Intake Form Review
- The Project Advisor reviews the Intake Form in consultation with the Clean Resources Management Team.
- If suitable, the project will be invited to submit a Detailed Proposal.
- Step 5: Detailed Proposal (By Invitation Only)
- Receive an invitation to submit a Detailed Proposal if the Intake Form is positively reviewed.
- Prepare the Detailed Proposal with comprehensive project information, objectives, and funding needs.
- Step 6: Proposal Submission
- For Low Dollar Projects (under $250K), decisions may take around 3 months.
- For High Dollar Projects ($250K and above), decisions may take 4 - 6 months.
- Step 7: Project Management Agreement
- Upon approval, execute an agreement with Alberta Innovates to proceed with the project.
- Details of project management, reporting, milestones, and outcomes will be included in the agreement.
- Step 8: Milestone Reporting and Funding
- Report progress to Alberta Innovates on an agreed timeline.
- Funding is tied to milestone completion and satisfactory progress reporting.
The Clean Resources continuous intake process by Alberta Innovates is focused on innovation-commercialization and knowledge generation projects. It prioritizes projects aligned with Alberta's strategic priorities and 2030 Innovation Targets, emphasizing the significance of projects within Alberta.
- Projects must demonstrate a clear value proposition for Alberta, although applicants do not need to be based in the province.
- Applicant categories include technology developers, industry, post-secondary institutions, and more.
- Successful projects typically receive funding covering 25-50% of total project costs, up to $2 million per project.
- Eligible expenses include salaries, materials, capital improvements, and project-related travel.
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion principles are integrated into the application process to support diverse demographics.
- Projects should ideally demonstrate advancement along Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3-7 for technology projects.
- The program encourages collaborations, partnerships, and leveraging support from other funding agencies.