
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Utilities
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)


The Strategic Energy Management for Industry (SEMI) program, funded by the Government of Alberta and Natural Resources Canada, aims to enhance energy performance in industrial and manufacturing facilities in Alberta through various energy management activities. Eligible activities include conducting energy assessments, implementing Energy Management Information Systems, participating in Strategic Energy Management training, and investing in energy-efficient capital retrofits. The program provides financial incentives to cover up to 50% of eligible project costs for for-profit organizations and up to 100% for not-for-profits and Indigenous organizations.


The Strategic Energy Management for Industry (SEMI) program offers multiple eligible activities to help industrial and manufacturing facilities in Alberta improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These activities include energy assessments, implementing management systems, strategic training, and capital retrofits.
  • Conduct an Energy Assessment and Audit
  • Implement an Energy Management Information System
  • Participate in Strategic Energy Management training
  • Invest in energy-efficient Capital Retrofit projects


Eligible participants must operate a business with at least one eligible facility and must not be insolvent. Eligible facilities must be located in Alberta, have been operating for at least one year, and belong to specific industrial sectors.
  • Operates a business by owning or leasing at least one eligible facility
  • Is not insolvent
  • Facility is located in Alberta
  • Facility has been in operation for at least one year
  • Owns or has landlord permission for a leased facility
  • Belongs to specific NAICS economic sectors: Agriculture, Mining, Utilities, Construction, Manufacturing, Transportation, or Services and Waste Management


The SEMI program is designed to support industrial, commercial, or manufacturing facilities owned or leased by participants located in Alberta. The eligible facilities include those involved in energy-intensive processes transforming materials or substances into new products across specific North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes.
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (NAICS 11)
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (NAICS 21)
  • Utilities (NAICS 22)
  • Construction (NAICS 23)
  • Manufacturing (NAICS 31-32-33)
  • Transportation (NAICS 48)
  • Administrative and support, waste management, and remediation services (NAICS 56)


The SEMI program offers financial incentives covering eligible project costs, specifically for conducting energy assessments, strategic energy management training, implementing energy management information systems, and investing in capital retrofit projects. The eligible expenses are structured around activities that help facilities optimize energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Energy Assessments and Audits
  • Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Training
  • Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS)
  • Capital Retrofits


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Alberta, Canada. Facilities must be located in Alberta to qualify for participation in the program.
  • Located in Alberta


  • Step 1: Register on SEMI Portal
  • Input basic information including name, address, contact information, and additional information to confirm the eligibility of your facility.
  • Consent to the Portal Terms and Conditions, ERA’s Privacy Policy, and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
  • Receive an acknowledgment email confirming successful registration.
  • Step 2: Define Scope of Work (SOW), Confirm Budget, Sign Terms & Conditions
  • ERA’s Service Provider will schedule a virtual meeting to discuss the scope, deliverables, and budget for the FRA including your in-kind contribution.
  • Provide necessary facility data and information to finalize the scope of the FRA.
  • Receive a checklist from ERA’s Service Provider outlining steps required for a successful FRA.
  • Receive and sign the FRA Terms and Conditions to enroll your facility in SEMI.
  • Step 3: FRA Conducted by ERA’s Service Provider
  • Schedule a kick-off meeting to introduce the delivery team and discuss FRA objectives, logistics, and review FRA work plan including site visits and milestones.
  • Complete the FRA deliverables, review, and validate your in-kind contributions.
  • Step 4: Enable SEMI Activities
  • The completed FRA will provide access and a roadmap of additional SEMI activities.
  • No obligation to participate in the recommended additional activities.


The SEMI program provides funding and support to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for eligible industrial and manufacturing facilities in Alberta.
  • The program offers co-funding of up to 50% for eligible project costs for for-profit organizations and up to 100% for not-for-profit and Indigenous organizations.
  • It supports a range of activities such as Strategic Energy Management training and implementing energy management systems with financial incentives provided for each activity.
  • The Facility Readiness Assessment (FRA) is mandatory as the first step and provides a roadmap for participants to implement further energy-saving activities.
  • Facilities involved must be located in Alberta and belong to specific NAICS codes such as manufacturing, transportation, or utilities.

Apply to this program