
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJuly 9, 2024
Grant and Funding
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Government of New Brunswick
  • Transportation and Infrastructure


If you offer transportation to people with disabilities, you can get up to $8,000 to cover 80% of the costs of vehicle retrofitting requirements.


This grant is aimed at entities and individuals located specifically within the Province of New Brunswick. Only organizations, municipalities, and companies operating in New Brunswick qualify for this financial assistance program.
  • Entities based within the Province of New Brunswick.
  • Individuals residing in New Brunswick.

$ 4,800

Adding special needs seating to our shuttle service

$ 3,360

Retrofitting a taxi with hand controls for drivers with disabilities

$ 6,800

Installing a wheelchair lift in a community bus to increase accessibility

$ 6,400

Upgrading a community van with a ramp and hand controls

$ 5,600

Installing wheelchair tie-downs in school buses

$ 4,800

Adding an accessible roof and floor modifications to a transportation van


Eligibility for private companies applying for this grant involves the following specific requirements:
  • The company must be based in New Brunswick.
  • The company must provide transportation services to persons with a disability within New Brunswick.
  • The applicant must demonstrate a serious commitment to maintaining the accessible transportation service in operation long-term.
  • The company must be, or will be, licensed to operate a transportation service for disabled persons in their locality.


Eligible applicants for the Ability NB’s Vehicle Retrofit Program include individual residents of New Brunswick, registered non-profit organizations, municipalities within New Brunswick, and private companies that provide transportation services to persons with disabilities within the province. The vehicle must be primarily for personal use and have a valid Safety Inspection Sticker.


This grant assists individuals and organizations in enhancing vehicle accessibility for persons with disabilities. It focuses on funding modifications that improve vehicle access and usability.
  • Installation of wheelchair or scooter lifts and ramps.
  • Alterations to the roof, floor, and doors when part of an accessibility retrofit.
  • Implementation of special needs seating arrangements.
  • Installation of hand control systems for driving.
  • Integration of wheelchair tie-downs and occupant restraint systems.


Eligible expenses for the Ability NB’s Vehicle Retrofit Program include costs associated with certain accessibility features for vehicles.
  • Wheelchair/scooter lifts and ramps.
  • Roof, floor, and door alterations as part of an accessibility retrofit.
  • Special needs seating.
  • Hand controls.
  • Wheelchair tie downs and occupant restraint systems.


While the provided information includes extensive details about the eligibility requirements and terms and conditions of the grant, it does not specifically outline any evaluation and selection criteria for the Ability NB’s Vehicle Retrofit Program.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Verify Eligibility
    • Ensure you or your organization meet the eligibility criteria as an individual resident, registered non-profit organization, municipality, or private company based in New Brunswick.
    • Confirm that the vehicle is for primary personal use and has a valid Safety Inspection Sticker.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documents
    • Prepare documentation proving your eligibility, such as proof of residency or organizational registration.
    • Compile details of the vehicle to be retrofitted and outline the accessibility features required.
    • Gather any existing quotes or invoices for the planned retrofitting work.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
    • Obtain the grant application form from Ability NB or the administering organization.
    • Fill out the form with accurate details about the applicant, the vehicle, and the requested retrofitting work.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
    • Send the completed application form along with supporting documents to Ability NB for review.
    • Submit by mail or any specified method as indicated by Ability NB.
  • Step 5: Await Approval
    • Ability NB will review the application to ensure all criteria and documentation are met.
    • You will be notified of the application outcome and, if approved, will receive a grant approval letter with further instructions.
  • Step 6: Complete Retrofitting Work
    • Once approved, arrange for the installation of the approved accessibility features within 6 months of the approval date.
    • Ensure all work complies with CSA and SAE standards as applicable.
  • Step 7: Submit Proof of Completion
    • After completion, submit invoices and proof of work to Ability NB to receive the grant amount.
    • Ensure documentation is accurate and complete to facilitate prompt payment.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant must be used within 6 months from the date on the letter of approval, with the possibility to request an additional 6-month extension.
  • Sales tax on some accessibility features may be rebated by the Department of Finance, Province of New Brunswick, but general taxes are the responsibility of the applicant.
  • Accessibility equipment must be installed according to manufacturer's instructions and meet CSA or SAE Standards.
  • Ability NB does not accept responsibility for work done by the supplier.
  • For organizations, the grant is renewable every 5 years, and for individuals, every 8 years.


Vehicle Retrofit Program — Persons with disabilities

Apply to this program

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