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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Alberta Innovates


The Clean Resources Program administered by Alberta Innovates aims to support the development and deployment of clean technology innovations that drive economic growth, enhance environmental performance, and improve social well-being. The program is open to various applicants, including technology developers and research organizations, and focuses on projects related to advanced hydrocarbons, renewable energy, energy storage, and environmental innovation. Eligible activities include technology development advancing between Technology Readiness Levels 3 to 7 and knowledge generation that contributes to improved practices, processes, or policy innovation.


The Clean Resources continuous intake process supports technology or knowledge development projects that are aligned with the Government of Alberta’s 2030 Innovation Targets, focusing on areas such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, clean technology, and sustainable water management.
  • Development of emerging technologies
  • Energy and GHG mitigation projects
  • Environmental and climate adaptation initiatives
  • Advancements in agriculture, food, and fiber production
  • Cleaner hydrocarbon production
  • Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects
  • Projects focusing on renewable and alternative energy
  • Water innovation and management solutions
  • Land and biodiversity conservation projects
  • Projects improving oil sands efficiency
  • Technology validation and commercialization initiatives


The grant is open to technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other eligible entities that demonstrate a clear value proposition for Alberta. Projects must align with Government of Alberta’s priorities and Alberta Innovates’ strategic priorities, and involve participation from Alberta-based partners if the applicant is not based in the province.
  • Open to technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Open to research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, and individuals.
  • Applicants do not need to be based in Alberta but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the province.
  • Projects must align with Government of Alberta’s priorities, including the 2030 Innovation Targets, and Alberta Innovates’ strategic and business priorities.
  • Collaboration between multiple organizations is encouraged, particularly involving Alberta’s post-secondary and research institutions.
  • Technology projects should demonstrate advancement along Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and are typically within TRL 3 – 7.
  • Projects must demonstrate a clear and justified value proposition in Alberta, particularly if researched, piloted, or implemented in Alberta.


The Clean Resources Program is open to a broad range of lead applicants, including various types of companies and organizations. These applicants must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the province of Alberta.
  • Technology developers
  • Industry players
  • Industrial associations
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Research and development (R&D) organizations
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Municipalities
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Government research labs
  • Individuals


Eligible expenses for this grant include labor, materials, capital assets and software, travel, sub-contractors, and other pre-approved costs. These expenses are specifically attributable to the execution of the project and must be justified as necessary for its performance.
  • Labour: Salary and benefits for individuals working on the project.
  • Materials: Reasonable material costs.
  • Capital Assets & Software: Capital improvements, capital equipment, and software costs pro-rated to the project timeframe.
  • Travel: Expenses for travel, including mileage, airfare, meals, and accommodation for project purposes.
  • Sub-contractors: Services or products provided by another entity.
  • Other: Costs pre-approved in writing by Alberta Innovates as eligible expenses.


All projects supported through this Process must demonstrate a clear and justified value proposition in Alberta. Technology solutions can originate globally but must address challenges and opportunities of importance to Alberta.
  • Projects researched, piloted, demonstrated, and/or implemented in Alberta
  • Projects with long-term Alberta-based infrastructure/resources


The evaluation and selection criteria for this grant involve assessing the merit and potential impacts of the project, ensuring alignment with program focus areas, strategic priorities, and contribution towards 2030 Innovation Targets. The process employs internal staff with subject-matter and business expertise and external expert reviewers to evaluate applications.
  • Alignment with program focus areas and 2030 Innovation Targets.
  • Potential for significant economic, environmental, and social impacts.
  • Quality and feasibility of the project plan and milestones.
  • Strength of the project team and collaboration with partners.
  • Technological readiness and innovation potential.
  • Clear demonstration of a market or end-user need.
  • Contribution to Alberta's strategic and business priorities.
  • Engagement with Alberta’s post-secondary and research institutions.


The Clean Resources continuous intake process by Alberta Innovates is focused on innovation-commercialization and knowledge generation projects. It prioritizes projects aligned with Alberta's strategic priorities and 2030 Innovation Targets, emphasizing the significance of projects within Alberta.
  • Projects must demonstrate a clear value proposition for Alberta, although applicants do not need to be based in the province.
  • Applicant categories include technology developers, industry, post-secondary institutions, and more.
  • Successful projects typically receive funding covering 25-50% of total project costs, up to $2 million per project.
  • Eligible expenses include salaries, materials, capital improvements, and project-related travel.
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion principles are integrated into the application process to support diverse demographics.
  • Projects should ideally demonstrate advancement along Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3-7 for technology projects.
  • The program encourages collaborations, partnerships, and leveraging support from other funding agencies.
Apply to this program