MRC Caniapiscau — Signature innovation
Fermont, QC
Caniapiscau enhances community quality through innovative projects
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateOctober 19, 2022
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 31, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- MRC de Caniapiscau
The "Signature Innovation" project under Stream 3 of the Fonds régions et ruralité provides up to $1,123,344.00 in funding to enhance quality of life in the Caniapiscau region through innovative projects. Eligible activities must align with the program's management framework and focus on non-recurrent initiatives that directly support the community’s unique characteristics and development goals.
The MRC Caniapiscau — Signature innovation grant offers specific financial assistance terms to eligible organizations, aiding in the successful implementation of innovative projects within the region. Key modalities ensure structured funding aligned with project objectives and community needs.
- The total project funding amounts to CAD 1,123,344.00, sourced from the MAMH contributing 80% (CAD 936,120.00) and the MRC de Caniapiscau's operational budget providing 20% (CAD 187,224.00).
- Financial commitments under this grant can be made until May 31, 2026, with expenditures permitted until May 31, 2027.
- Financial aid to eligible organizations requires a detailed agreement covering grant conditions, disbursement schedules, and reporting criteria, generally needing approval by the MRC before September 30, 2025.
- For-profit entities and organizations with private members are capped at 50% funding of eligible expenses, while other eligible entities may receive up to 80% of their project expenses.
- The total accrued government assistance, including municipal and provincial contributions, should not exceed the outlined percentage thresholds, integrating all relevant governmental aid in the calculation.
- Project-specific expenditures covered by the grant include direct project costs like salaries, professional fees, equipment, and more, excluding indirect or prior expenses, debt repayments, and liabilities already funded by the Quebec government.
- For construction projects requiring external contractors, the applicable laws and procedures from the public contracts act must be followed, unless otherwise advised due to special circumstances such as emergency needs or proprietary constraints.
The Signature Innovation Grant supports innovative and community-focused projects aiming to enhance the quality of life and promote inclusivity in the MRC de Caniapiscau. These initiatives leverage the region's unique characteristics and foster collaboration among local stakeholders.
- Revitalization of the Fermont city center to create attractive public spaces and commercial opportunities.
- Evaluation and development of local post-secondary education programs tailored to regional needs.
- Creation of a community engagement initiative to promote and support volunteerism.
- Establishment of shared community workspaces for entrepreneurs and organizations.
- Operational setup of a development corporation for collaborative regional growth.
- Support for establishing a social meeting space or cafe in Fermont.
- Extension of the Taiga trail to enhance outdoor recreational activities.
- Designing safe pedestrian and cycling paths in Fermont for active transport.
- Recreation area development at the beach for enhanced leisure and community use.
- Renovation and modernization of school courtyards for better recreation facilities.
- Development of sports facilities in Ruisseau Park for healthy lifestyle promotion.
- Expansion of leisure activity offerings in Schefferville and Matimekush-Lac-John.
- Programs to enhance cultural appreciation and indigenous heritage celebration.
- Technological enhancements in connectivity to improve community access to information.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the types of organizations that can apply.
- Organismes à but non lucratif (Non-profit organizations)
- Coopératives, à l'exception des coopératives du secteur financier (Cooperatives, except financial cooperatives)
- Organismes municipaux (Municipal organizations)
- Communautés autochtones (Indigenous communities)
- Entreprises privées et d'économie sociale, à l'exception des entreprises privées du secteur financier (Private and social economy enterprises, excluding private financial sector enterprises)
- Personnes morales souhaitant démarrer une entreprise (Legal entities wishing to start a business)
- Organismes des réseaux du milieu de l'éducation (Organizations within the education sector)
This grant is available for eligible organizations within the territory of the MRC of Caniapiscau, which includes the cities of Fermont and Schefferville, as well as the two Indigenous communities of Matimekush-Lac John and Kawawachikamach. The eligible entities for funding include:
- Non-profit organizations.
- Cooperatives, except those in the financial sector.
- Municipal organizations.
- Indigenous communities.
- Private and social economy enterprises, except those in the financial sector.
- Organizations in the education network.
- Legal entities wishing to start a business.
- Entities not listed ineligible on the public contract register.
The grant application is not open to organizations involved in litigation with the Quebec government or those failing to comply with certain laws or agreements related to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
This grant excludes certain companies and organizations based on their financial activities, legal standing, or involvement in litigation with the government of Quebec. Restrictions are in place to ensure alignment with the grant's objectives.
- Cooperatives within the financial sector.
- Private companies within the financial sector.
- Organizations listed in the Register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
- Organizations involved in litigation with the government of Quebec.
- Organizations failing to fulfill obligations under Quebec laws or agreements with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
The grant covers direct expenses associated with the implementation and management of the project.
- Direct expenses of the MRC not related to its regular activities, including salaries and service contracts exclusively necessary for the collaboration, planning, and execution of the agreement.
- Financing of projects conducted by eligible organizations in compliance with the management framework, excluding non-eligible expenses.
- Administrative or management fees associated with the project, capped at 10% of the total budget or total expenses.
- Salaries, professional fees, equipment and materials, communication tools, real estate, vehicles directly linked to the project.
This grant is available for initiatives within the vast territory of the MRC de Caniapiscau, with a focus on benefitting local communities. Eligible areas include specific towns and indigenous communities within this region.
- City of Fermont
- City of Schefferville
- Community of Matimekush-Lac John
- Community of Kawawachikamach
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
- Characteristics of the project: objectives pursued, nature, and pertinence - 20 points
- Anticipated project impacts: quality of life, proximity services, socio-economic activities, sense of belonging and pride, partnership with local and regional actors - 20 points
- Realism of anticipated costs: coherence with project objectives and approach, realistic and reasonable costs, presence of bids and detailed prices - 20 points
- Financial contributions from partners: diverse funding sources, use of existing government programs, confirmation of financing sources - 10 points
- Implementation plan: realistic timeline, detailed steps of the approach, clear links between steps, approach, available resources, and targets - 10 points
- Project governance: roles and responsibilities of partners, relationships between partners, clear leadership, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms - 10 points
- Support and collaboration: collaboration in development and implementation, presence of partnerships in activities and services, presence of letters of commitment and/or support - 10 points
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Review Eligibility Criteria
- Ensure your organization meets all eligibility criteria specified in the grant guidelines.
- Step 2: Understand Eligible Projects
- Make sure your project aligns with the types of projects defined as eligible under this funding stream.
- Step 3: Prepare Necessary Documents
- Draft a detailed project proposal with clear objectives, expected outcomes, and alignment with the strategic axes of the MRC de Caniapiscau.
- Gather all required documentation, such as financial statements, proof of partnership commitments, and a detailed budget.
- Step 4: Fill Out Application Form
- Access and fill out the Application Form available on the MRC de Caniapiscau’s website (http://www.caniapiscau.net/documents).
- Step 5: Submit Application
- Submit the completed application form along with all required documents either by mail or email.
- Mail submissions should be sent to "MRC de Caniapiscau, 100 rue Le Carrefour, C.P. 2025, Fermont (Québec) G0G 1J0" with "projet Signature innovation" indicated.
- Email submissions should be sent to "signature.innovation@caniapiscau.ca" with "projet Signature innovation" in the subject line.
- Step 6: Follow-up
- Contact an agent of development at the MRC for any clarifications during your application process.
- Allow four to six weeks for the project assessment and selection process.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The MRC can engage funds until May 31, 2026, and expenditure is allowed until May 31, 2027.
- A written protocol of agreement must be established with eligible organizations regarding the conditions for grant allocation and fund disbursement.
- Projects may span multiple years, and multi-year agreements must consider the realization plan, but all protocols must terminate by September 30, 2025.
- Grant recipients must provide annual and end-of-project reports detailing fund usage, organizational contribution, activities performed, and results achieved.
- Decisions by the oversight committee should be unanimous with clear guidelines on member replacement in cases of conflict of interest.
- Communications about the fund need approval from both the oversight committee and the MAMH's Communications Directorate.
- An agent responsible for the fund at the MRC will handle administrative recording and updates on funded projects.
- The contribution value of volunteer services can be counted at a rate of $20 per hour towards the promoter's contribution.
(418) 287-5339